Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

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Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by sa_ali » Sun May 28, 2017 3:57 am

Some of know this brave lady, she is regular at delhi range.

I hope her act of courage does not bring legal trouble for her.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city ... 875979.cms
Delhi: Woman shoots abductors, rescues hostage
Pankhuri Yadav | TNN | May 28, 2017, 01.35 AM IST

NEW DELHI: When the white Indica drew near their white Swift Dzire, the two men holding a scared Delhi University student hostage inside got out to get their hands on the ransom they had demanded. For half an hour that Thursday night, Mohammad Rafee and Akash, fearing a police trap, had got the Indica to follow them from the original ransom drop spot at Shastri Nagar to a lonely park in Bhajanpura. When the door of the Indica opened, out stepped a child, or so it seemed. As the two parties eyed each other warily, the young hostage loosened himself from his abductors' grip, and before they could react, gun shots rang out.

On the other side, Ayisha Falaq, 33, trembled, her .32 bore pistol still hot in her hand. The national-level shooter-cum-coach had shot one of the men on his waist, the other in his foot. She had instinctively pulled out the licensed gun she habitually carried in her purse and shot at the men who had held her 21-year-old brother-in-law Asif hostage for five hours. "When we got the ransom call, Ayisha was afraid, but insisted that it would be she who would hand over the money to Asif's abductors," Falaq Sher Alam, Ayisha's husband, told TOI on Saturday.

Recalling the frantic moment, Ayisha said, "Asif was shocked to see me shooting at the men. He immediately ran towards me and held me tight. He was shivering with fear, and so was I." Police, who had been following Ayisha and her husband, swooped in and collared the injured Rafee and Akash before they could hobble their way to the Dzire.

The cops have seized the pistol from Ayisha. "Investigation is in progress to establish whether Ayisha fired the shots in self-defence to save Asif's life. If it is so, she will be protected under the law," said Ravindra Yadav, joint commissioner (Eastern Range).

Asif had been taken hostage by the two men earlier that night. A student of Delhi University by day, Asif earned some pocket money by driving a cab after classes. On Thursday night, he got a booking in Daryaganj and left his home at Minto Road to pick up Rafee and Akash. Halfway, they asked him to take a different route and he protested, but they brusquely told him to shut up.

"I immediately stopped the car and refused to go ahead from that point," said the 21-year-old. One of the men shoved him to the front passenger seat and threatened to kill him. "The men laughed in an evil manner and asked me to enjoy the last moments of my life," said Asif, still shivering at the memory.

At Bhopra border, the men stopped the car and took Asif's wallet, only to find it held just Rs 150. Angered that their efforts had yielded so little, Rafee and Akash beat the youngster and forced him to make a ransom call to his family.

"Around 1 am we received a call from Asif's phone," remembered Ayisha. "Someone asked us to reach Shastri Park in an hour with Rs 25,000 if we wanted to see Asif alive." Family members first thought Asif was playing a prank on them. But the seriousness of the situation quickly sank in and they immediately called the police control room.

"The cops asked us to go to Shastri Park with the money. They said they would deploy plainclothes men at the designated spot," said Alam. When Ayisha and her husband reached there, the kidnappers suspected the presence of cops and drove away. Alam tailed the car, and was, in turn, discreetly followed by the cops.

Police were on the spot almost as soon as Ayisha had shot the goons. "Officer Anant Mittal, an IPS trainee, and his team arrived when the shooting was taking place," said Joint CP Yadav. "The two men tried to escape despite being injured, but they were nabbed." Senior police officers applauded the bravery of the woman shooter in rescuing her relative.

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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by nitroex700 » Sun May 28, 2017 10:49 am

I read this one too. That's precisely why they don't want civvies having guns...

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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by SMJ » Sun May 28, 2017 12:13 pm

Read it this morning. Considering all the negative news we have been reading about national shooters this was so refreshing! It took a lot of guts to do what she did!! It would be an absolute shame if she is not honoured for her bravery...

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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by goodboy_mentor » Sun May 28, 2017 12:36 pm

It is a good and positive news unfortunately such news is rarely given place in headlines in TV channels and such brave persons publicly honored by government. There is a compelling need for positive portrayal of such matters. This is exactly why had raised another thread here viewtopic.php?f=3&t=25163
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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by pistolero » Sun May 28, 2017 1:52 pm

Hats of to her Bravery & Resolve. This case needs to be highlighted.

We must continue with the fight for RKBA.

Was sickening to read the other article posted by Goodboy_Mentor, brought back to memory another similar case in Bhopal.

Unarmed civilians are a easy target. Time and again it has been proven, that the criminal element has easy access to weapons. Repeatedly civilians are denied their rights.

When will this end?!!
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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by goodboy_mentor » Sun May 28, 2017 2:28 pm

sa_ali wrote:I hope her act of courage does not bring legal trouble for her.
From reading the news item, it does not appear she did anything illegal because of the following reason -

1. Person was in state of kidnap and he escaped from the clutches of kidnapers. It is very likely they would have kidnapped him again if not prevented quickly. In other words apprehension of danger to the body was continuing.

2. Section 100 of Indian Penal Code allows causing death when there is an assault with the intention of kidnapping or abducting. In order to prevent re-kidnap again the lady fired and stopped the kidnap even without killing.

3. Section 101 of Indian Penal Code allows right to causing any harm other than death if the offense is not of any of the descriptions enumerated in Section 100 of Indian Penal Code. Section 102 of Indian Penal Code clearly says the right of private defense of the body commences as soon as a reasonable apprehension of danger to the body arises from an attempt or threat to commit the offense though the offense may not have been committed; and it continues as long as such apprehension of danger to the body continues.

It is very unfortunate that instead of praising her, the cops have seized her pistol.
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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by mundaire » Mon May 29, 2017 10:52 am

A brave lady indeed! This incident also destroys the usual anti-gun arguments, if more women (& men) were legally armed violent crime would certainly come down.
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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by Dean Weingarten » Mon May 29, 2017 9:04 pm

What model pistol did she use?

The pictures appear to be a Browning Double Action, probably in .32 ACP, but there are some minor discrepancies. Can anyone ID it for certain?

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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by goodboy_mentor » Mon May 29, 2017 10:49 pm

Dean Weingarten wrote:What model pistol did she use?

The pictures appear to be a Browning Double Action, probably in .32 ACP, but there are some minor discrepancies. Can anyone ID it for certain?
The pistol in the picture is different from the one used to fire at the kidnappers. In the YouTube video posted in the first post of this thread, she is telling, she fired from similar pistol made by ordnance (referring to Indian Ordnance Factory) in .32 bore. That pistol used to fire at kidnappers is in custody of police. Indian Ordnance Factory manufactures only one type of pistol in .32 ACP. This is the pistol http://ofbindia.gov.in/products/data/weapons/wsc/4.htm
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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by xl_target » Mon May 29, 2017 11:41 pm

It is very unfortunate that instead of praising her, the cops have seized her pistol.
I'm not too sure about all the laws in India but in the USA, in the case of a shooting, the police will seize the weapon used.
It part of the evidence in the case, This is done as a matter of routine.
If the shooter is not charged, the weapon will be given back but it might be while before the case is resolved.

That is one of the reasons that many of us have multiple carry guns. I know that is hard to do in India but I don't think there was any malice intended on the part of the police. Their procedures probably demand that the gun be taken into custody,
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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by goodboy_mentor » Tue May 30, 2017 12:06 am

xl_target wrote:I know that is hard to do in India but I don't think there was any malice intended on the part of the police. Their procedures probably demand that the gun be taken into custody,
While I do not know whether Police had malice in their minds or not but it is well known the Police is horribly corrupt in India. The gun ought to be taken in police custody only if an offense has been committed with it. Section 96 of Indian Penal Code is very clear, it says -
96. Things done in private defence. -- Nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of the right of private defence.
Thus Section 96 of Indian Penal Code makes it very clear, if you have used a gun for your right of private defense, you have committed no offense. When you have committed "no offense" where is the question of confiscating your gun by police? Either the police is too confused and "investigating" the matter or has prima facie found an offense has been committed with the gun.
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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by Dean Weingarten » Tue May 30, 2017 12:16 am

Thank you Goodboy Mentor.

The news reports that I have found call it a .32 bore revolver.

I thought it was a semi-auto from the pictures.

Do we know that it is one or the other?


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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by mundaire » Tue May 30, 2017 12:30 am

The lady in the video clearly states that she used an Indian ordnance .32 pistol, which she says is like the pistol in her hand. It is possible that the reporters got it wrong and stated that it was a revolver, unsurprising error as Indian reporters (like most of our firearms deprived nation) know very little about guns.
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Re: Ransom bid spoiled by armed women shooter

Post by dsingh » Tue May 30, 2017 6:11 pm

It OF iof pistol which was used not imported one to save her brother in law

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