Foreign companies need to be incentivised to set up defence manufacturing bases in India: Arun Jaitley

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Foreign companies need to be incentivised to set up defence manufacturing bases in India: Arun Jaitley

Post by mundaire » Wed May 10, 2017 3:48 pm

Does this mean a possibility of allowing them to sell to civilians? One can only wait and watch. ... 600924.cms
Foreign companies need to be incentivised to set up defence manufacturing bases in India: Arun Jaitley
By Kirtika Suneja

TOKYO: Finance and defence minister Arun Jaitley said foreign companies need to be incentivised to set up defence manufacturing bases in India, adding that policies have to be in sync with reality. Companies, he added, will establish manufacturing units only if there is a likelihood that they will get business.

The government has liberalised rules as far as investment is concerned and Indian companies, both in the public sector and the private sector, have already started entering into arrangements with international firms to establish manufacturing facilities in India, even "outside FDI limits".

"In the context of defence, government is the only buyer and, therefore, people will establish units only if there is a likelihood of them getting business and, therefore, our policies have to be tuned to this reality," he said in an interview. "Our policies have to be tuned so that we are able to incentivise people (so) that it is worthwhile to set up manufacturing bases in India... Some discussions are on," he added, without disclosing details.

His statement assumes significance as defence ministry is set to decide on strategic partners in the private sector for equipment soon.

Jaitley, who met the Japanese defence minister on Monday, said Tokyo is looking at business-to-business ties and is keen to make in India. "They would like to be considered both for the purposes of India buying and any possibility of India domestically manufacturing with their technologies," he said.
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Re: Foreign companies need to be incentivised to set up defence manufacturing bases in India: Arun Jaitley

Post by Vikram » Thu May 11, 2017 12:29 am

The wait could be a bit long, I suppose. :wink:
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Re: Foreign companies need to be incentivised to set up defence manufacturing bases in India: Arun Jaitley

Post by birbrar » Thu May 11, 2017 6:56 am

Recently Military Weapons Made in Isrile were in news few days back at AajTak

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Re: Foreign companies need to be incentivised to set up defence manufacturing bases in India: Arun Jaitley

Post by Woods » Thu May 11, 2017 11:21 am

Once upon a time , Sig Sauer agent Abhishek verma was in news for no good reason . ... 055735.cms

Added in 9 minutes 4 seconds:
Whenever there is a reference of "arms manufacture by private sector in india ", it solely refers to small Howitzers , Helicopters , land vehicles , armored cars and even in some cases the jets but never has been an allusion towards handguns or shotguns that may be for civilians .
Recently I visited chhattisgarh , and talked about Arms licences , got the reply that Govt is reluctant even in renewing the licences lest Naxalite loot them .
The only hope , it seems , is the annulment of DGFT notification that prohibits purchase of arms from abroad . :shock:
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Re: Foreign companies need to be incentivised to set up defence manufacturing bases in India: Arun Jaitley

Post by Biren » Thu May 11, 2017 12:28 pm

Gov is toughening law, where even owning a puny airgun requires licence, license fee has been increased, right of transfer based upon heirloom category has been snatched....This Gov like previous wants to control everything...Recently the Centre told the SC that citizens could not claim “absolute” right over their body parts". What then ? But who know some crafty Businessman might just sell the Idea of opening civilian market with "RIGHT PRICE".. :) After all IOF is selling ... unorganised sector is selling... with UIN... spent cartridge record.. its possible to not to over luk lucrative civilian market


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