New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
- mundaire
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Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
Aspiring and Junior shooter definition has been out for more than 1 year (vide a notification). The additional benefit being offered here is a decent amount of ammunition quota for such shooters. However, this will be of use only if they are allowed to import match grade ammunition.
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"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire." -- Robert Heinlein
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Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
Of course High Courts and Supreme Court have power of judicial review of the laws passed by Parliament. But it is a lengthy process along with many other factors at play. The best and shortest course would be to contact as many M.P.s as possible by every possible method and convince them to not allow these Rules to be approved at all. Also cultivate friends in the media who would regularly propagate your view points across. Also try to be regularly in touch with office bearers of NAGRI. Tell the M.Ps that Arms Rules 1962 is amply sufficient for government to do anything it wants. Under present Arms Rules 1962, it can issue or deny licenses for practically any purpose, for any kind of arms, for possession, sale, manufacture, export, import etc. etc. Why this Arms Rules 2016? Personally to me, the real motive seems to be something else.SMJ wrote:Can this be challenged in a court or is it absolute once approved on both houses?
I have not gone through the entire document patiently. But if it says that air guns of particular caliber above certain power need license, then you will have to apply for it. Also that three firearm limit would apply for air gun owners. Don't think this is the end. If we remain silent more is to follow in due course of time. This downward slide happens step by step. It is time to wake up.SMJ wrote:Also what is the next step for currently owned .22 Air rifles?
"If my mother tongue is shaking the foundations of your State, it probably means that you built your State on my land" - Musa Anter, Kurdish writer, assassinated by the Turkish secret services in 1992
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Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
Yep, we are going back to the British Raj.
I believe in second chances… it’s called reloading
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Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
It does not necessarily mean that these Rules have been passed by both houses of Parliament. If one reads Section 44(3) of Arms Act 1959, it will become clear that Government can notify the Rules, the Rules come into force from the time of Notification BUT they need approval from both houses of Parliament else they lapse. May check the websites of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha to find out when the Rules will be tabled for approval.snIPer wrote:If it is already published doesnt it mean that its already passed?
"If my mother tongue is shaking the foundations of your State, it probably means that you built your State on my land" - Musa Anter, Kurdish writer, assassinated by the Turkish secret services in 1992
- TC
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Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
As I was telling Abhijeet last night, we need to make gun owners aware of some of the salient points. So I am selectively highlighting a few ones below.
New Arms Rules has allowed general licence holders to possess 100 rounds of ammo at a time and purchase 200 rounds a year. Here is the actual text:
Restriction on the quantity of ammunition used in breech loading firearms.─ (1) For the purposes of the
Act and these rules, quantity of ammunition for the licences granted in Form II, Form III or Form IV for
breech loading firearms shall be restricted as under, namely:-
Maximum purchasable during a calendar year
(per firearm)
Maximum to be possessed at any given time
(per firearm)
(2) (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the State Government concerned may allow a
higher quantity of ammunition in exceptional cases on merits and on the basis of good and sufficient reasons
to be recorded in writing.
(b) The Central Government in the Ministry of Home Affairs may allow a higher quantity of ammunition in
exceptional cases by issuance of a general or special order in this regard.
Added in 1 minute 43 seconds:
New Arms Rules now gives you two years to find weapon of your choice after licence is issued. During this period you can also change the category if you want to. In case two years are not enough you can get one more year. Here's the actual text:
Permission for possession of arms to be acquired subsequent to grant of licence.─ When a licence is
granted in Form II, Form III, Form IV or Form V for the possession of arms to be acquired by the licensee
subsequent to the grant of the licence, the authority granting the licence shall at the time of granting the same,
direct that the arms covered by the licence shall be acquired within a period of two years and that the licence
or the arms or both shall be produced for his inspection and if within the said period of two years, the licensee
fails to acquire the arms and to produce the licence, or the arms or both, as the case may be, the licence shall
cease to be in force:
Added in 1 minute 27 seconds:
News Arms Rules on carrying weapons in public place:
32. Restrictions on carrying of firearm in public place.─ (1) No person shall carry a firearm in a public place
unless the firearm is carried –
(a) in the case of a handgun –
(i) in a holster or similar holder designed, manufactured or adapted for the carrying of a handgun and
attached to his person; or
(ii) in a rucksack or similar holder; or
(b) in the case of any other firearm, in a holder designed, manufactured or adapted for the carrying of a
(2) A firearm contemplated in sub-rule (1) must be completely covered and the person carrying the firearm
must be able to exercise effective control over such firearm.
(3) Brandishing or discharge of firearms or blank-firing firearms in any public place or a firearm free zone is
strictly prohibited.
(4) Any violation of this rule shall be liable to revocation of the licence and seizure of the firearm in addition
to the penalty specified under the Act.
PLEASE NOTE (3) and (4): Brandishing or discharging firearm or blank-firing weapon in public place or firearm-free zone is strictly prohibited and any violation shall be liable to revocation of licence and seizure of firearm in addition to penalty....
New Arms Rules has allowed general licence holders to possess 100 rounds of ammo at a time and purchase 200 rounds a year. Here is the actual text:
Restriction on the quantity of ammunition used in breech loading firearms.─ (1) For the purposes of the
Act and these rules, quantity of ammunition for the licences granted in Form II, Form III or Form IV for
breech loading firearms shall be restricted as under, namely:-
Maximum purchasable during a calendar year
(per firearm)
Maximum to be possessed at any given time
(per firearm)
(2) (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the State Government concerned may allow a
higher quantity of ammunition in exceptional cases on merits and on the basis of good and sufficient reasons
to be recorded in writing.
(b) The Central Government in the Ministry of Home Affairs may allow a higher quantity of ammunition in
exceptional cases by issuance of a general or special order in this regard.
Added in 1 minute 43 seconds:
New Arms Rules now gives you two years to find weapon of your choice after licence is issued. During this period you can also change the category if you want to. In case two years are not enough you can get one more year. Here's the actual text:
Permission for possession of arms to be acquired subsequent to grant of licence.─ When a licence is
granted in Form II, Form III, Form IV or Form V for the possession of arms to be acquired by the licensee
subsequent to the grant of the licence, the authority granting the licence shall at the time of granting the same,
direct that the arms covered by the licence shall be acquired within a period of two years and that the licence
or the arms or both shall be produced for his inspection and if within the said period of two years, the licensee
fails to acquire the arms and to produce the licence, or the arms or both, as the case may be, the licence shall
cease to be in force:
Added in 1 minute 27 seconds:
News Arms Rules on carrying weapons in public place:
32. Restrictions on carrying of firearm in public place.─ (1) No person shall carry a firearm in a public place
unless the firearm is carried –
(a) in the case of a handgun –
(i) in a holster or similar holder designed, manufactured or adapted for the carrying of a handgun and
attached to his person; or
(ii) in a rucksack or similar holder; or
(b) in the case of any other firearm, in a holder designed, manufactured or adapted for the carrying of a
(2) A firearm contemplated in sub-rule (1) must be completely covered and the person carrying the firearm
must be able to exercise effective control over such firearm.
(3) Brandishing or discharge of firearms or blank-firing firearms in any public place or a firearm free zone is
strictly prohibited.
(4) Any violation of this rule shall be liable to revocation of the licence and seizure of the firearm in addition
to the penalty specified under the Act.
PLEASE NOTE (3) and (4): Brandishing or discharging firearm or blank-firing weapon in public place or firearm-free zone is strictly prohibited and any violation shall be liable to revocation of licence and seizure of firearm in addition to penalty....
- TC
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Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
News Arms Rules on issuing of special licence for destruction of wild animals that injure humans, cattle and damage crops:
Special categories of licences
35. Licence for destruction of wild animals which do injury to human beings or cattle and damage to
crops.─ (1) The grant of arms licences under this rule shall be subject to the provisions of the Wild Life
(Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972), in respect of the States and Union Territories where the said Act is
(2) The application under this rule for grant of a licence in Form IV shall specify details of the land and
cultivation requiring protection and area in which the arms and ammunition are required to be carried.
(3) Where, after the end of any harvest season, the State Government considers it expedient that for the
protection of wild life in any area, any arms or ammunition licensed in Form IV should be deposited in a
police station or with a licensed dealer, it may, by order, require any licensee to deposit such arms or
ammunition for such period as the arms or ammunition are not required for the purposes for which the licence
is granted and as may be specified therein, and thereupon the licensee shall be bound to comply with such
Special categories of licences
35. Licence for destruction of wild animals which do injury to human beings or cattle and damage to
crops.─ (1) The grant of arms licences under this rule shall be subject to the provisions of the Wild Life
(Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972), in respect of the States and Union Territories where the said Act is
(2) The application under this rule for grant of a licence in Form IV shall specify details of the land and
cultivation requiring protection and area in which the arms and ammunition are required to be carried.
(3) Where, after the end of any harvest season, the State Government considers it expedient that for the
protection of wild life in any area, any arms or ammunition licensed in Form IV should be deposited in a
police station or with a licensed dealer, it may, by order, require any licensee to deposit such arms or
ammunition for such period as the arms or ammunition are not required for the purposes for which the licence
is granted and as may be specified therein, and thereupon the licensee shall be bound to comply with such
- TC
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Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
These rules on marking and stamping in the New Arms Rules is especially important for those who have very old guns. Read very carefully
Identification marks on firearms.─ (1) A person, who has in his possession any firearm which does not bear
distinctly a manufacturer's name, number or other identification mark shall get the identification mark stamped
on the firearm after obtaining prior approval of the licensing authority which will consist –
(a) such distinct letters as may be prescribed for the purpose by the State Government;
(b) serial number of the arms licence; and
(c) the year of stamping,
in that order on the barrel and the frame, or the barrel and the receiver of the firearm.
(2) When an imported firearm kept for sale by a dealer does not bear the manufacturer's name, such
distinguishing mark of the importer as allotted by the State Government shall be engraved on the barrel and
the frame, or the barrel and the receiver of the firearm after obtaining prior permission of the licensing
Provided that if a barrel bears more than one number, the distinguishing mark shall be affixed to
the number appearing on the original invoice:
Provided further that where the manufacturer's number appears only on the trigger-guard or other
replaceable part, that number shall also be engraved on the barrel and the frame, or the barrel and the receiver
of the firearm.
Added in 10 minutes 38 seconds:
With this one at least I am hoping that action film producers and directors of Bollywood will move court !
Read carefully. It clearly brings blank firing weapons and replicas under licence raj.
42. Licence for arms and ammunition for theatrical, film or television productions.─ (1) A licence for
acquisition, possession, carry or use of arms and ammunition may be issued in Form III to the applicants for
the following purposes, namely:–
(i) theatrical performances and of rehearsals for such performances;
(ii) in the production of films;
(iii) in the production of television programmes;
(iv) the organisation and holding of historical re-enactments;
(v) signaling for starting races or athletic meets.
(2) The application for a licence under this rule shall be submitted along with the following documents,
namely: –
(i) an undertaking confirming that the applicant shall not resort to conversion of firearms replica and blank
firing firearms into firearms;
(ii) proof to the satisfaction of the licensing authority that the applicant is an actual user or a contractor for
providing such arms or ammunition on hire for the purposes specified in sub-rule (1);
(iii) description of security measures pertaining to safe custody of arms or ammunition to be implemented by
the applicant;
(iv) an undertaking that the applicant or the person to whom the arms are given on hire, shall not use live
(v) details of the place where the records in respect of the issuance of arms or ammunition will be kept for
inspection by the licensing authority or by any Police Officer not below the rank of an Inspector.
Identification marks on firearms.─ (1) A person, who has in his possession any firearm which does not bear
distinctly a manufacturer's name, number or other identification mark shall get the identification mark stamped
on the firearm after obtaining prior approval of the licensing authority which will consist –
(a) such distinct letters as may be prescribed for the purpose by the State Government;
(b) serial number of the arms licence; and
(c) the year of stamping,
in that order on the barrel and the frame, or the barrel and the receiver of the firearm.
(2) When an imported firearm kept for sale by a dealer does not bear the manufacturer's name, such
distinguishing mark of the importer as allotted by the State Government shall be engraved on the barrel and
the frame, or the barrel and the receiver of the firearm after obtaining prior permission of the licensing
Provided that if a barrel bears more than one number, the distinguishing mark shall be affixed to
the number appearing on the original invoice:
Provided further that where the manufacturer's number appears only on the trigger-guard or other
replaceable part, that number shall also be engraved on the barrel and the frame, or the barrel and the receiver
of the firearm.
Added in 10 minutes 38 seconds:
With this one at least I am hoping that action film producers and directors of Bollywood will move court !
Read carefully. It clearly brings blank firing weapons and replicas under licence raj.
42. Licence for arms and ammunition for theatrical, film or television productions.─ (1) A licence for
acquisition, possession, carry or use of arms and ammunition may be issued in Form III to the applicants for
the following purposes, namely:–
(i) theatrical performances and of rehearsals for such performances;
(ii) in the production of films;
(iii) in the production of television programmes;
(iv) the organisation and holding of historical re-enactments;
(v) signaling for starting races or athletic meets.
(2) The application for a licence under this rule shall be submitted along with the following documents,
namely: –
(i) an undertaking confirming that the applicant shall not resort to conversion of firearms replica and blank
firing firearms into firearms;
(ii) proof to the satisfaction of the licensing authority that the applicant is an actual user or a contractor for
providing such arms or ammunition on hire for the purposes specified in sub-rule (1);
(iii) description of security measures pertaining to safe custody of arms or ammunition to be implemented by
the applicant;
(iv) an undertaking that the applicant or the person to whom the arms are given on hire, shall not use live
(v) details of the place where the records in respect of the issuance of arms or ammunition will be kept for
inspection by the licensing authority or by any Police Officer not below the rank of an Inspector.
- Old Timer
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Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
TC probably you are joking when you are calling these points as "salient points". When I try to see these with "legal eye" and compare with Arms Rules 1962, these are nothing but more restrictions that have been clearly spelled out. Yes please keep posting and highlighting these restrictions. Also if you or anyone could also highlight contradictions with the provisions of Arms Act 1959. Arms Act 1959 is the main legislation. Arms Rules is sub ordinate to Arms Act 1959. They are administrative law to administer Arms Act 1959. Thus they cannot be in conflict or be more restrictive than the restrictions in Arms Act 1959.
"If my mother tongue is shaking the foundations of your State, it probably means that you built your State on my land" - Musa Anter, Kurdish writer, assassinated by the Turkish secret services in 1992
- TC
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Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
The official entry of gun-free zones in private and commercial establishments:
46. Licence for firearm free zones.─ (1) The owner or lawful occupier of a premises may submit an application
in Form A-14 along with supporting documents specified therein, to have the said premises declared a Firearm
Free Zone, to the licensing authority of the place of jurisdiction of the applicant –
(i) stating the reasons why the premises must be declared as Firearm Free Zone;
(ii) giving proof of capacity to maintain the premises as a Firearm Free Zone;
(iii) describing the medium of communication to inform the public that the premises is a Firearm Free Zone.
(2) The obligations of the licensee shall include –
(i) to clearly identify and demarcate the premises declared as a Firearm Free Zone;
(ii) to ensure that notices be displayed at all the main entrances or at strategic places on the premises or
category of premises both in English and local language declaring the premises as Firearm Free Zone;
(iii) to ensure that the notices and signs are clearly visible and unobscured at all times; and
(iv) to notify the licensing authority of change, if any, in the information submitted at the time of application.
(3) The licensing authority may issue a licence in Form XV for the Firearm Free Zone to any educational
institution including schools, colleges, universities; or religious places, hospitals, courts, Government
establishments, entertainment or sports venues, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, cinema halls or such other
public places on an application for such licence made under sub-rule (1).
(4) The provisions of this rule for Firearm Free Zone shall not be applicable in the following cases –
(i) to an individual who renders security and surveillance duty to a lawful owner or occupier of the
Firearm Free Zone; and
(ii) to a law enforcement officer acting in his official capacity.
Added in 3 minutes 23 seconds:
You got me right GBM. These ARE the "salient points" ... take concealed carry for example. You can carry but will lose both your gun and licence if you brandish or open fire ... there is no mention of the mandatory clause "unless required to protect life and property" !!
Will keep you posted.
46. Licence for firearm free zones.─ (1) The owner or lawful occupier of a premises may submit an application
in Form A-14 along with supporting documents specified therein, to have the said premises declared a Firearm
Free Zone, to the licensing authority of the place of jurisdiction of the applicant –
(i) stating the reasons why the premises must be declared as Firearm Free Zone;
(ii) giving proof of capacity to maintain the premises as a Firearm Free Zone;
(iii) describing the medium of communication to inform the public that the premises is a Firearm Free Zone.
(2) The obligations of the licensee shall include –
(i) to clearly identify and demarcate the premises declared as a Firearm Free Zone;
(ii) to ensure that notices be displayed at all the main entrances or at strategic places on the premises or
category of premises both in English and local language declaring the premises as Firearm Free Zone;
(iii) to ensure that the notices and signs are clearly visible and unobscured at all times; and
(iv) to notify the licensing authority of change, if any, in the information submitted at the time of application.
(3) The licensing authority may issue a licence in Form XV for the Firearm Free Zone to any educational
institution including schools, colleges, universities; or religious places, hospitals, courts, Government
establishments, entertainment or sports venues, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, cinema halls or such other
public places on an application for such licence made under sub-rule (1).
(4) The provisions of this rule for Firearm Free Zone shall not be applicable in the following cases –
(i) to an individual who renders security and surveillance duty to a lawful owner or occupier of the
Firearm Free Zone; and
(ii) to a law enforcement officer acting in his official capacity.
Added in 3 minutes 23 seconds:
goodboy_mentor wrote:TC probably you are joking when you are calling these points as "salient points". When I try to see these with "legal eye" and compare with Arms Rules 1962, these are nothing but more restrictions that have been clearly spelled out. Yes please keep posting and highlighting these restrictions. Also if you or anyone could also highlight contradictions with the provisions of Arms Act 1959. Arms Act 1959 is the main legislation. Arms Rules is sub ordinate to Arms Act 1959. They are administrative law to administer Arms Act 1959. Thus they cannot be in conflict or be more restrictive than the restrictions in Arms Act 1959.

You got me right GBM. These ARE the "salient points" ... take concealed carry for example. You can carry but will lose both your gun and licence if you brandish or open fire ... there is no mention of the mandatory clause "unless required to protect life and property" !!
Will keep you posted.
- TC
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Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
NOW THE PART MOST OF US HAVE BEEN INQUISITIVE ABOUT: Foreign companies entering the Indian market. Well, the roads have been cleared though it is almost certain that these companies and their Indian partners will devote their entire attention to production for the Armed Forces. Because there is the money
Manufacturers, Arms Dealers and Gunsmiths
Manufacture and Proof Test of firearms
51. License for manufacture and proof test.─ (1) The licensing authority while granting a licence in Form VII
shall show clearly in the licence form the categories and description of the arms or ammunition allowed to be
manufactured or proof tested or both, by the licensee as specified in these rules.
(2) Proof-testing of firearms manufactured by a licensed manufacturer shall be carried out only in accordance
with the provisions contained in rule 59 in this regard and no manufactured firearms shall be allowed to be
sold which have not been duly proof tested.
(3) A copy of every licence granted in Form VII by the licensing authority shall forthwith be sent to the
district magistrate of the place of manufacturing facility of the licensee and the Home Department of the State
Government concerned.
(4) Entities granted fresh licences under the provisions of these rules shall be known as new manufacturers
whereas the entities or persons already holding manufacturing licences under the Arms Rules, 1962 in Form
IX shall be known as existing manufacturers.
(5) Separate licences shall be issued for each unit in case of an applicant company applying for a multi-unit
facility for grant of a licence under this rule.
(6) A licensing committee within the Ministry of Home Affairs shall be constituted to review and process the
applications for grant of licences for manufacture of arms and ammunitions for the new manufacturers and for
all matters related to existing manufacturers including applications for capacity revision by issuance of general
or special order under these rules.
52. Type of firearms for grant of a licence in Form VII for manufacture and proof test.─ The licensing
authority may grant a licence in Form VII for the following types of arms for manufacture or proof test or
both, namely:–
(i) I ─ Small arms
(ii) II ─ Light weapons
(iii) III ─ Items configured for military use:
Provided that if any of the items falling under type I, II or III include any prohibited arms or ammunition, the
licensing authority shall obtain prior permission of the Central Government under section 7 of the Act before
grant of a licence in Form VII.
53. Applications for a licence in Form VII.– (1) Every manufacturer applying for a fresh licence under these
rules shall be an Indian company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013):
Provided that the applicant company is owned and controlled by resident Indian citizens or by Indian
companies, owned and controlled by resident Indian citizens except in respect of a company having Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) beyond forty-nine percent:
Provided further that the Chief Executive of the company is a resident Indian and the management of the
applicant company is in Indian hands with majority representation on the Board excluding nominee or
independent directors except in respect of a company having Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) beyond fortynine
(2) The company applying for a licence in Form VII under these rules shall provide –
(a) original or certified copies of the company’s founding documents including Memorandum and Articles
of Association, Certificate of Registration of the company under the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013),
CIN (Corporate Identification Number), proof of address of its registered office, Permanent Account
Number (PAN) card and certified lists of directors and shareholders as on the date of application;
(b) copy of Director Identification Number (DIN) of all the directors;
(c) identification proof along with two recent photographs of all the directors and the responsible person as
(i) Aadhar Card; or
(ii) in case the director or the responsible person does not have Aadhar Card, a written declaration in the
form of an Affidavit to be submitted in this regard along with an alternative identification proof
which may include Passport or Voter’s Identification Card or Permanent Account Number (PAN)
card or official Identity Card;
(d) residence proof –
in case the director or responsible person does not have Aadhar Card or Passport, alternative residence
proof to be submitted which may include Voter’s Identification Card or Electricity Bill or Landline
Telephone Bill or Rent Deed or Lease Deed or Property documents or any other document to the
satisfaction of the licensing authority;
(e) copy of the latest balance sheet of the company and audited copy of the Net-worth certificate duly
certified by a Chartered Accountant;
(f) estimated project outlay and means of finance for funding the project duly certified by a Chartered
(g) certified copy of the board resolution for making an application under these rules along with full
particulars of the responsible person authorised to sign the same;
(h) details of foreign control and/or ownership in the applicant company, as applicable, duly certified by a
Chartered Accountant;
(i) complete details of the arms and/or ammunition intended to be manufactured or proof-tested or both,
including their types and quantities;
(j) a declaration with proof thereof to the effect that it has acquired the land for setting up the manufacturing
plant or for setting up proof-test facility along with details of an access road to the proposed site,
installation of electricity and water connection, particulars of land development carried out and any other
information deemed necessary by the licensing authority.
54. Procedure for grant of licence in Form VII.─ (1) The licence for manufacture or proof-test or both shall be
granted by the licensing authority to an applicant who fulfills the eligibility criteria laid down in these rules
provided that no adverse remarks are received from various government agencies entrusted for verifying the
antecedents of the applicant company or its directors or responsible person, as the case may be.
(2)(a) The licence granted in Form VII shall be initially valid for a period of seven years within which the
licensee shall be required to setup the facility for manufacture or proof test of arms and/or ammunition, recruit
technical and administrative staff, develop and proof test proto-types of arms and ammunition, conduct trial
runs and any other activity related to the setting up of the facility for the manufacture or proof-test of arms and
ammunition, failing which the licence shall lapse.
(b) Every subsequent renewal of the licence under this rule shall be granted for a period of five years.
(3)(a) No manufacturing facility shall be set-up in the border areas, restricted areas or prohibited areas and any
area declared as ‘disturbed area’ by the Central Government.
(b) The manufacturer applicant may setup the facilities in Special Economic Zones (SEZ), Industrial Parks and
other industrial areas in addition to any other location duly approved by the State Government concerned for
this purpose.
(4) The licensee shall make an application on its letter head for commencement of commercial production
accompanied by –
(i) a declaration to the effect that the licensee has installed the plant and machinery, successfully carried out
the trial run and is ready for commencement of commercial production of the items licensed for
manufacture or proof-test;
(ii) a declaration to the effect that the licensee has installed and applied the requisite quality control system
for manufacture or proof test of firearms or ammunition;
(iii) a list of particulars of the key technical personnel employed by the licensee for carrying out manufacture or
proof-test facility along with the proof of their professional expertise and training undergone and
identification documents as specified for directors in rule 53;
(iv) a declaration to the effect that the licensee has fully complied with the security guidelines as contained in
the Security Manual prepared by the Ministry of Defence, Department of Defence Production, for
licensed defence industries.
(5) The licensing authority shall get conducted a security and appraisal audit to ensure that the applicant
licensee has complied with the declaration specified in clause (iv) of sub-rule (4).
55. Other requirements as to licences granted in Form VII.─ (1) The licensee shall preferably be self-sufficient
in areas of product design and development and have maintenance and life cycle support facility of the
product to be manufactured and the items to be manufactured shall meet the International or Indian accredited
quality standards and norms with special emphasis on indigenous designing:
Provided that no infringement of patents or copyrights, shall be permissible.
(2) The licensee shall submit the standards and testing procedures for manufacture of firearms and
ammunition to the Government nominated Quality Assurance Agency, which will inspect the finished product
in the trial run and conduct audit of the Quality Assurance Procedures in respect of design, workmanship,
aesthetics and other related parameters:
Provided that the quality specifications for manufacturing, shall be as specified by the Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS) and the Director General of Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production or
any other international quality assurance agency.
(3) The manufactured products shall contain the warranty clause accompanied by service and safety manuals
and listing of parts at the time of every sale.
(4) Any restrictions under a joint venture agreement which may be imposed by the foreign partner shall have
no legal consequence on the Indian entity that is granted a licence under these rules.
(5) The licensing authority may impose such additional restrictions in case of certain sensitive type of arms
and ammunition, such as those configured for use by armed forces or not permitted to be possessed by
(6) The small arms and light weapons produced by the manufacturers –
(i) shall be sold to the Central Government or the State Governments with the prior approval of the Ministry of
Home Affairs; or
(ii) may be allowed for export subject to the approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs in consultation with the
Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Commerce, on a case to case basis.
(7) The permissible category of arms and ammunition specified in Schedule I may be permitted for sale to
persons or dealers, holding a valid arms licence under these rules, with the prior approval of the Central
Government in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
(8) Prior approval of the licensing authority shall be mandatory for any change in the directorship of the
company or any change in the key managerial personnel as defined in clause (51) of section 2 of the
Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) or any change in the responsible person of the company.
(9) Prior approval of the licensing authority shall be mandatory for any change in control or ownership, either
directly or indirectly, of the company or any change in shareholding resulting into dilution of promoters shareholding
(both Indian and foreign) or any change in shareholding of the company or any change in the
beneficial interest in the shareholding of the company beyond five percent (5%).
(10) (a) A licence granted in Form VII shall not be transferable from the licensee to another company, without
the written authorisation of the licensing authority.
(b) An application for transfer shall be accompanied by complete documents and be subject to the same
conditions as applicable at the time of initial grant of licence specified in rule 53.
(c) While considering an application for transfer of a manufacturing licence, the licensing authority shall
assess the eligibility of the company, to whom the licence is to be transferred.
56. Obligations of licensees having licensee Form VII. ─ (1) The validity of a licence granted in Form VII shall
be subject to the manufacturer’s compliance with the conditions contained in these rules and in the licence.
(2) The licensee having a licence in Form VII shall mark all firearms and ammunition that it manufactures in
the manner as specified in rule 58.
(3) The licensee company shall comply with the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy of the Government of
India and the regulations framed under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999) as notified
by the Reserve Bank of India in case of foreign direct investment in the said company.
(4) The licensee shall comply with the security guidelines as contained in the Security Manual prepared by the
Ministry of Defence, department of defence production, for licensed defence industries.
(5) The licensee shall maintain records of all firearms, their parts, components and/or ammunition
manufactured by it as specified in rule 65 in addition to the conditions specified or forming part of the licence
in Form VII.
(6) The licensee shall store all firearms, their parts, components and/or ammunition manufactured by it as
specified in Form VII.
(7) The licensee shall permit, and shall cooperate fully with, inspections carried out by the licensing authority
(or such other body as may be designated by it) of the licensee’s facilities, particularly in respect to the safe
and secure storage of firearms and ammunition.
(8) The licensee shall immediately notify the licensing authority on occurrence of any theft, loss or
unintentional destruction of firearms or ammunition stored at its premises.
(9) The licensee shall notify the licensing authority within three working days on occurrence of any of the
following events, namely:-
(i) change of address of its registered office;
(ii) change in the directors, in which case the licensee shall provide the licensing authority with the names and
addresses of each new director, along with the particulars and documents specified in rule 53 for directors.
(10) The licensee shall ensure that all employees who have access to completed manufactured firearms or
ammunition within the manufacturing or proof-testing facility are technically competent to handle the same.
(11) The work-in-progress and finished goods inventory for each type of firearm and ammunition at any given
time shall not exceed two times of the total annual turnover in the last financial year or annual licensed
capacity, whichever is lower:
Provided that in case of a company having multi-unit facility, total of the annual licensed capacity or
total turnover of the company shall be considered.
(12) The licensee shall maintain complete database of inventory and distribution chain down to the dealer/end
user for domestic distribution and end users in case of export.
(13) The licensee shall carry out only batch production in a manufacturing cycle.
57. Import of machinery for manufacturing arms and ammunition and other parts etc.─ (1) The licensee
having a licence in Form VII shall submit an application along with the complete list of machinery to be
installed, to be procured locally or imported.
(2) The licence for acquisition, possession, import or transport of machinery shall be issued in Form I.
(3) Import of arms specified in category II of Schedule I and raw material in the form of metal, alloy, fiber,
polymers, wood and other allied items, for manufacturing of such arms, shall be allowed subject to the
provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy notified under the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act
1992 (22 of 1992) from time to time by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and on the
recommendations of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) taking into account international obligations and
(4) The Ministry of Home Affairs may, on an application containing full technical details allow import of such
parts of arms and ammunition which are not possible to be manufactured locally, after obtaining the opinion of
the Department of Defence Production by grant of an authorisation for such import in accordance with the
procedure for import under these rules.
58. Marking of firearms and ammunition at the time of manufacture.─ (1) All firearms shall have applied to
them, at the time of their manufacture, unique markings containing the following information, namely:-
(i) the country of manufacture;
(ii) the name of the manufacturer;
(iii) a serial number unique to the manufacturer;
(iv) year of manufacture;
(this information may be incorporated into the serial number)
(v) firearm type/model;
(vi) caliber;
(vii) proof-marks; and
(viii) such other additional information if the firearm is intended for an Indian domestic State entity viz.
military, Central Armed Police Forces, Police etc.
(2) Markings shall be expressed alphanumerically (i.e. they may consist of both letters and numbers) in the
format given in the table below........
Manufacturers, Arms Dealers and Gunsmiths
Manufacture and Proof Test of firearms
51. License for manufacture and proof test.─ (1) The licensing authority while granting a licence in Form VII
shall show clearly in the licence form the categories and description of the arms or ammunition allowed to be
manufactured or proof tested or both, by the licensee as specified in these rules.
(2) Proof-testing of firearms manufactured by a licensed manufacturer shall be carried out only in accordance
with the provisions contained in rule 59 in this regard and no manufactured firearms shall be allowed to be
sold which have not been duly proof tested.
(3) A copy of every licence granted in Form VII by the licensing authority shall forthwith be sent to the
district magistrate of the place of manufacturing facility of the licensee and the Home Department of the State
Government concerned.
(4) Entities granted fresh licences under the provisions of these rules shall be known as new manufacturers
whereas the entities or persons already holding manufacturing licences under the Arms Rules, 1962 in Form
IX shall be known as existing manufacturers.
(5) Separate licences shall be issued for each unit in case of an applicant company applying for a multi-unit
facility for grant of a licence under this rule.
(6) A licensing committee within the Ministry of Home Affairs shall be constituted to review and process the
applications for grant of licences for manufacture of arms and ammunitions for the new manufacturers and for
all matters related to existing manufacturers including applications for capacity revision by issuance of general
or special order under these rules.
52. Type of firearms for grant of a licence in Form VII for manufacture and proof test.─ The licensing
authority may grant a licence in Form VII for the following types of arms for manufacture or proof test or
both, namely:–
(i) I ─ Small arms
(ii) II ─ Light weapons
(iii) III ─ Items configured for military use:
Provided that if any of the items falling under type I, II or III include any prohibited arms or ammunition, the
licensing authority shall obtain prior permission of the Central Government under section 7 of the Act before
grant of a licence in Form VII.
53. Applications for a licence in Form VII.– (1) Every manufacturer applying for a fresh licence under these
rules shall be an Indian company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013):
Provided that the applicant company is owned and controlled by resident Indian citizens or by Indian
companies, owned and controlled by resident Indian citizens except in respect of a company having Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) beyond forty-nine percent:
Provided further that the Chief Executive of the company is a resident Indian and the management of the
applicant company is in Indian hands with majority representation on the Board excluding nominee or
independent directors except in respect of a company having Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) beyond fortynine
(2) The company applying for a licence in Form VII under these rules shall provide –
(a) original or certified copies of the company’s founding documents including Memorandum and Articles
of Association, Certificate of Registration of the company under the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013),
CIN (Corporate Identification Number), proof of address of its registered office, Permanent Account
Number (PAN) card and certified lists of directors and shareholders as on the date of application;
(b) copy of Director Identification Number (DIN) of all the directors;
(c) identification proof along with two recent photographs of all the directors and the responsible person as
(i) Aadhar Card; or
(ii) in case the director or the responsible person does not have Aadhar Card, a written declaration in the
form of an Affidavit to be submitted in this regard along with an alternative identification proof
which may include Passport or Voter’s Identification Card or Permanent Account Number (PAN)
card or official Identity Card;
(d) residence proof –
in case the director or responsible person does not have Aadhar Card or Passport, alternative residence
proof to be submitted which may include Voter’s Identification Card or Electricity Bill or Landline
Telephone Bill or Rent Deed or Lease Deed or Property documents or any other document to the
satisfaction of the licensing authority;
(e) copy of the latest balance sheet of the company and audited copy of the Net-worth certificate duly
certified by a Chartered Accountant;
(f) estimated project outlay and means of finance for funding the project duly certified by a Chartered
(g) certified copy of the board resolution for making an application under these rules along with full
particulars of the responsible person authorised to sign the same;
(h) details of foreign control and/or ownership in the applicant company, as applicable, duly certified by a
Chartered Accountant;
(i) complete details of the arms and/or ammunition intended to be manufactured or proof-tested or both,
including their types and quantities;
(j) a declaration with proof thereof to the effect that it has acquired the land for setting up the manufacturing
plant or for setting up proof-test facility along with details of an access road to the proposed site,
installation of electricity and water connection, particulars of land development carried out and any other
information deemed necessary by the licensing authority.
54. Procedure for grant of licence in Form VII.─ (1) The licence for manufacture or proof-test or both shall be
granted by the licensing authority to an applicant who fulfills the eligibility criteria laid down in these rules
provided that no adverse remarks are received from various government agencies entrusted for verifying the
antecedents of the applicant company or its directors or responsible person, as the case may be.
(2)(a) The licence granted in Form VII shall be initially valid for a period of seven years within which the
licensee shall be required to setup the facility for manufacture or proof test of arms and/or ammunition, recruit
technical and administrative staff, develop and proof test proto-types of arms and ammunition, conduct trial
runs and any other activity related to the setting up of the facility for the manufacture or proof-test of arms and
ammunition, failing which the licence shall lapse.
(b) Every subsequent renewal of the licence under this rule shall be granted for a period of five years.
(3)(a) No manufacturing facility shall be set-up in the border areas, restricted areas or prohibited areas and any
area declared as ‘disturbed area’ by the Central Government.
(b) The manufacturer applicant may setup the facilities in Special Economic Zones (SEZ), Industrial Parks and
other industrial areas in addition to any other location duly approved by the State Government concerned for
this purpose.
(4) The licensee shall make an application on its letter head for commencement of commercial production
accompanied by –
(i) a declaration to the effect that the licensee has installed the plant and machinery, successfully carried out
the trial run and is ready for commencement of commercial production of the items licensed for
manufacture or proof-test;
(ii) a declaration to the effect that the licensee has installed and applied the requisite quality control system
for manufacture or proof test of firearms or ammunition;
(iii) a list of particulars of the key technical personnel employed by the licensee for carrying out manufacture or
proof-test facility along with the proof of their professional expertise and training undergone and
identification documents as specified for directors in rule 53;
(iv) a declaration to the effect that the licensee has fully complied with the security guidelines as contained in
the Security Manual prepared by the Ministry of Defence, Department of Defence Production, for
licensed defence industries.
(5) The licensing authority shall get conducted a security and appraisal audit to ensure that the applicant
licensee has complied with the declaration specified in clause (iv) of sub-rule (4).
55. Other requirements as to licences granted in Form VII.─ (1) The licensee shall preferably be self-sufficient
in areas of product design and development and have maintenance and life cycle support facility of the
product to be manufactured and the items to be manufactured shall meet the International or Indian accredited
quality standards and norms with special emphasis on indigenous designing:
Provided that no infringement of patents or copyrights, shall be permissible.
(2) The licensee shall submit the standards and testing procedures for manufacture of firearms and
ammunition to the Government nominated Quality Assurance Agency, which will inspect the finished product
in the trial run and conduct audit of the Quality Assurance Procedures in respect of design, workmanship,
aesthetics and other related parameters:
Provided that the quality specifications for manufacturing, shall be as specified by the Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS) and the Director General of Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production or
any other international quality assurance agency.
(3) The manufactured products shall contain the warranty clause accompanied by service and safety manuals
and listing of parts at the time of every sale.
(4) Any restrictions under a joint venture agreement which may be imposed by the foreign partner shall have
no legal consequence on the Indian entity that is granted a licence under these rules.
(5) The licensing authority may impose such additional restrictions in case of certain sensitive type of arms
and ammunition, such as those configured for use by armed forces or not permitted to be possessed by
(6) The small arms and light weapons produced by the manufacturers –
(i) shall be sold to the Central Government or the State Governments with the prior approval of the Ministry of
Home Affairs; or
(ii) may be allowed for export subject to the approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs in consultation with the
Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Commerce, on a case to case basis.
(7) The permissible category of arms and ammunition specified in Schedule I may be permitted for sale to
persons or dealers, holding a valid arms licence under these rules, with the prior approval of the Central
Government in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
(8) Prior approval of the licensing authority shall be mandatory for any change in the directorship of the
company or any change in the key managerial personnel as defined in clause (51) of section 2 of the
Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) or any change in the responsible person of the company.
(9) Prior approval of the licensing authority shall be mandatory for any change in control or ownership, either
directly or indirectly, of the company or any change in shareholding resulting into dilution of promoters shareholding
(both Indian and foreign) or any change in shareholding of the company or any change in the
beneficial interest in the shareholding of the company beyond five percent (5%).
(10) (a) A licence granted in Form VII shall not be transferable from the licensee to another company, without
the written authorisation of the licensing authority.
(b) An application for transfer shall be accompanied by complete documents and be subject to the same
conditions as applicable at the time of initial grant of licence specified in rule 53.
(c) While considering an application for transfer of a manufacturing licence, the licensing authority shall
assess the eligibility of the company, to whom the licence is to be transferred.
56. Obligations of licensees having licensee Form VII. ─ (1) The validity of a licence granted in Form VII shall
be subject to the manufacturer’s compliance with the conditions contained in these rules and in the licence.
(2) The licensee having a licence in Form VII shall mark all firearms and ammunition that it manufactures in
the manner as specified in rule 58.
(3) The licensee company shall comply with the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy of the Government of
India and the regulations framed under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999) as notified
by the Reserve Bank of India in case of foreign direct investment in the said company.
(4) The licensee shall comply with the security guidelines as contained in the Security Manual prepared by the
Ministry of Defence, department of defence production, for licensed defence industries.
(5) The licensee shall maintain records of all firearms, their parts, components and/or ammunition
manufactured by it as specified in rule 65 in addition to the conditions specified or forming part of the licence
in Form VII.
(6) The licensee shall store all firearms, their parts, components and/or ammunition manufactured by it as
specified in Form VII.
(7) The licensee shall permit, and shall cooperate fully with, inspections carried out by the licensing authority
(or such other body as may be designated by it) of the licensee’s facilities, particularly in respect to the safe
and secure storage of firearms and ammunition.
(8) The licensee shall immediately notify the licensing authority on occurrence of any theft, loss or
unintentional destruction of firearms or ammunition stored at its premises.
(9) The licensee shall notify the licensing authority within three working days on occurrence of any of the
following events, namely:-
(i) change of address of its registered office;
(ii) change in the directors, in which case the licensee shall provide the licensing authority with the names and
addresses of each new director, along with the particulars and documents specified in rule 53 for directors.
(10) The licensee shall ensure that all employees who have access to completed manufactured firearms or
ammunition within the manufacturing or proof-testing facility are technically competent to handle the same.
(11) The work-in-progress and finished goods inventory for each type of firearm and ammunition at any given
time shall not exceed two times of the total annual turnover in the last financial year or annual licensed
capacity, whichever is lower:
Provided that in case of a company having multi-unit facility, total of the annual licensed capacity or
total turnover of the company shall be considered.
(12) The licensee shall maintain complete database of inventory and distribution chain down to the dealer/end
user for domestic distribution and end users in case of export.
(13) The licensee shall carry out only batch production in a manufacturing cycle.
57. Import of machinery for manufacturing arms and ammunition and other parts etc.─ (1) The licensee
having a licence in Form VII shall submit an application along with the complete list of machinery to be
installed, to be procured locally or imported.
(2) The licence for acquisition, possession, import or transport of machinery shall be issued in Form I.
(3) Import of arms specified in category II of Schedule I and raw material in the form of metal, alloy, fiber,
polymers, wood and other allied items, for manufacturing of such arms, shall be allowed subject to the
provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy notified under the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act
1992 (22 of 1992) from time to time by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and on the
recommendations of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) taking into account international obligations and
(4) The Ministry of Home Affairs may, on an application containing full technical details allow import of such
parts of arms and ammunition which are not possible to be manufactured locally, after obtaining the opinion of
the Department of Defence Production by grant of an authorisation for such import in accordance with the
procedure for import under these rules.
58. Marking of firearms and ammunition at the time of manufacture.─ (1) All firearms shall have applied to
them, at the time of their manufacture, unique markings containing the following information, namely:-
(i) the country of manufacture;
(ii) the name of the manufacturer;
(iii) a serial number unique to the manufacturer;
(iv) year of manufacture;
(this information may be incorporated into the serial number)
(v) firearm type/model;
(vi) caliber;
(vii) proof-marks; and
(viii) such other additional information if the firearm is intended for an Indian domestic State entity viz.
military, Central Armed Police Forces, Police etc.
(2) Markings shall be expressed alphanumerically (i.e. they may consist of both letters and numbers) in the
format given in the table below........
- TC
- Veteran
- Posts: 1805
- Joined: Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:50 am
- Location: Kolkata
Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
Ok, This is the list of permissible arms and ammo and I am quite happy to see smei-auto .22 rifles and semi auto-shotguns becoming permissible weapons. Also, sound moderator or suppressor is now legitimate. Yes, I am happy. Also, and I need the experts to throw light here, the laws on blades seem to have been relaxed to a great extent.
Permissible arms
Arms other than those defined in categories I,
II and IV, namely:
(a) Handguns (revolvers and pistols) including
(b) Breech loading Centrefire rifles
(not semi-automatic)
(c) .22 bore Rimfire rifles Ammunition for arms of category
(including semi-automatic)
(d) Smooth bore breech loading shotguns
(including semi-automatic)
(e) Muzzle-loading guns Ammunition for arms of category
Air weapons including air rifles and air guns
(i) having muzzle energy exceeding 20 joules or
15 ft. lbs. and/or bore exceeding 0.177”or 4.5
(ii) having muzzle energy less than 20 joules or
15 ft. lbs. and /or bore less than 0.177”or 4.5
(g) Firearm replicas ─
(i) of modern or contemporary firearms
(ii) of muzzle loading antique weapons
(h) Electronic disabling devices having firing
range of less than fifteen feet
(i) Paintball markers or paintball guns having
muzzle energy exceeding 90 m/s or 300 ft./s
(300 fps)
(j) Blank-firing firearms Ammunition for arms and its ammo
(k) Accessories for any firearms designed or
adapted to diminish the noise or flash caused
by the firing thereof
IV Curios and historical weapons, other than
those excluded under section 45(c) of the Act
Curios and historical ammunition.
V Arms other than firearms:
Sharp-edged and deadly weapons, namely:
Swords (including sword-sticks), daggers,
bayonets, spears (including; lances and
javelins), battle-axes, knives (including
Kirpans and Khukries) and other such
weapons with blades longer than 9” or wider
than 2” other than those designed for
domestic, agricultural, scientific or industrial
purposes, steel batton, “Zipo” and other such
weapons called 'life preservers', machinery
for making arms, other than category II, and
any other arms which the Central
Government may notify under Section 4 of
the Act.
Part B
Ingredients of ammunition and other items
Category Items
VI (a) Articles containing explosives or fulminating material: fuses and friction tubes other than
blank fire cartridges
(b) Ingredients as defined in section 2(1)(b)(vii) of the Act including –
(i) lead, sulphur, saltpeter and sodium azide;
(ii) chlorates and per chlorates;
(iii) fissionable material; and
(iv) asphyxiating, poisonous, irritant or other gases and analogous liquid, materials or
devices which are not used in any bonafide industrial process in India
Permissible arms
Arms other than those defined in categories I,
II and IV, namely:
(a) Handguns (revolvers and pistols) including
(b) Breech loading Centrefire rifles
(not semi-automatic)
(c) .22 bore Rimfire rifles Ammunition for arms of category
(including semi-automatic)
(d) Smooth bore breech loading shotguns
(including semi-automatic)
(e) Muzzle-loading guns Ammunition for arms of category
Air weapons including air rifles and air guns
(i) having muzzle energy exceeding 20 joules or
15 ft. lbs. and/or bore exceeding 0.177”or 4.5
(ii) having muzzle energy less than 20 joules or
15 ft. lbs. and /or bore less than 0.177”or 4.5
(g) Firearm replicas ─
(i) of modern or contemporary firearms
(ii) of muzzle loading antique weapons
(h) Electronic disabling devices having firing
range of less than fifteen feet
(i) Paintball markers or paintball guns having
muzzle energy exceeding 90 m/s or 300 ft./s
(300 fps)
(j) Blank-firing firearms Ammunition for arms and its ammo
(k) Accessories for any firearms designed or
adapted to diminish the noise or flash caused
by the firing thereof
IV Curios and historical weapons, other than
those excluded under section 45(c) of the Act
Curios and historical ammunition.
V Arms other than firearms:
Sharp-edged and deadly weapons, namely:
Swords (including sword-sticks), daggers,
bayonets, spears (including; lances and
javelins), battle-axes, knives (including
Kirpans and Khukries) and other such
weapons with blades longer than 9” or wider
than 2” other than those designed for
domestic, agricultural, scientific or industrial
purposes, steel batton, “Zipo” and other such
weapons called 'life preservers', machinery
for making arms, other than category II, and
any other arms which the Central
Government may notify under Section 4 of
the Act.
Part B
Ingredients of ammunition and other items
Category Items
VI (a) Articles containing explosives or fulminating material: fuses and friction tubes other than
blank fire cartridges
(b) Ingredients as defined in section 2(1)(b)(vii) of the Act including –
(i) lead, sulphur, saltpeter and sodium azide;
(ii) chlorates and per chlorates;
(iii) fissionable material; and
(iv) asphyxiating, poisonous, irritant or other gases and analogous liquid, materials or
devices which are not used in any bonafide industrial process in India
- Shooting true
- Posts: 664
- Joined: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:30 am
- Location: Tadepalligudem, Andhra Pradesh.
Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
As per the new arms rules 2016 Air Guns above 0.177 " cal require arms license as Cat III, (f) (i) weapon. Is it not correct to assume that since they are not classified as fire arms just like cat V weapons ( Other than fire arms ) they would not be subjected to the three fire arms limit per person rule ?. I am thinking that the 3 gun limit is for fire arms.
- AgentDoubleS
- Poster of the month - Apr 2015
- Posts: 630
- Joined: Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:12 pm
- Location: Here and there..
Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
2 steps forward. 5 steps back.
The new rules are silent on the number of firearms a person can own. Does that mean the previous limit remains?
The new rules are silent on the number of firearms a person can own. Does that mean the previous limit remains?
- Veteran
- Posts: 1776
- Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:49 pm
Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
While many members have commented on the negatives, there are a lot of positives as well.
1. The list of restricted arms has come down. .45 ACP can now be bought on a license issued by the local licensing authority. You can own a semi auto rimfire rifle and shotgun now..308 Winchester and .223 can also be owned by an ordinary licensee.
2.There are detailed provisions for conversion and shortening of firearms.
3. The MAJOR change is the provision to allow the manufacture and sale of arms by private manufacturers to Indian citizens. We are buying and selling arms, some of which are as old as our grandfathers, for a small fortune. While some would be sceptical about this going through and some one getting a license, I am hopeful that this would happen. Reminds me of what the situation was with regard to imported cars before automobile sector was opened up.
1. The list of restricted arms has come down. .45 ACP can now be bought on a license issued by the local licensing authority. You can own a semi auto rimfire rifle and shotgun now..308 Winchester and .223 can also be owned by an ordinary licensee.
2.There are detailed provisions for conversion and shortening of firearms.
3. The MAJOR change is the provision to allow the manufacture and sale of arms by private manufacturers to Indian citizens. We are buying and selling arms, some of which are as old as our grandfathers, for a small fortune. While some would be sceptical about this going through and some one getting a license, I am hopeful that this would happen. Reminds me of what the situation was with regard to imported cars before automobile sector was opened up.
- Chengy
- Almost at nirvana
- Posts: 117
- Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:56 am
- Location: Delhi
Re: New Arms Rules 2016 notified by Government of India!
Will this be with retrospective effect ? If one owns a 0.22 air rifle, does it have to be surrendered till a license is given ? If one already owns a license, will it be exclusive of the three weapons permitted. Legal eagles may please enlighten.