Todays News TOI

Discussions on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
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Todays News TOI

Post by SMJ » Sat May 14, 2016 9:43 am

Todays TOI news - seems to falsely also portray govt regulations as being made easier ... 261624.cms

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Re: Todays News TOI

Post by goodboy_mentor » Sat May 14, 2016 6:55 pm

Posted comments on that website. Still they are not showing up. Probably they are moderating the comments. Following are the comments posted there -
It is unfortunate to find this kind of journalism of spreading one sided, biased, baseless stories which have no basis in the law and against the spirit of human rights. The journalist should have also contacted the website or office bearers of National Association of Gun Rights India. Draft Arms Rules 2015 are just draft and have no force of law. Also they are ultra vires of the Constitution of India as well as Arms Act 1959. What any Police officer is speaking does not always mean that his words are the law or he is speaking the truth. Article 19(1)(b) of Constitution is saying it is a citizen's fundamental right: “to assemble peaceably and without arms;” only and only because there exists a fundamental right to assemble peaceably and with arms embedded in it. This must be understood. Fundamental rights and fundamental duties are two sides of the same coin. Since fundamental right to assemble peaceably and with arms and citizen's militia in personal capacity and control is embedded and exists for citizens under Article 19(1)(b), that is why there exists corresponding reflection of fundamental duty of citizen's militia in personal capacity and control, under Articles 51A(b)(c),(d) & (i) and it also gets manifested under the Punjab Village and Small Towns Patrol Act, 1918 and the Himachal Pradesh Village And Small Towns Patrol Act, 1964. Under these acts,in order to do patrolling, able-bodied male inhabitants exercise two fundamental rights, right to assemble (peaceably as well as violently if situation compels) and the right to keep and bear arms.The right to keep and bear arms is also embedded in Civil Defense Act 1968. The natural and human right of right to keep and bear arms and police powers, both individually and as an assemblage is also embedded in Sections 37 to 39, 43, 46, 47, 52 and 60 in Chapter V Arrest Of Persons of the Criminal Procedure Code and Sections 96 to 106 IPC flowing from Article 21 as citizen's militia in personal capacity and control. Right to keep and bear arms is also getting manifested in a detailed manner in Article 246 read with entry number 5 in List I—Union List of the Seventh Schedule. Arms Act 1959 is flowing from Articles 19(1)(b), 21, 25, 300A and many more. Right to keep and bear arms is a basic foundational fundamental human right. That is why if one is not offending Sections 9 or 14 of Arms Act 1959, Section 13(3)(a) of Arms Act 1959 makes it obligatory to issue arms license to citizen of India. It is a legal right of every citizen. Right of private defense is a basic human right. Sections 96 to 106 IPC define the right of private defense. Instead of wasting the time and energy to find how many licenses have been issued, RTI activists should ask how many victims of murder, rape, forced unnatural sex, kidnapping, grievous hurt, house breaking at night, robbery, mischief by fire to human dwelling were unable to exercise their right of private defense since they were unarmed or arms licenses were refused.
Requesting everyone reading this thread to express their views against the proposed draconian Arms Rules at that website.
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Re: Todays News TOI

Post by SMJ » Mon May 16, 2016 3:55 pm

Well written GBM. Sadly your comments have still not gone through it seems..

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Re: Todays News TOI

Post by mundaire » Wed May 18, 2016 5:12 pm

Poorly researched article and contradictory in many places.

Good response GBM, though your comment seems to have been killed by the TOI censors, free press indeed!
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Re: Todays News TOI

Post by goodboy_mentor » Thu May 19, 2016 12:38 pm

Yes probably none of the comments suit their views. Still showing zero comments. Anyways I am satisfied that at least one person in their office read the views, if in future the journalists confirm the facts and also take the views of other side of the story.
"If my mother tongue is shaking the foundations of your State, it probably means that you built your State on my land" - Musa Anter, Kurdish writer, assassinated by the Turkish secret services in 1992

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