I'm a newbie here.
So I have used the search option and I haven't found any info that satisfies my question.
Does anyone know any airsoft clubs/games/events in Bangalore or in India?
Preferably ones that allow people from age 12 and up*.
I'm planning to buy a Tokyo Marui Glock 18c Ebb from dx.com as a starter using my money I saved.
But I think it'll be a waste if there aren't any uses for it.
I will be planning to buy a spring bolt action sniper rifle when I get the hang of the pistol.
And for the sniper rifle please do suggest any affordable telescopic sight as the sniper doesn't come with it.

*For any of those wondering, I'm 13, please don't look down upon me tho, I know I'm quite young for airsoft, but I do know the dangers of airsoft so I'm also ordering a pouch/holster with safety gear.