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Post by dev » Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:47 pm

eljefe";p="23454 wrote: Actually it went after a MEG soldier cycling on the road about 200 ft away!!
You would never have seen two kids (10 & 6 yr old) go over /under and sidewards, wishing the ground would open up and swallow us...Bro and I were standing at the same spot couple of days ago and roaring with laughter thinking of that NCO - he was in white T and starched khaki shorts -peddling away like crazy with our deranged rocket after him. :P :oops:
Hah haaa haaa I can just see that sight (its not the voices now I am psychic) ;-)

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Post by shutzen » Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:12 pm

HI! since we are at it I want to share some more of my childhood memeories with u:

1. Airgun Match:

One day I and 3 of the neighborhood kids got together for a airgun match - this is wayyy back class 7 types. Since we had 3 airguns one of the kids was designated as the refree to do the scoring etc... well then after a couple of rounds of ready aim fire suddenly the refree had a change of heart and halfway thru the sequence the dude put his hand in front of the nearest shooters airgun and yelled wait I want to fix the target - meanwhile subconciously the shooter completed the firing sequence and we had a short "Indian fire dance" type jig as the refree took a pellet in the pad of his hand and went round and round holding his hand and shouting his lungs out ;) we cought hold of him and saw the neat little "entry wound" circled by a neat circle of blood and they pellet was also visible embedded in his palm - after his mom came into the picture there was hell to pay and the refree went through a local surgical procedure to extract the pellet. We only managed to get away because the guy told the real story and said it was his fault !

2. Exploding battery:

Well once in class 8 we went to my uncle place for a vacation. He was a colonel posted at Artillery trg. centre Nasik. The faujis have huge (Truck battery size) metal encased batteries for lighting up emegency /reading lights. Well like all things the army has it was big in size and luckily for us low on juice. We came across a old cycle rim in hte backyard and extacted a few wires and lo-and behold our "fireworks" starded. Turn by turn we used to apply the wire to the terminals and the wire would glow red hot and melt ;) after a couple of days we got cocky and my cousin applied the wire to the terminal bare foot ( In the meantime I think the battery was replaced with a freshly charged one without our noticing ) . The moment he touched the terminals there was a huge blast and the melted wire fell on the floor. In panic my cousin stepped over it and there was this sizzling sound as the red hot wire embedded itself in his sole - he too performed the :injun dance: and in our panic we did not notice that the battery had blasted open at the bottom and was was leaking acid and our shoes were soaked with the electrolyte. As we ran all over the house to organise first aid for our cauality the acid from our shoes footprints was applied to the marble chips flooring . We kept the incident under wraps till next morning till the sweeper and my aunt discovered the white acid etch footprints all over the house ;) we had hell to pay...
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Post by dev » Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:25 pm

You are eeeeeeevilllll, stay away from the keyboard. ;-)

Glad nothing happened to your feet.

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Post by mundaire » Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:26 pm

shutzen";p="23477 wrote: 2. Exploding battery:
Reminds me of the time I tried to recharge a zinc carbon cell by soldering wires to each end and plugging it into the mains! :oops: In all fairness it did say "Do not recharge may leak or explode" - good enough incentive for a kid to check it out! Thankfully it was just an AA size cell and I got off easy with a black face (and walls), eyesight and hearing intact. To any kids out there - DO NOT try this at home, I disclaim any and all liability for the resulting injuries and/ or spanking!

And as Shutzen so mildly puts it - afterwards there was hell to pay... ;)

Another neat trick used to be to hold a zinc carbon cell with a plier and heat it over a candle... the innards would shoot out with a bang after a few minutes... seemed like good fun at the time... made an awful mess though! Standard disclaimer as described above applies here... ;)

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Post by dev » Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:31 pm

eh so which end do you heat, the +ive or the -ive ?
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Post by mundaire » Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:38 pm

dev";p="23483 wrote: eh so which end do you heat, the +ive or the -ive ?
The -ve terminal sir... and best have a firm grip on the cell... else you will have 2 projectiles - each flying in opposite directions - I take it you are going to try this out the minute you reach home today... ;)



P.S. - Cells with some residual charge work best... completely dead cells are a little low on the "bang factor"
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Post by dev » Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:56 pm

naah, had more stupidity than sense earlier, now I'm just plain yellow but one of the voices wanted to know. ;-)

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Post by mundaire » Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:09 pm

Ah, the famous "voices"... :mrgreen:
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