Last Sunday dawned with a ‘glint’ that reflected from the exquisitely hollow ground blade of a TIBETIAN Folding Knife, that came into my possession quite unexpectedly!
What caught my eye was the intricate etching on the knife’s fore-end just below the CHOIL and the artistic indentations on the spine of the blade.
Next were the precision hollow grinding of the belly, smooth & eclectic and lastly the dark buffalo horn handle at the end of which was the cute lanyard with a precise knot!
Apparently a ‘cottage industry’ product, the workmanship was of this EDC is of a top order….It may perhaps not bear the prestige of a ‘brand’ per say, but it has definitely found a place of pride in my motley collection of blades!
If my memory serves me right….Swiss Blades used to boast of their uniqueness by saying…….
They open with a ‘Click’ & close with a ‘Clack’….This TIBETIAN EDC ’just does that’!!!!!!
