After going through the posts I called up a couple of officers in Bengal and Kolkata police who are knowledgeable as far as firearms and the police inventory are concerned. The responses was not quite encouraging for us here but let me share.
1) Consignments of rubber bullets have landed in the state and they are in 7.62 and 12 gauge !
2) These can be fired from standard 7.62 mm SLRs (the cops in Bengal still use some of them though most have been replaced by INSAS and AK)
No modification to the SLRs are required. None of them could however say how the authorities propose to use the 12 gauge rubber bullets without purchasing new shotguns.
Since these rubber bullets are being manufactured locally as far as I know, it is possible that some old 303 rifles in the J&K police armory may have been modified (I guess the barrels were replaced by 7.62 mm barrels that IOF Ishapore has in plenty) to fire the rubber bullets.
But that still doesn't answer two questions: Why use such a short barrel and more importantly, what is that suppressor like attachment ?
Quiet frustrated, I was going through file photos of riots in the Valley but could not spot another short 303 rifle. However I stumbled into this on the net: innovation at its best

Thought this may bring some relief in the middle of a serious discussion.
from here : ... inagar.jpg
The search for facts continues