You are welcome to come over any time. Infact we could plan it out as a knife making weekend some time

Maybe use the angle grinder and bench grinder on a couple of blanks and see how that goes too.
Today's deal at flipkartsnIPer wrote:I picked this up from Flipkart - seems good - haven't had a chance to use it yet ... 2c5c01cc03
Unless you are collecting, I think the Gerbers and Stanleys will do the trick. The good axes normally come from places which have a history of heavy logging, like Granfors from Sweden, etc. Or else you can try knifecenter and pray the customs will let it through!There are no good branded axes available in india like wetterlings and granfors . ...... there are just gerbers and local made axes......
Timmy, here's my Collins Hudson Bay axe which sounds like is identical to yours. I made a handle for it from "Osage Orange" which is a hard and durable wood. It is also hard to shape!timmy wrote:Raghvendra:
My Dad also had a small Collins (another very old USA axe company) "Hudson Bay" style axe. These were small, light axes that had a small head and large angled cutting surface, somewhat like what one might think of as a "tomahawk" style. The idea was a lightweight axe that could be carried about more easily than a standard, large axe, with a head that weighed have as much or less. My Brother got this Collins axe; I do not have it. It looks a lot like this:
[ Image ]
Here is an article on Hudson Bay style axes: ... eview.html
Finally, here is an article about axes in general that you might find interesting.
I submit this with the idea that, in your searches, you might find something to your liking by using "Hudson Bay" as a search term. I was thinking that, if you could find an axe head to your liking, you can always put a handle on it.
Hello aadhaulya,aadhaulya wrote:I have come across some good knives online. But have not seen any good looking axes.
Really a nice one.Raghvendrasingh wrote:Got a new axe head