I shave with double edge razors pretty much exclusively, big reason is the blades are so cheap but I also have all of these neat old razors to use so I am always on the lookout. Anyway, this one was marked "US ARMY", most gillette razors have a date code and this one was stamped "J 1165" which I thought meant January 1965, so Vietnam era. I purchased it for the princely sum of $3.50.
I get home and look it up, and it turns out to be a manufacturing code and this razor was issued to the US Army in 1918! I shaved with it last night and it did a fair job but I think I prefer one of my other ones. I figure I'll keep using it until the blade I put in gets dull and then see what my thoughts are.
No picture yet, so here is a similar one grabbed off a search engine: