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Post by aadhaulya » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:32 am

I am trying to remove the bolt of my IOF 30.06 to service it and to if possible to get it chrome plated. I had learned to remove the bolt of a .22 during my arms training course by the Home Guard. That was quite simple, one has to open the bolt then press the trigger and pull the bolt out of the rifle.
I have spent time on IFG and Google to find a method to remove the bolt but was unsuccessful.
I would be grateful if some one could guide me in this matter.


PS. I thought I had become a sort of expert on guns, by following this forum. But now after getting my license and buying my guns I realize that I still have a long way to go.

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Post by AgentDoubleS » Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:55 pm

The bolt release button is right next to the trigger guard. Its located on the left side. Press it upwards and slide the bolt out.

Hope it helps.


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Post by Vikram » Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:49 pm

aadhaulya wrote:I am trying to remove the bolt of my IOF 30.06 to service it and to if possible to get it chrome plated.
How old is the rifle and how many rounds have been put through it? What do you intend to do to it in terms of "service"? Why do you think it is necessary to chrome plate the bolt? That's a lot of questions but appreciate your thoughts. Cheers.
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Post by xl_target » Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:29 am

I'm curious too. Why do you want to get the bolt Chrome plated?

Frankly, if you like your rifle and it works well for now, I wouldn't let any Indian "gunsmith" touch my rifle (if I could help it).
There are very few exceptions like Bobby Sidhu of Patiala and his ilk... but only a very few.
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Post by nagarifle » Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:27 am

xl_target wrote:I'm curious too. Why do you want to get the bolt Chrome plated?
so it looks shiny shiny, easy, take it to a chrome walla, any auto chrome walla will do for that matter. and enjoy the pain afterwards ROTFL

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Post by aadhaulya » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:09 pm

Thanks guys for the response,
@SS Thanks to you I have located the 'Bolt Release Button' but I will try it tomorrow, when I am sober.
@Vikram my rifle is one month old and about 20 rounds through it. All my guns are new so as of now at least, I clean all guns after each round of firing. As of this 30.06 I really would like to clean out the spring and firing pin and basically to get familiar with the mechanism.
@XL_Target & Nagarifle, Although the bolt is shiny enough, I thought that a proper polished butt (darker stain) and a chromed bolt may look better. But now I guess the chrome may start chipping off at the point where it rests in the firing position. Therefore, the chroming project has been shelved.


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Post by AgentDoubleS » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:46 pm

aadhaulya wrote:I will try it tomorrow, when I am sober.
You will make great co. on Delhi IFG meets :)

I got inspired by Mack The Knife's thread on how to polish your stock. Did such a horible job withthe staining and stippling that id never post a pic even if someone paid me for it!

I can empathise with you wanting to split it open,the day i got my rifle i dismantled it and cleaned it up thoroughly. It was primarily because i got it from NRAI and it was not in a very good condition.

The bolt has a horrible finish. So much so that you'll hear ppl saying its aluminium!!!! :roll: not sure if youve noticed but the bolt locks into the barrel. I found that most interesting when i opened her up.

If u really want her looking better id suggest take her to someone like bobby. Or just leave it at that.

How aree your groups and where do you shoot? And which ammo?

Shoot safe. Cheers, SS

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Post by Baljit » Sat Nov 22, 2014 3:50 am

aadhaulya wrote: @Vikram my rifle is one month old and about 20 rounds through it. All my guns are new so as of now at least, I clean all guns after each round of firing. As of this 30.06 I really would like to clean out the spring and firing pin and basically to get familiar with the mechanism.

This is really good, if you clean your rifle after every shot you fire,also good to familiars about actions.Now my Question is to you why you like to clean spring and firing pin?

Yes, maybe you can see grease and lube on firing pin and spring.Keep in mind you need that, otherwise you going to run your gun dry,it mean you going to wreck your firearms.


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Post by aadhaulya » Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:01 am

@SS, i am totally new to firearms and it would take me some time after playing around with them to understand it completely. I have used some PPU 155 gr and 175 gr and some S&B 180 gr. The gun is less than a month old and have not had a chance to take it to the shooting range till now. I have used about 25 rounds on my terrace till now.
I used 3 rounds of PPU 175 gr on my terrace wall from about 20 mtrs all of them hit at the same spot creating a fairly deep hole about 1.5" diameter. The plaster on the other side of the 9" wall came off. I think that if I had fired about 5 to 6 rounds at the same spot it may have gone through the wall.
Now I fire at a 'water works' water tank about 300 mtrs from my house I am using a 3-9 X 40 scope and do not fire at the same spot. Although, I doubt that it would ever go through concrete. Therefore, I do not know the grouping or accuracy of this weapon till now.

@Baljit, For the first time I would like to have a look at the bolt to clean out the old lubricants as the gun was a 2012 manufactured and in the dealers stock till now. Hence, I got it at about Rs 20000 cheaper than the 2014 rifle being sold here.
Also I do not intend opening out the bolt during regular cleaning but over a period of time will create a maintenance schedule for the different parts.


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Post by dsingh » Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:22 am

Congrats for new ur new gun.I will advise u be careful when u practise target on terrace. I do not want to shake ur confidence just as a friend advise in case of missed target it can be lethal.I remember 2 cases although rarest of rae last year in Moga in Punjab a youth who was practising his .315 rifle in terrace just missed the target the bullet hit a top of club at one kilometer from his terrace and a fuction was going on for Karvachauth after hitting the part of wall bullet hit a lady in her head killing her on the spot.Second incident took place when some jawans from my Dad battilion was practising in jungle due to rain a .303 bullet skidded on rock which was wet and went up to 2 KM then hit grass cuuter lady on chest killing her about 30 years back.Just 2 years back in Batala 2 KM from range 2 school were hit by rifle bullets of .303 so be carefull the .30.06 rifle has more penetration than these 2 rifles .Be careful and safe go to isolated in fresh weather then pratise on mud wall if found .

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Post by aadhaulya » Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:34 pm

I have also read about the Moga incident before I bought this rifle. I was trying to be careful as the water tank is very high and too big to miss hitting it completely. But your words 'rarest of rare case' has made me think again.
But is one allowed to fire in an open and safe area?
As per the instructions in the License one is not allowed to shoot in a public place, religious function or marriages. As it may lead to cancellation of the license. As per these instructions there seem to be no restriction on shooting in isolated places, but I would not like to take chances.
As far as shooting at home, I feel safer as none of the neighbors would complaint (since I have been living here for the last 30 years and know all of them).

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Post by aadhaulya » Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:41 pm

@SS Thanks to you I have removed the bolt today and found it quite simple. Now I am trying to dismantle it. Also I would love to attend the Delhi IFG meet. Where and when is it happening?
Do these meets have an area for shooting as well??


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Post by Vikram » Sat Nov 22, 2014 4:10 pm

aadhaulya wrote:As far as shooting at home, I feel safer as none of the neighbors would complaint (since I have been living here for the last 30 years and know all of them).
Discharging a firearm within the limits of a town is not legal unless that is a legal shooting range. The cardinal principle is to ensure a safe backstop in the direction of shooting. It is very important that one learns all the safe shooting practices and observes them. There is just no leeway in that. Glad to see that you are being quite thorough in asking all the correct questions. :cheers:
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Post by aadhaulya » Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:51 pm

Vikram, in the NCR I believe, there are no town limits each town is connected to the next one, due to the very large population. Though there are large forest areas within this.
No body seems to know (including the LA) that where one can shoot. I am a member of Dr Karni Singh shooting range, but it is about 45 km from my house. Therefore, I find it convenient to do the shooting close by.


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Post by aadhaulya » Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:35 pm

SS wrote:
aadhaulya wrote:I will try it tomorrow, when I am sober.
I got inspired by Mack The Knife's thread on how to polish your stock. Did such a horrible job with the staining and stippling that id never post a pic even if someone paid me for it!

SS, I had also gone through Mack The Knife's post. It was quite elaborate and I learnt the process of wood polishing. But at the moment I am not attempting it because I am still not sure of removing the metal parts from the wood. I spoke to some wood polishing guys also but thanks to Mack The Knife's post I found that they have no proper knowledge of polishing.

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