Hi Guys,
At the outset I must confess that excepting the two MUELAS…
1.MUELA D16 – Military Commando, 7” blade with DELRIN handle (Modified Bowie)
2.MUELA KIRPAN - 5” blade with polymer handle…..
The other blades acquired by me over the past couple of decades do not lay claim to any well known brand.
Nevertheless they came at an affordable price, combined with rudimentary aesthetics in design, ergonomics & functionality. I’ve taken them with me on several field trips and they have served me well.
I’ve fond memories of acquiring these during my far-east trips, looking out for shops in the back lanes of bustling cities of Manila, Bangkok & Hong Kong that sell knives and driving hard bargains with those crafty shop owners speaking Pidgin English!
BTW – While my interest & fascination with blades is racing at a trotting pace – I have all admiration for the collection & knowledge of my fellow IFGians – MACK, MOIN, SLINGSHOT, BRUNO, MARTHANDAN ET AL…. MY HATS OFF TO YOU GUYS!