Son: Coke or Pepsi?
Father: Coke.
Son: Diet or Regular?
Father: Regular.
Son: Bottle or Can?
Father: Bottle.
Son: 500ml or 1 litre.
Father: Dammit just buy me water!!!!!!!.
Son: Natural or Mineral?
Father: Mineral!!!!
Son: Chilled or Room Temperature?
Father: I'm gonna strike you wit a broom you idiot!!!!!!!
Son: Stick broom or Soft broom?
Father:Stop this you little animal!!
Son: Cow or Pig?
Father: Get the hell outta her you little b*&%#@asd!!!!!
Son: Now or Later?
Father: NOW!!!!
Son: So are you gonna throw me out or not?
Father: I'm gonna kill you!!!!!!!
Son: With a gun or Knife?
Father: I am gonna shoot you little b&%#@ard!!!!!
Son:In the head or Stomach?
Father: You pest.
Son: Cockroach or Rat?
Father : Fainted................
Son : Are you dead or sleeping

> Have a Great Week-End!
