Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

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Re: Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

Post by shutzen » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:41 am

penpusher wrote:
sorry pal all the ISSF matches be it free rifle or standard rifle have to be shot w/o mags....... rtfm
Just shows how boring the sport must be for spectators
yeah just as boring as the competitiors in a HP match banging out the bullets.......

I still tend to beleive that the guns used by the ISSF shooters r far superior than HP.
Why is that? Are the rifles used for High Powered shooting clunkers?Would be strange if it were so in a place like USA where the shooters have access to equipement and expertise we Indian can only dream of. Have you handled rifles used for the High Powered shooting and thus are able to make a real comparison .Or is it a case of you competing in ISSF sports and thus anything related to it being inherently superior.
No dude ! the americans have acess to any tube, trigger or action/stock they want but then why dont we see the american olympic team use american weapons??????? why dosent the american olympic team shoot american ammo??

However all r entitled to their opinions but most groups I have seen r shot at 100yds or 200 yds.....
Strange that the sport calls for competitions upto 1000mtrs and all the shooting,or almost all taking place at 100-200 mtrs.Are the Americans running out of land to shoot.
edited ... go to the forums and chk out 90% of all pics posted show groups shot at short ranges

In India atleast, there is only one range where 300mtrs matches can be held.Bisley is also the lone such range in UK ,if I am not mistaken.The only centre fire rifle made in India has a max advertised range which falls short of it(the 300mtr range).
Again I have been to three BB Nationals at 1. Nahan (HP) 2. Indore (MP) 3. Mhow (MP) there are numerous other ranges where one can shoot 300 m so pl. update ur knowledge
Shooters are forced to scrounge around for rifles,ammunition and shooting equipement.Most are forced to use second hand stuff that the shooters who have obtained the Renowned shot status(which now would be easier to obtain) and are allowed to import, sell at a hefty premium.
Well Pal I see any shooter who is pursuing the sport with a firearm as a Indian who has beaten the Indian baudum or is trying to beat the babudom. The single most important factor stiffling Indian shooting is the babus- the arms clerk, the ADC, DC and Home secretary at the state lvl. These guy who dont even know what shooting is take decision thei clerks tell them to reg the ammo req. area of licence etc.....
As far as import and sell is concerned till it was difficult to get one had to pay a price for it...... why do non-shooters pay absurd prices for .32 bore imported revolvers/pistols or hunting rifles? cuz buddy its a sellers mkt.

Where is India in comparison to a country like China?
NOTHING. Thanks to a absurd bureucracy and stupid laws.
Indian shooters can only hope to get a sole medal here and there(especially when countries with strong shooting teams are not there.Commonwealth Games being one example).That's it.
Well Pal In my opinion if a individual Indian shooter wins a international event he has beaten the entire Indian system comprising of stat assn. politics, babus, national assn politcs and that too with a level of equiptment which si entry lvl in therms of equiptment , training , ranges, ammo and COACHING ;) HEY buddy what more do u expect frm a country which was a slave for 300 years and then a edited and the ICS was renamed the IAS , the police system remained the same, the governors.....and most important most of the rules and laws passed by the brits (master) to govern their slaves (Indians) reamined the same we still have not been able to get rid of our "Virasat" while the new maharajas - the politicians, criminals and babus r fleecing the common man what more can u xpect???

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Re: Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:42 am

This is NOT a 300m Standard rifle with a 10 shot magazine . :mrgreen:

This is NOT a 300m free rifle set up ONLY as a single shot . :mrgreen:

The Bleiker Sportwaffenfabrik most probably know nothing about the rules governing ISSF sports

Also, Sherri Rasmussen's 1200 yard 2.58" group with a 50 BMG match rifle with a BAT shell holder action, Manners stock and Crosby barrel must have been at a shorter range
The USAMU doesn't build rifles for Americans shooting in the Olympics

European shooters haven't been buying barrels with 5R rifling for their 300m matches from Bartlein, Obermeyer and others, :mrgreen:

There are no 1000m shooting ranges and most shooting is done at shorter ranges in the USA despite my being about 30 miles from Aurora and 150 from Lodi in one direction and the Fox Valley to the Twin Cities Rod and Gun Club in another, and I'm talking about only ONE US city here, :mrgreen:

All High Power rifle competition is with scope sighted rifles and Americans have no idea what iron sights are, indeed, they also shoot BP muzzleloaders at 1000 yards at Lodi once a month with sniperscopes with objectives the size of the Liberty Bell before shooting in BPCR matches at the same range and following it with service rifle matches at the same range, :mrgreen:

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Re: Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

Post by shutzen » Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:31 am

This is NOT a 300m free rifle set up ONLY as a single shot because someone who cannot spell "Schuetzen" says so.
u can bring a bananclip m-16 to the ISSF competition but u will have to load each cartridge single shot by hand -CLEAR
The Bleiker Sportwaffenfabrik most probably know nothing about the rules governing ISSF sports and need to take lessons from an anonymous self appointed expert who pontificates here.
Also, Sherri Rasmussen's 1200 yard 2.58" group with a 50 BMG match rifle with a BAT shell holder action, Manners stock and Crosby barrel must have been at a shorter range just because no-name who can't spell says so.
You have talented ppl every where and I am not contesting anything about match scores. All I am saying is the MIGHTY ammmies and you should chk the forums and see majority of the scoped ammies post groups shot at short ranges on the net....

The USAMU doesn't build rifles for Americans shooting in the Olympics
Go and chk what rifles and ammo the american olympic squad uses
European shooters haven't been buying barrels with 5R rifling for their 300m matches from Bartlein, Obermeyer and others
AGAIN the cheaper cost of the american stuff - mostly any good tgt shooter uses european barrels even american competition shooters mostly use european barrels

why did the american army through vietnam till the present re-arming drive rely on an hunting rifle remingtom model 700 with a match barrel as a sniper rifle??? simple bcoz they couldnt build a decent dedicated sniper rifle.

There are no 1000m shooting ranges and most shooting is done at shorter ranges in the USA despite my being about 30 miles from Aurora and 150 from Lodi in one direction and the Fox Valley to the Twin Cities Rod and Gun Club in another, and I'm talking about only ONE US city here
who is contesting the range size?? Edited

All High Power rifle competition is with scope sighted rifles and Americans have no idea what iron sights are, indeed, they also shoot BP muzzleloaders at 1000 yards at Lodi once a month with sniperscopes with objectives the size of the Liberty Bell before shooting in BPCR matches at the same range and following it with service rifle matches at the same range.
talk abt competitve shooting 60+ shots in 1hr and 15 minutes not plinking

I think our little discussion is overloading this site - its starting to give "CPU OVERLOADED" error mssgs. I think we have digressed far frm the topic of renowned shot. I again say that only xperience on the range shooting matches counts not googling on the net! I have shot 4 nationals and won AIGVM & National medals besides loads of regional and state in both sb & BB what abt u? besides I am renowned shot twice over before the new policy so pal I know what i'm talking abt


Re: Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

Post by penpusher » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:48 pm


So I take it that you have no experience of High Powered rifle shooting.Re. people who boast about their prowess(Nana Patekar being one example) in shooting on the net,they are in all probability average or below average.You will never find champions boasting about what they have achieved.So don't be influenced by what you read on the net.Anybody can pretend to be anything that they are not.


Since you have achieved a lot in shooting,how about revealing your true identity and sharing your experience with the rest of the members.I am sure others would find it inspirational.There are a lot of people here who are interested in taking up this sport but find it difficult to get information on how to start and what to expect once they take it up.


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Post by shutzen » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:09 pm

penpusher";p="21372 wrote: Shutzen,

Since you have achieved a lot in shooting,how about revealing your true identity and sharing your experience with the rest of the members.I am sure others would find it inspirational.There are a lot of people here who are interested in taking up this sport but find it difficult to get information on how to start and what to expect once they take it up.

okay - here goes just chk out the new thread - on getting there 300 M_

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Post by dev » Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:12 pm

penpusher";p="11553 wrote: I thought that Dev was the inventor of such things :? Asif,while you have the shirt off why not add a couple of more features.Any suggestions, Mehul.Dev where are you when you are needed?

Ohhh godddd I missed this thread for so long... the Delhi State still hasn't occurred and I went missing from this thread. the design for the t-shirt will be easy. Won't take more than a day but we must get the material sourced(i.e. t-shirts) and then check what the printing cost will be. Till then you will have to imagine Asif's rocket propelled glory...mighty naughty for an wet boy...


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Re: Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

Post by saahil » Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:18 am

hi guruz
when your team gets ready dont forget me. i know im good for nothing chap, but maybe you'll be needing someone to carry your guns.(P.S-no guarantee that your guns will be returned.) :lol:


Re: Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

Post by mehulkamdar » Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:47 am

So renowned shot :lol: now about a pic or some verifiable results of what you have done? Being renowned means well known, BTW. No, the forums are not overheated because of your pompous posts, we do have vastly more visitors here than the site is set up for.

Quote [AGAIN the cheaper cost of the american stuff - mostly any good tgt shooter uses european barrels even american competition shooters mostly use european barrels] End quote

Name me the European barrelmakers and the US businesses that use their barrels.

Quote [why did the american army through vietnam till the present re-arming drive rely on an hunting rifle remingtom model 700 with a match barrel as a sniper rifle??? simple bcoz they couldnt build a decent dedicated sniper rifle.] End Quote

The Remington 700 and 40 XB actions are vastly superior in rigidity to virtually every military action derived sniper rifle made. The L 42A1 used by the British, the much later Gehmann designed SP 66 used by the Germans and the FR - F1 are much less accurate, less sturdy and less reliable. I have shot the FR-F1 and the L 42A1 and recently rejected a 458 Model 66 that I played around with a bit in favour of another custom rifle that I finally bought in a calibre that I would be shooting and hunting with.

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Re: Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

Post by shutzen » Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:03 am

mehulkamdar";p="21591"]So renowned shot :lol: now about a pic or some verifiable results of what you have done? Being renowned means well known, BTW. No, the forums are not overheated because of your posts, we do have vastly more visitors here than the site is set up for.

I am a renowned shot and nothing will change that and with the new rules in place I will again be a renowned shot in 2 disciples in the December nationals : so eat ur heart out u jealous sod. and BTW Mr. Knowitall mehul chk out the error message the site spews: "CPU quota overloaded: this generally happens when poorly written .scripts are run:

BTW in India being a renowned shot does not necessarily mean being famous or getting ur pic in the paper IT denotes your acheivement in shooting - dont go for a literal translation - on the other side I have been lucky enough and I have a thick file of press cuttings and abt 8-9 of my press coverage articles r still on the web. when the time comes and if I feel like I can put those up too. however right now I feel like I can do more good by using my alias for now

Quote [AGAIN the cheaper cost of the american stuff - mostly any good tgt shooter uses european barrels even american competition shooters mostly use european barrels] End quote

Name me the European barrelmakers and the US businesses that use their barrels.

In '66, about twenty 40-Xs in 6mm-International were made for the AMU to compete in the Olympics. These had a special 2 oz trigger that had adjustable LOP hand built into them, but all the rest of the triggers over the years have been the same.

that sure was a loooong time ago ( Simply chk out the Rifles used byt the top ISSF shooters in the US and u will know

Quote [why did the american army through vietnam till the present re-arming drive rely on an hunting rifle remingtom model 700 with a match barrel as a sniper rifle??? simple bcoz they couldnt build a decent dedicated sniper rifle.] End Quote

The Remington 700 and 40 XB actions are vastly superior in rigidity to virtually every military action derived sniper rifle made. The L 42A1 used by the British, the much later Gehmann designed SP 66 used by the Germans and the FR - F1 are much less accurate, less sturdy and less reliable. I have shot the FR-F1 and the L 42A1 and recently rejected a 458 Model 66 that I played around with a bit in favour of another custom rifle that I finally bought in a calibre that I would be shooting and hunting with.

The Remington 700 and 40 XB actions are vastly superior in rigidity to virtually every military action derived sniper rifle made

The L 42A1 used by the British, the much later Gehmann designed SP 66 used by the Germans and the FR - F1 are much less accurate, less sturdy and less reliable

L 42A1 - is a british lee enfield SMLE production rifle -dating to pre WW II

Enfield No. 4-Based Sniper Rifles

Notes: Like many countries at the time, Britain issued sniping weapons to its troops which were essentially little-modified versions of their standard military small arms. Usually, these weapons were rifles which had come off of standard production lines, but had shown themselves to be unusually well-made or for whatever reason shot better than the usual example of the standard service rifle. Britain used a version of the Enfield No. 4 Mk 1 for this purpose.

The Enfield No. 4 Mk 1T is a sniping version of the standard No.4 Mk 1, with a scope mount and a wooden cheek rest screwed to the stock. In addition, the rear sight has been replaced with a tangent sight. It was used by the British during World War II and can still be found in former Commonwealth countries.

Gehmann designed SP 66 used by the Germans

The Mauser SP66 sniper rifle had been developed fom Mauser Model 66 Super Match sporting rifle circa 1976. It was widely used by various military and police forces from many countries, including Germany, Italy and Israel. Currently some of the Sp66s are still in service, but production had been ceased circa 1985.

Mauser SP66 (like all other Model 66 Mauser rifles) is based on short-throw bolt action, developed by Gehmann. In this action bolt has two frontal lugs that engage the barrel extension, which is screwed onto the barrel. Unlike the famous standard Mauser cation, the Gehmann bolt has cocking handle near the front end of the bolt, and the receiver has a split bridge. The magazine is integral and holds only 3 rounds. The thumbhole stock is made from laminated wood and is ajustable for lenght of pull and position of the cheekpad. Heavy, macth-grade barrel is equipped with combined muzzle brake/flash hider. Mauser SP66 in standard configuration has no iron sights and comes with Zeiss Diavari ZA 1.5-6X variable power scope

The SP66 was designed and intended for both military and Law Enforcement use. It is a well made rifle, with a beautiful and very practical contoured wood stock. The SP66 is similar to, and can trace some of its roots back to, some competition rifles. The rifle uses the Mauser short action with a very fast lock time, which is critical to accurate shooting. The rifle has a high reputation for being extremely accurate, and comfortable to shoot.

I have shot the FR-F1


FR-F1- FR-F2
Production: 1966
The FR-F1 was developed as a sniper rifle from the old Model 36 action, and has a padded cheek rest and an adjustable butt-stock, using a spacer system. The FR-F2 is an updated version of the FR-F1, it uses a different bipod-stock configuration and has some other general upgrades. These weapons have been around for quite some time and have proven themselves over and over. The FR-F2 is currently the standard issue sniper rifle for the French military. I have no direct experience with this rifle, but from what I hear the FR-F1 was limited by its 3.8 power scope. These rifles tend to be accurate and are a good sniping SYSTEM. The French have a fairly practical system in the FR-F2, with accuracy approaching 1 MOA on a good day.

The 40-X series of rifles have been with us for about 40 years. The 40-X was the brainchild of Mike Walker, one of "Big guns" of Remington in the 1960's and an avid benchrest shooter.

He wanted Remington to have a "factory" target rifle that would beat anything in the field, including the famed Winchester M70/Target-Match.

Started in the early 60's, the 40-X line has expanded over the years to include rifles well suited to longrange target, Varmint shooting, military sniping, and benchrest shooting.

Chk the above the Remington has been steadily upgraded over the years while the other weapon systems have been long since discontinued.

I posted for a newbie shooter to try and make it to MQS with the most common and affordable Rifle available in INDIA

7mm BR was an ultimate development...

Gasbag its the 6mm BR NORMA to be precise. Try doing a search and chk out all the HI-Power and big bore records and u will fart ur way to orbit when u see the wins and records upto 1000 yards set with this single cal. See what any of the top champions shoot in competition

"Took a lot of editng without taking off what you were trying to say."-Moderator
Last edited by shutzen on Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

Post by penpusher » Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:55 pm

The US Marines have the best snipers in the world and they use American rifles.It is a bit persumptuous to assume that nobody else has any knowledge about firearms.Also, so far you have not said anything based on first hand knowledge or experience.If you post sopmething,then you better back it up.Some of your comments appear to be merely speculative.On a forum designed to give information,this will not do.ISSF is better than anything else,American equipement is crap,American rifles are crap...these sort of comments merely reveal prejudices.They do not constitute empirical sources of information and might mislead the un-informed.This,especially, as you claim to be a renowned shot.Something that has to be accepted at face value as you have decided to keep your identity a secret.

Mehul was and I think still, is a member of the NRAI and has competed in ISSF matches and now that he is living in the US has access to better equipement and a wider knowledge base than we living in India.Indian shooters do not figure anywhere in the International arena not merely because of the attitude of the babus,read bureaucrats,but also because of the manner in which the NRAI is being run.The sad part is that many of your fraternity,the ones with the renowned shot certificate,see their interest as being better served with the continuation of status quo.Had it not been for the Army,their would have been no Silver Medal in shooting for India in the last Olympics.The way in which NRAI functions ensures that many good shooters are not allowed to emerge and their talent goes waste.


I think that we can use,what our politicians call 'Parliamentary language' in this debate.


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Re: Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

Post by cottage cheese » Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:37 pm

Ya man penpusher is right.

The anti-guns will be probably taking a good ring side laugh out of this.


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Re: Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

Post by shutzen » Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:18 pm

cottage chese";p="21604 wrote:Ya man penpusher is right.

The anti-guns will be probably taking a good ring side laugh out of this.

HI! cottage chesse - the anti gun lobbyist get more of a laugh when u goto their site and vote under a dummy name and idotic adress - u think the name and adress counts ? they simply put u down as another person who voted against guns. I am sure they WILL get gigles out of that
I having a discussion and makes it into a laugh - well pal chk out the other "Actual" forums - I just felt that since this a Indian forum I should participate otherwise I also frequent other formus too..

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Post by mundaire » Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:38 pm

shutzen";p="21607 wrote:well pal chk out the other "Actual" forums - I just felt that since this a Indian forum I should participate otherwise I also frequent other formus too..
All very well Shutzen, BUT as per THIS forum's rules - you are free to attack the post BUT NOT the person! Feel free to respond to/ attack the information posted, but name calling is an absolute NO NO here... continued contravention of rules will most certainly lead to a warning (yellow card) or a ban (red card).

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Re: Nana Patekar now a 'Renowned Shot'

Post by shutzen » Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:53 pm

[ so far you have not said anything based on first hand knowledge or experience.If you post sopmething,then you better back it up.Some of your comments appear to be merely speculative.On a forum designed to give information,this will not do

HI! penpusher how much of the stuff u and Mehul say is based on first hand knowledge ? U guyz also surf the net visit other forums and "ENLIGHTEN" the rest of the "deprived" ppl here.

ISSF is better than anything else,

Sure ! why not - after all this IS the ISSF forum aint it?

American equipement is crap,American rifles are crap...these sort of comments merely reveal prejudices.They do not constitute empirical sources of information and might mislead the un-informed.

Since we are talking specificly about ISSF shooting I dont need to defend myself against your "presumtious" charges the equiptmant used by the shooters speaks for itself - you can keep feeding the "UN-INFORMED" what u wish.

This,especially, as you claim to be a renowned shot.Something that has to be accepted at face value as you have decided to keep your identity a secret.
No need to accept it - I dont need it as a badge. I am just a self tought shooter who shoots as a hobby and have helped whoever has need advice online or offline

Mehul was and I think still, is a member of the NRAI and has competed in ISSF matches and now that he is living in the US has access to better equipement and a wider knowledge base than we living in India.
Acess to equipment - YES ! better equipment thats a relative term - remember the person who can lay his hands on only selective -read 1-4 equipments will always try and get the best there is . As far as "wider knowledge base" is concerned dude you are on its - its the net! and u r already informaing the - un-informed

Indian shooters do not figure anywhere in the International arena not merely because of the attitude of the babus,read bureaucrats,but also because of the manner in which the NRAI is being run.

Sadly I dont have a say in the matter and everybody just has to go through with the system. Neither do I have a say in the way the NRAI is bieng run so just make the best of the situation shall we

The sad part is that many of your fraternity,the ones with the renowned shot certificate,see their interest as being better served with the continuation of status quo.

Well pal that chapter is history. Even I started shooting with an IOF open sight .22 rifle and faced all the problems and hurdles which anybody would have faced. I have had bueruecrats trouble me no end but I did not give up and kept at them -Maybe i just lucked out...

Had it not been for the Army,their would have been no Silver Medal in shooting for India in the last Olympics.The way in which NRAI functions ensures that many good shooters are not allowed to emerge and their talent goes waste.

I think u need to chk the amt of money the NRAI spent on Rathores trng. The armies trap skeet range was still under construction in Jan. 2007 when I had gone to MHOW for the big bore nationals - pl get your facts correct.

Civilian VS ARMY shooters : bane of all problems:

1. All the services shooters are provided with Govt. arms and ammunition.
2. All services shooters are paid to shoot - no duties only shooting practice
3. All services shooters train under foreign coaches with sarkari ammo at their own ranges
4 To avoid doing any duty even in the afternoons one services shooter told me that "we do mental training in the afternoons"
5. No army officer shoots /competes in the Rifle event bcoz they thing its for the jawans and officers should only shoot pistol /shotgun

In any event due to their sheer numbers /foreign coaching/equipment/ the services shooters make up at least half of the renowned shot positions (Under the old top 25 rule) THey have no finances/desire to import but in the bargain they rob the other shooters of that chance.

I am very happy to see on the other hand that the civilians have started edging them out in most of the events and in the last 2 nationals their dominance has reduced substantially.

The real acid test of the Army's mettel will be known soon in the Hydrabad CISM games.

Well on this board I guess I am on the "UN-INFORMED" ppl list to which all the moderators love to preach.

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Post by shutzen » Sun Jun 17, 2007 4:04 pm

All very well Shutzen, BUT as per THIS forum's rules - you are free to attack the post BUT NOT the person! Feel free to respond to/ attack the information posted, but name calling is an absolute NO NO here... continued contravention of rules will most certainly lead to a warning (yellow card) or a ban (red card).

We like to keep our discussions here clean and civilized...[/quote]
Well if u see mehuls post it was he who starded it all- I dont see him being told to behave even more so cuz he is a moderator. u r free to do what u like - its just a xchange of views do u think it makes any diff to me or to mehul ? however I just want that even the mods should practice what they r trying to preach

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