by timmy » Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:46 am
One of my uncles was quite a hunter, and back in the early 60s was Boone & Crockett for Polar and Griz. He loved dogs all his life, but the saying when gunfire was heard around the small Texas town where he lived was to comment that he was shooting stray dogs again. No stray dogs were allowed to roam his small ranch, and he had many stories that justified his shooting them. He was a true hunter and crack shot, and when his gun spoke, it commonly accomplished what he intended.
My old boss and mentor has a ranch just across the New Mexico barder in Colorado. It has been in his family since Columbus landed -- almost. He runs about 1000 head of sheep and 300 head of cattle, and dog packs are a big problem for him, as well. He also has his own dogs and deals with free running dogs like my uncle in Texas did.
Once, he heard a commotion in the field next to ha house, and saw a pack of dogs attacking his sheep. He ran back into the house, grabbed his 30-30, and sent lead flying. He dropped some of the attacking dogs, and the others ran off. They did get a few of his sheep, though.
It turned out that one of the dogs was the school superintendent's pet, who lived down the road. The superintendent tried to claim, when the sheriff arrived, the the blood around his dead dog's mouth was from his dog trying to protect the sheep. He was a city slicker and nobody blelieved this story, and he had to make restitution for the dead sheep.
But that wasn't the end of the story. The school superintendent maneuvered to get my boss's wife fired, who worked for the school system, as revenge.
Still, this wasn't the end of the story. Few ever crossed my boss and got away with it. He mounted a campaign for friendly candidates for the next school board election and got a majority on the school board. The school board then fired the supereintendent. My boss had taken Election Day off and was cruising the farm roads, getting farmers from off of their tractors and taking them to the polls. He also took the day after Election Day off, as his victory celebration was a good one.
This story showed me that even pet dogs will run with a wild pack, or even form one. Millions of years of instinct are not so easily bred out of any animal. It is a shame that people must loose their pets in this way, but an even bigger shame is that their pet pays for their irresponsibility. As far as I'm concerned, if a dog is out running loose in the country like that, it is open season on them for whoever can shoot them. This is the way in the American West.. As I said, this is a shame, but feral dogs and cats do make a bad impact on already stressed populations of wildlife. If people won't be responsible, I believe the property owner is justified in shooting such feral predators, pets or not.
“Fanaticism consists of redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim.”
saying in the British Royal Navy