Need help regarding NRAI Membership

A list of shooting clubs & associations in India. This includes state associations as well as NRAI affiliated rifle clubs.
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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by anirbanb » Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:08 pm

timmy wrote:Yes,sir, I am clearly wasting both of our times. Good luck. You will need it.
Hi Timmy, I am extremely sorry. Please don't mind and if possible please forgive me for my rudeness. Will be happy to get some suggestion from you for my family member's safety. Because in India everything is illegal for self defense except a paper spray. So please help me out with some other better idea. Sorry again.

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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by anirbanb » Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:11 pm

SS wrote: Anirbanb, I know neither you or Timmy but your attitude is certainly not reflective of what is usually followed on this forum. Ppl will go out of the way to help members, sensitise them and share their own experiences to help others learn. The fact that you got responses so quickly is proof enough. Timmy's words might have hurt you but they were put to get a point across- a point that could very well mean the difference between life and death of YOUR family members- not his.


however, in case Anand is not able to respond to you feel free to message me. I am happy to help but pls rethink on whether you want to keep an airgun for self defense. It is just not advisable.
Hi SS, yes you are right. I was rude and I feel really bad now. I will try to connect will Timmy and will ask him to resolve this issue, and in this matter I think I need that good luck from timmy.

And can you please provide me the process to connect with you, because my PM thing is not activated yet.


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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by AgentDoubleS » Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:57 pm

You have a pm.

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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by anirbanb » Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:27 pm

timmy wrote:Yes,sir, I am clearly wasting both of our times. Good luck. You will need it.
Hey Timmy, still now you are angry on me I think. I apologize.

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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by farook » Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:09 pm

Just how powerful are air pistols and air rifles. Can they harm a person. Well most people agree that in nine out of ten situations as civilians drawing out the gun in time would diffuse the situation. However in the odd situation you could get into more trouble than you would otherwise if you don't have the power you just showed. Air pistols are basically of two kinds, Airsoft and Pellet or BB. While airsoft does nothing at all Pellet pistols if shot from a rifled barrel can most certainly kill a person even upto 30 feet.

Rifles on the other hand drive a pellet to high velocity, high enough to cause a serious harm if aimed at vital points. While the mechanical spring operated rifles need to be manually cocked after each shot the co2 ones like Walter dominator have repeaters that can fire multiple shots powerful enough to cause serious injury. In a rage incident last week one person in Bangalore killed an adult monkey with a single shot from an air rifle.

In this video is a perfect explanation as to how much damage a pellet pistol can do.

and here is what it has actually done ... ident.html

Imports of airguns is restricted to a .177, a .22 cannot be imported. Can we buy a local make or a used air gun with out a membership of a state or district level rifle association. Well there are dealers who sell air-guns in Bangalore without any kind of a membership cards
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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by farook » Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:34 pm

timmy wrote:
anirbanb wrote:I just tried to buy a small airpistol for safety purpose (atleast mentally).
I suggest you tie a long string to your air pistol's trigger guard. Then, when your life is threatened, swing the air pistol around you in large circles and hit the goon in the head with it.

An air pistol is not a self defense weapon. Waving in someone's face when you are threatened is liable to get you into more trouble than you bargained for.

ROTFL Good sense of humor. Some points to prove that timmy is actually right....
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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by timmy » Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:46 am

anirbanb wrote:
timmy wrote:Yes,sir, I am clearly wasting both of our times. Good luck. You will need it.
Hey Timmy, still now you are angry on me I think. I apologize.
Anirbanb: What you are proposing is not anything that I am angry about, at all, and I have taken no offense.

What I am wanting to convey is that an air pistol is not a valid tool for self defense. While a high powered air pistol can penetrate the skin, other than putting out someone's eye, the wound is hardly likely to stop someone.

If you pull this thing out and the goon is not as stupid as you think, you may find that you have gotten him twice as angry and four times as mean as he was before he started to rob or threaten you. If there is more than one goon, things might be even worse.

I am not sure of the legalities, but in some places, if you do some things with an air pistol or toy gun that appears to be a real gun, you may be legally liable, just as if you were if you had a real gun. Try carrying your air pistol on a commercial airliner and see what happens, for instance.

Any kind of firearm is not the sort of thing that is a magic talisman, that you wave around and make monsters disappear. As far as I am concerned, anyone who carries a real gun around to wave about and scare people off is exactly the sort of person who should not be carrying a gun. A gun meant for self-defense is properly carried as a tool, never brought into action unless one has the intent to protect one's life or the life of a loved one my stopping an attacker threatening bodily harm. In such a case, one aims for the center of mass of the target with the intent to stop the attacker as surely as possible.

Such an action is quite likely to result in severe injury or death to the attacker or attackers. If you are not willing to accept this kind of responsibility when carrying a firearm for self protection, you have no business carrying one.

Your plight -- not being able to obtain a firearm for self protection -- is something we here at IFG understand, and want to see changed BY LEGAL MEANS ONLY! We aim to show the public that gun owners are a responsible group of law abiding citizens who take the responsibility of using firearms legally, safely, and responsibly very seriously, that we pose no danger or threat to orderly society, and that we are the sort of people anyone would like to have as a neighbor.

We do not have a magic wand that can provide a viable means of protection, such as you seek. My first suggestion to you would be to scan the threads of this forum and begin the process of obtaining and practicing with an IOF revolver legally. This will not be a short term solution for your problem. I realize this. However, I think that your intended course of action falls even more short of meeting your goal.
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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by anirbanb » Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:19 pm

SS wrote:You have a pm.
Hey SS, if possible please check your mail.

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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by anirbanb » Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:35 pm

Hello Tim, Thanks a lot. I will try to follow your instructions. But I think in India its very difficult to get an Arm License, and I also don't want to keep a fire arm. I just want to practice with air rifle/air pistol and if possible want to keep one at my home. But for that reason also you need a proper membership. Last month I tried to join one small air rifle club here for my shooting practice, but there I saw some small airguns which we use at our childhood time for balloon shooting in small fairs. When I asked them for a good one, they asked me to buy one. In that case again I need a valid Membership Id of a club. But that club is not authorized to provide me the paper. After that I again come back to IFG and follow some thread and heard about NRAI.

BTW, Thank you again for your suggestions.

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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by StampMaster » Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:59 pm


As Timmy and other suggests, airgun is not an appropriate weapon for self-defense. especially, considering your family as novoice gun handling. And there are professionals, experienced and beginners in this forum. And we're all happy to help each other as to enjoy and encourage the sport with right spirit.

And I very well agree with Timmy with the above post..

Personally, i have an air gun and .22LR rifle. And after a lot of advice from the forum members voting for DBBL for personal defence.. I made mistake in choosing a .22LR rifle. As i am travelling a lot, my dad would be the one appropriate to use the gun in my absence. And he is comfortable with rifle and not DBBL. So i had to choose a rifle. And in regards to the airgun, it is not meant for self defense, but to practice.

If you really want security without the hassle of spending much in terms of money and time then you can get a PIR MOTION sensor with flood light and a DIY alarm which will cost you Rs2000 or less.
How it works- Anyone approach 10-15 meters from the sensor will automatically switches on the light and rings the bell. Which would be sufficient to scare off any intruders.
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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by anirbanb » Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:23 pm

Hello SS, did you get some time to check my mail? if possible please reply.

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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by AgentDoubleS » Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:13 pm

Will surely respond to your email by tomorrow.

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Re: Need help regarding NRAI Membership

Post by faizurrahim » Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:39 pm

Hello everyone.
I am also willing to join Nrai and i am really passionate about it. I am from Jaipur where there is an association but membership is not available. I even started a separate thread with the name "NRAI RIFLE ASSOCIATION OF INDIA" where i habe mentioned everything about te reason to join and about myself too.
I have already applied for NAGRI membership after being influenced by the commendable work they are doing and have succeeded to bring in two more members ( to apply very soon).
The thing is till now no one has come up to endorse my application.

If anyone of you seniors can understand my situation and help me, i would be really obliged.
Awaiting a positive reply very soon.


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