May I take this opportunity to thank Vikram for his hospitality, he is indeed a very generous and gracious host - making one feel instantly at home and taking care to quickly rid one of any awkwardness one might feel - a real gent indeed!

The trip to the range and trying out sporting clays was a very humbling experience (as reflected in the scores) - it completely underscores just how much more there is to learn. Vikram was a little unhappy with the club gun they provided, but I was quick to remind him that even that beat up Miroku would be a treasure back home! About my shooting position, for the first few shots I completely forgot to "wind up" properly etc. - been 12 years since I was at any kind of clays range... but I've found out about a couple of more ranges close to London and intend to try out sporting clays a few more times before I fly back home - it's surely an addictive sport!
The trip to the shooting club was also interesting in that - being non-members and not even having a shotgun certificate, we were happily handed over ammunition and allowed to shoot - something that would be impossible back in India. Also, the price of each round and the ammunition was very reasonable - Vikram tells me one can purchase 1000 shotshells for around GBP 80, which is approx INR 6.7 or so per cartridge!!

Rusty - I intend to try and zero the original scope today and shoot some groups... will post the groups here.
Yep, been tanking up on the ales - that's another thing one misses back home, making the most of it...
