Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

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Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by dev » Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:43 pm

Instructions from Mr.Rajeev Sharma.jpg
At a time when most don't really mean what they say, the DSRA is being different.
Some years ago when two or three of us decided to go shooting at the range, the then head Mr.H.S.Bedi, declared that they would import ammo for the members to shoot at the range. He also told us that it would be more economical than KF ammo. Well we laughed long and loud thinking that Mr.Bedi was just being nice and trying to keep us interested in the sport. We just thought it was the brilliant Delhi winter and the atmosphere at the range and the gunsmoke going to his head.

But darn it, they did it. Slowly ammo trickled into the range and yeah it cost less than what the boys at Kirkee were pushin' out. Heck, you could even go and take a hundred bullets and blow em up on the range now, just don't loose any empties and get them back to the armoury before 15.30. I had been hearing all this and waiting for a chance to go to the range. In fact I had resigned myself to just hearing the stories as I didn't have the time. I was itching to shoot standard pistol but just didn't have the time.

And then again the DSRA chief Rajeev Sharma announces that they will coach members in all the pistol disciplines that our hearts' desired. That also on a weekend. This time we didn't laugh and quietly signed up. The event was announced on face book and the web page .

So I turned up on Saturday morning, all charged up as Amit Gupta had also encouraged me greatly. He did more than encourage, he bought his pistol for me to use. So I was set. There was a slight delay on the ammo getting there but when you have renowned shots for friends...even that is easy. Ollie quietly put a box of 22 Lr in my hand and said you go shoot, I will shoot another day...

If you thought that this was good it gets even better. The ammo man arrives and so I pick up a box of Eley Team Member and return Olly his pack. I knew it would be there for me if I ever needed it. Then it all started Mr.Rajeev Sharma a renowned shot several times over and Gold medalist at SP, began taking us through the safety and the new rules. He was joined in by National Coach Mr.Wajid Ali both took us through the basics and then so dry fire sessions.

After this we loaded up for the precision stage, which needs five shots to be fired in 150 secs. In the last Delhi State I had been like a headless chicken and had banged away five shots like a 'gangsta'. This time the two coaches taught us to take it easy, they taught about the importance of settling into the sight picture and then squeezing the shots off. In fact only then did it dawn that 150 secs was a lot of time. You could even cancel shots if need be. They taught us that if the sights were aligned properly at the sub six position we were sure to hit a nine. We all did this on a few sequences. Mr. Wajid Ali watched us like a hawk and quickly told us why we had shot where.

So after this we practiced the twenty and ten seconds. These are the duelling sections of the match and the tougher bits. We were now, taught to use 4 seconds of our time to aim and then to shoot. Both the instructors taught us the importance of smoothly squeezing the trigger and releasing it. They also taught us how to align the pistols. Again it was amazing to discover how much coordination and practice this takes. So it was fun to learn, how much one has to focus on each aspect. In my my first ten second sequence I shot two sixes. Mr.Wajid Ali pointed out how my foresight had risen out of alignment. The best part was that he was strict and also full of humorous ways to encourage us. One shooter was chagrined at how his score showed a zero, Mr.Ali told him yes when you normally shoot a zero, that is what the score is. ROTFL

Initially, I had planned to shoot centre-fire pistol also, but time had run out and I had to do the Cinderalla act. All in all most of us had a great time and realised that not all of ISSF shooting was boring and not all Rifle Associations are alike. In this case kudos to the DSRA.
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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by nagarifle » Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:28 pm

thanks Dev, most encouraging, hope they set a high national standard for all to follow.

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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by Olly » Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:24 pm

That was a nice summary, Dev. Thanks !
I ain't a fair weather friend... ammo sharing is only a very small gesture ! :wink:

Missed you yesterday, which was a day of freaking out and blasting away with the Centre-Fire Pistol. BTW, in my pic, its the Centre-Fire pistol and not the Standard Pistol ! :)
Elbows aching and shoulders screaming... but who's complaining... !!

DSRA is probably undergoing a new makeover and with the active participation of Mr Jaspal Rana, it gets all the more interesting. Rajiv Sharma and Wajid Ali Sahab are like the pillars behind you - only you need to lean onto them (read: go to the range and be serious about LEARNING !) This coaching camp was a welcome initiative for guys like Dev, Nishant and myself, as we got first-hand knowledge of the techniques, rules, safety issues and ofcourse the lingering odour of cordite ! :) More than that, we got a taste of both the Standard Pistol and the Centre-Fire Pistol !

Grateful thanks extended to Rajiv Sharma for the initiative.

Here's us with Jaspal Rana, the legend of pistol shooting...
Last edited by Olly on Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by AgentDoubleS » Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:53 pm

This is great news! Thanks for posting Dev, Olly.

I would love to attend the future ones. Are these range pistols? And do the same rules of renting apply- i.e a person should have a valid pistol license?

Nm, do I see a 9 on the screen :wink:


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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by inplainsight » Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:50 am

SS wrote:Nm, do I see a 9 on the screen :wink:
Good eye buddy! I see a bunch of sevens and eights and nine on that screen! I'm glad to see that my 'expertise' has rubbed off on our dear friend :)

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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by Olly » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:52 am

Yes range pistols are available and ofcourse rules apply - membership of the range and the license !

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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by Chandan22 » Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:36 pm


I was also there for the camp and definitely agree that it was a great initiative on part of DSRA.

Personally I thank Rajivji for his encouragement and support. This was the second time I have shot at the range both times thanks to him, and the inputs of Rajivji and Wajidji helped a lot. In fact I'm thinking I can participate in Delhi State without making a complete ass of myself !!!

I'm only surprised that only 4-5 people ended up taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity on Saturday. I don't know about Sunday as I couldn't be there, but I had come to the range expecting a long line...

BTW, what is this about Range Pistols?

Looking forward to meeting up with more of you'll in the future...


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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by airgun_novice » Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:05 pm

Dear dev,
Delightful read. Very happy for you and happier than you are interested in shooting as ever. That pale hint of rust on your enthusiasm seems all gone. :-) Good luck man - get 'em coming. :cheers:

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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by AgentDoubleS » Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:13 pm

inplainsight wrote: I'm glad to see that my 'expertise' has rubbed off on our dear friend :)

:lol: Yes ofcourse! I remember the shooting session with NM where the IOF couldn't keep up to the legendary accuracy of the mauser :P
Well whom am I kidding, I shot 2/75 at the trap range and the 30s yet to lose her virginity!

Chandan, Not sure I fully understood your question but here's my answer nonethless :D :
Karni Singh Shooting range has .22 rifles, shotguns for skeet and trap and center fire and standard pistols that members can rent for use at the range- at a VERY nominal rate. However, each of the firearm I listed will only be rented to a person who already has a licence of that firearm.

This is definitely an opportunity worth utilising a lot more.


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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by Chandan22 » Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:33 pm

Hello SS,

Thanks for the info. I didn't know firearms were available for rent at the range.
However the bummer is that one still needs a licence for the same. So back to the plan of applying in early November.

Wouldn't it make more sense to rent out firearms to anyone interested in the sport? Getting a licence is itself such an task. Perhaps this way more people can try things out. But anyways, thats only wishful thinking.


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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by AgentDoubleS » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:06 pm

Chandan22 wrote: Wouldn't it make more sense to rent out firearms to anyone interested in the sport?
Absolutely. This is how I got introduced to the sport. Shooting was as simple as picking up a rifle and ammo and walking 500mtrs to the range. Unfortunately such simple logic is not understood by anyone in the Govt. We're going off topic.

I hope DSRA starts keeping its own firearms renting it to its members. Even the existing facility should be utilised more.
Last edited by AgentDoubleS on Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by TC » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:35 pm

Hi Dev,

A great post and I must say, words that can encourage many young shooters.

My best wishes you, ollie and nishant.


That's a great group of niners I too couldn't help staring at :D



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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by dev » Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:05 am

Thanks guys. Have shot the centre fire pistol only once till now. Love the boom of it and the little recoil. Would love to try something more powerful.
It has become something that I would like to shoot AGN bhai but there are too many torillas to bake. ;-)
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Re: Delhi State Rifle Association pistol camp

Post by airgun_novice » Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:48 pm

dev wrote:Thanks guys. Have shot the centre fire pistol only once till now. Love the boom of it and the little recoil. Would love to try something more powerful.
It has become something that I would like to shoot AGN bhai but there are too many torillas to bake. ;-)
In that case, I pray to the Gods to grant you the requisite strength and/ of the "dough" for 'em tortillas. ;-)

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