As we all know, a decent ‘Gun Rest’ for ARs is not worth mail ordering (postage = as much or more than the cost of the Bipod) nor do local Arms Dealers stock one. Getting one made through DIY is possible, but it’s a daunting task. Most AR shooters known to me use a home-made bean bags instead!
As for me I thought a Bi-Pod would be a good alternative, easy to carry & functional. So I went about acquiring one through the kind courtesy of a friend who went to the US on a business trip. My request to him was to get me a Bi-Pod – preferably a UTG brand.
It finally arrived, but my enthusiasm was deflated when I realized that it could not be fixed on to an Air Rifle – the reason being that the fore-end of ARs have a slot to facilitate cocking and hence there was no way to screw on the Bi-Pod in the fore-end of my AR.
An alternative was to fix it on to the barrel – this did not appeal to me as it would scratch & ruin the barrel’s bluing.
However a bit of imagination & innovation came to my rescue! So I set about designing a fixture & made a wooden bracket to size, painted it black & lined the inner surfaces with 5mm thick rubber sheets cut to size & epoxy glued on a 10mm x 10mm x 4mm metal strip at its bottom, which the clamp in the Bi-Pod could hold.
Presto! The Bi-Pod’s clamp held the metal strip snugly – Now all I had to do was place the fore-end of my AR within the rubber lined bracket - the rubber lining provided the fore-end a firm grip & a cushioned rest.
See the attached pics (Modified Bipod & Orion rested on Bipod)
It was a very satisfying & fun loaded DIY experience!!!