Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by Skyman » Fri May 03, 2013 12:38 am

Uhh...they are going to buy every bond they can.It was to say if the Americans squabble with the Chinese they will probably have no more Chinese money funding them.Probably.
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by Sakobav » Fri May 03, 2013 7:21 am

Like it hate it envy it Red Dragon has their key policies lined up Economic foreign and Defense. US and China have a mutually beneficial relationship as some one pointed out earlier..The walmart istic economy in entire world and US in particular folks loves cheap goods and now China is financing our economic recovery - Mutually assured destruction US fails China fails - atleast the pundist here think so -- and have they ever been wrong? This is the beginning remember India and China or Pakistan or Nepal or Bangladesh none has any water treaty with CHina. So be prepared for Brahmaputra water issues once China starts diverting the water via dams.

Go to Africa or South America China is the nation which is doing a better job than world bank in executing infrastructure projects ( per world standard ) and they are buying up natural resources...Chinese even won the great bullet train project for California connecting San Fran with LA. Imagine turn of last century Chinese labors were responsible in laying down the train tracks in US and now complete circle in the sand..

A surplus of trillion dollares can do wonders kudos to Chinese on that front. Once you build advance landing grounding at Daulat Begi PLA will come to check it out and mark their territory. Per Chinese logic why not intimidate Indians right before bilateral meeting and close to elections and off course the Dalai lama thing too


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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by gladiatorgarg » Fri May 03, 2013 9:52 am

:agree: with ngrewal,in 21 century financial power rules your foreign policy,but for your national policy one needs to have a strong spine, please do not ask if army can do this or that..ask the policy makers if they want to do something or not..leave the rest to the armed forces..we are not in the habit of wasting taxpayers money...

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Sat May 04, 2013 4:02 pm

The solution is simple and very obvious,send Rajinikanth :mrgreen:

So Naga,did you get the dogs? I have not heard them being mentioned in some time.

Unless our Chinee bhai'ss build permanent structures they are going to freeze to death,come winter.

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by nagarifle » Sat May 04, 2013 4:26 pm

nay to dogs, the chin chin bhai eating em up

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by seedha.admi » Sat May 04, 2013 7:35 pm

I think it would be wise to capture the chinamen which have trespassed and then later have a talk with the chinese at UN on whether to release those soldiers or not. Also building our patrol camps at the line using this as a reason for tightening security, simultaneously.
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by nagarifle » Sat May 04, 2013 8:09 pm

capture would be deemed an act of war. who wants that?

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by Skyman » Sat May 04, 2013 8:26 pm

By the time the politicians have the stones to come up with a plan of action, they will be at my doorstep if we shoot or capture any of them.
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by timmy » Sat May 04, 2013 9:31 pm

winnie_the_pooh wrote:The solution is simple and very obvious,send Rajinikanth :mrgreen:
exactly! :agree:
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by airgun_novice » Sat May 04, 2013 10:18 pm

Alas! Before dear Rajnideva, Johnny Lever leaves for PRC on May 9th. :-(

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by seedha.admi » Sun May 05, 2013 7:02 pm


Well, are you afraid of war? Isn't this thread about your anger and hatred towards wrong doings of ******* chinese govt. So, you want to start a thread about it rather than face fear. Don't be afraid, because where there's fear there's no justice.

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by seedha.admi » Sun May 05, 2013 7:14 pm


Please read my opinion again, basically I said that we should use this scenario to our advantage. We should prepare a large team, send it over there, split the team in 2. The first team will capture the chinese soldiers and the second team will lay down our structures as to patrol and stop the second wave of chinese coming from behind them. All this while a minister goes to UN to raise a dispute between the two countries. If I'm right then US will take it to it's advantage and pressure chinese into withdrawing by claiming that our side is right to take action in stopping there invasion of our land.
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by Skyman » Sun May 05, 2013 7:35 pm

I have another idea.Naga and i will tow his 105mm and blow them up at night.For free. ROTFL :twisted:

Look SA, we are not afraid of war.We know what will happen and fear the consequences of war.No doubt, the civilians will suffer much more than the armed forces.

The Chinese soldiers won't exactly roll over and allow capture.They will call for back up and before you know it the Air force is involved.Remember - Whatever we do, they can do better. :(

If a large and mighty country like India runs to the UN because a few Chinese are taking a dump in out territory, do you know how pathetically weak that makes us look? It will be even worse than the current inaction. :roll:
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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Sun May 05, 2013 9:18 pm

The Chinese, having learnt of the imminent arrival of Rajinikanth in their midst,seem to have rolled up their tents and gone back.....or is it because of the possibility of Naga going there with his 105 :mrgreen:

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Re: Chinese incursion in Eastern Ladakh

Post by Skyman » Sun May 05, 2013 9:25 pm

I told you the tents would collapse on them....
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