IFG meet in Kolkata

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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by Vikram » Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:13 pm

Excellent photos and a fine gathering of dignified gentlemen. Thank you for the photos and it is great to see people coming together.

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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by Lawman » Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:30 am

I missed. My bad luck.... :(

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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by Baljit » Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:04 am

Wow!! very nice guy's keep it up.. :cheers:


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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by xl_target » Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:31 am

Great to see all those faces. I am looking forward to meeting you all some day.
Tirpassion, what a great trip you have had.
Thanks guys, for sharing those photos.
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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by brihacharan » Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:35 pm

Hey tirpassion,
> Many thanks for the lovely photographs + a very descriptive narration of what transpired during your Kolkata Meet.
> As you verily said the "Epoxy" that bonds US will certainly give the original manufacturers a run for their money :lol:
> Simply said it's the Joy of Loving, Sharing & Caring between like minded folks like US :D
> I mean this when I say that "Your presence" brought us all together - We needed a reason to Bond & You were the Reason :D
> As far as the Mumbai IFGians were concerned we were not fortunate enough to meet 'Your Better Half' & your 2 lovely children.
> May be that day is not far off....... :D
TC: Kudos to U for arranging this meet :D

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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by TC » Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:00 pm

tirpassion wrote:At last here is TCda!!! Oooooof what a relief!!!!!! I thought the memory loss factor caught up with him. But thankfully he stayed back in the memory card :D .

Wow TCda, what terrific & devastating shots from your Canon!!! :)
And what a write-up!!! :D
Now what else can I add after such a great presentation? I found and rediscovered myself in a huge, widely spread out family, beyond any taboos/barriers of any kind; I felt and I feel that I can count on these fellows as they can, without any hesitation, one me!

TCda; I admire your knowledge and experience in various fields packed with the ultimate; your humility. And as rightly said, you are the BOND of Kolkata. The super strong binding agent (made of I do not know what resin; epoxy....) which makes that unbreakable bond of friendship mixed with the right dose of that ever watchful 'Dada' :D .
Gladiatorgarg; Your anecdotes of the army and your lively narrations will reverberate in my ears for a long long time!!!
Swajanda; What a genius you are!!!! A small nuclear bomb of subtle humour :lol: We would really appreciate more contributions from you on RKBA, in your own words and style obviously :D .
Saptarshi; You came out to be a great surprise for me. Young gun and what knowledge of weapons! My regards Sir!!! Are all the Graduates of Defence Studies same as you are???
Basuda; the doyen of our group with that commanding voice to reckon with!!!! You were the cool composed blissful figure, yet giggling like a child in admiration to the narrations of the others. I salute your elegant simplicity!

I missed out on the others who could not make it yesterday. But as I said, you can count on me!!!

Now on a lighter note; the batteries in the remote control of my cherished lady might have run out of life without my knowledge and I found her along with the children in City Centre. Was she trying to find out what her husband was up to really or was she missing me for tooooo long.... :D . Given an option, I will choose the later one for sure :D .
It was a real pleasure for me to introduce my family to you and I thank you for the gift for my children. Later in the evening, when I was cherishing the memories of the day, my wife told me 'You have great friends; now you need to keep it living. That is more important'.

Since, I am an obedient husband, I will stick to her words :D .

best regards
Tirpassion... the pleasure was ours and as you have rightly said we can all count on each other... Brothers In Arms
Have a safe trip and please don't forget to mail me those "pics" :wink:
My best wishes for the family... especially the lovely kids.

On a lighter note : My canon takes great pics but my skills with Adobe Photoshop does the rest ROTFL
Take care Brother

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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by TC » Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:07 pm

Thank you Vikram, XL, Baljit, AGN...

Lawman... who said you were not there ... we talked about you so many times :D

Brihaji.... thanks for the kind words... But I did nothing.. it all happened by itself...like magic :D



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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by FN-Five-Seven » Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:44 pm

tirpassion wrote:Hello FN,

It is a pity that you can not join us :( :( . May be we can catch up next time; in Sep/Oct 2013 :wink: .

best regards

I sure will put in my best efforts to make it to the meet :D

xl_target wrote:Please don't start talking about Calcutta food. It's making me salivate.
Well , I did tell you guys to ignore what I was typing next . :mrgreen:

It sure was a great meet , I hope I make it to the next meet

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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by ribaalber » Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:11 pm

Note to self:
Must post often so that I get invited to IFG meets

Nice Photo Op.
You guys sure had a swell time
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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by ribaalber » Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:16 pm

slingshot wrote:The food I miss....
1. Chimney Pot soup at How Hua
2. Chello Kebab at Peter Kat
3. Hamburger Steak at Oly Pub
4. Aminia Biryani with the aloo
5. Mutton Rezala at Nizam
6. Smoked Hilsa at The Grand
7. Double Egg Double Chicken Roll at Hot Kati or Kusums
8. Chicken Bharta at Pepsi Dhaba
9. Chilas and the outstanding veg food at the Stock Exchange
10. Haleem in front of Chaplin Cinema
11. Phucchkas at New Market
12. Nahoums bakery
13. Tea and pastries at Flury's
14. Chinese breakfast North Calcutta
15. Tangra chinese food
16. Baked Pepper Crabs at Mocambo
17. The oversized drinks at Oly Pub
18. The Steak at Blue Fox

and so much more....

SIGH. XL_Target, Tirpassion, EssDee, TC....you just stared me on a calcutta food pine :)
All of this and the food at Bhojo Hori Manna, and 6 Ballygunge place.. nom nom
Is the Pepsi Dhaba the one near Ballygunge Circular or something, which had the pic of MF Hussain and others..
It was one of my favorites too.. Oh Old times.. And yes, those Chicken Bharta I can never forget...
Been 7-8 years I have been to Kolkata. Still of my my favoritest place.
I used to tell people, who says that Kolkata is Boring. You have to know where to go :-)

And the Pub scene was awesome. Second only to Bangalore. Someplace else, the live band at Trinkas even thought a bit Cheesy.
The pub at Taj Bengal. We even sang a couple times there hahaha. They used to have these Asian Imported singers lol.
Ah Good times
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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by gladiatorgarg » Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:37 pm

Yaaa it was a great meet we all met as if we were drinking buddies for ages :cheers: thank you seniors for taking juniors like us into the fold...and i think it should be stir-passion rather than tirpassion :D he has stirred our passions which will keep on bubbling for some time :cheers:

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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by TC » Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:19 pm

gladiatorgarg wrote:Yaaa it was a great meet we all met as if we were drinking buddies for ages :cheers: thank you seniors for taking juniors like us into the fold...and i think it should be stir-passion rather than tirpassion :D he has stirred our passions which will keep on bubbling for some time :cheers:
Gladiator.... the way you got those yummy pao bhajis it didn't seem like you were the junior :wink: :wink:
Stir passion... well said major :D



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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by TC » Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:28 pm

ribaalber wrote:
slingshot wrote:The food I miss....
1. Chimney Pot soup at How Hua
2. Chello Kebab at Peter Kat
3. Hamburger Steak at Oly Pub
4. Aminia Biryani with the aloo
5. Mutton Rezala at Nizam
6. Smoked Hilsa at The Grand
7. Double Egg Double Chicken Roll at Hot Kati or Kusums
8. Chicken Bharta at Pepsi Dhaba
9. Chilas and the outstanding veg food at the Stock Exchange
10. Haleem in front of Chaplin Cinema
11. Phucchkas at New Market
12. Nahoums bakery
13. Tea and pastries at Flury's
14. Chinese breakfast North Calcutta
15. Tangra chinese food
16. Baked Pepper Crabs at Mocambo
17. The oversized drinks at Oly Pub
18. The Steak at Blue Fox

and so much more....

SIGH. XL_Target, Tirpassion, EssDee, TC....you just stared me on a calcutta food pine :)
All of this and the food at Bhojo Hori Manna, and 6 Ballygunge place.. nom nom
Is the Pepsi Dhaba the one near Ballygunge Circular or something, which had the pic of MF Hussain and others..
It was one of my favorites too.. Oh Old times.. And yes, those Chicken Bharta I can never forget...
Been 7-8 years I have been to Kolkata. Still of my my favoritest place.
I used to tell people, who says that Kolkata is Boring. You have to know where to go :-)

And the Pub scene was awesome. Second only to Bangalore. Someplace else, the live band at Trinkas even thought a bit Cheesy.
The pub at Taj Bengal. We even sang a couple times there hahaha. They used to have these Asian Imported singers lol.
Ah Good times
Hmmm.... seems someone is missing Kolkata badly :D
How about a trip in August/ September when Tirpasssion is in town... Not that you are not welcome right now but as the saying goes.. more the merrier, especially if we are planning to hit Park Street at night... Some Place Else at The Park followed by chicken bharta, mutton malai kofta, chicken butter masala and nun at Azad Hind Dhaba while watching M F Hussain's painting inspired by Madhuri Dixit :D :D



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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by tirpassion » Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:34 am

Dear friends,

Thanks to all of you for your participation, physically or through the forum.
Well, I am back in Paris with 4 kilos of extra love and affection around the waist :D and back in regular business (it was too nice to have tea and food ready whenever I uttered the word! :)) . Now, every order is executed with self help :) . Anyway, my ticket to India (Kolkata to be more precise) is on the 25th of September for the time being. There are possibilities of date changes to October in case one of my children wishes to accompany me. Then, I will be chained surely, but with pleasure :D . In that case, tirpassion will have a little guest for the meet.

best regards

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Re: IFG meet in Kolkata

Post by TC » Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:57 am

tirpassion wrote:Dear friends,

Thanks to all of you for your participation, physically or through the forum.
Well, I am back in Paris with 4 kilos of extra love and affection around the waist :D and back in regular business (it was too nice to have tea and food ready whenever I uttered the word! :)) . Now, every order is executed with self help :) . Anyway, my ticket to India (Kolkata to be more precise) is on the 25th of September for the time being. There are possibilities of date changes to October in case one of my children wishes to accompany me. Then, I will be chained surely, but with pleasure :D . In that case, tirpassion will have a little guest for the meet.

best regards
Great to know that you reached safely brother...
Are you sure about the four kilos? :wink: then help yourself to your heart's content ROTFL
Will wait for Sept 25 and a little guest :D


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