At last here is TCda!!! Oooooof what a relief!!!!!! I thought the memory loss factor caught up with him. But thankfully he stayed back in the memory card

Wow TCda, what terrific & devastating shots from your Canon!!!
And what a write-up!!!
Now what else can I add after such a great presentation? I found and rediscovered myself in a huge, widely spread out family, beyond any taboos/barriers of any kind; I felt and I feel that I can count on these fellows as they can, without any hesitation, one me!
TCda; I admire your knowledge and experience in various fields packed with the ultimate; your humility. And as rightly said, you are the BOND of Kolkata. The super strong binding agent (made of I do not know what resin; epoxy....) which makes that unbreakable bond of friendship mixed with the right dose of that ever watchful 'Dada'

Gladiatorgarg; Your anecdotes of the army and your lively narrations will reverberate in my ears for a long long time!!!
Swajanda; What a genius you are!!!! A small nuclear bomb of subtle humour

We would really appreciate more contributions from you on RKBA, in your own words and style obviously

Saptarshi; You came out to be a great surprise for me. Young gun and what knowledge of weapons! My regards Sir!!! Are all the Graduates of Defence Studies same as you are???
Basuda; the doyen of our group with that commanding voice to reckon with!!!! You were the cool composed blissful figure, yet giggling like a child in admiration to the narrations of the others. I salute your elegant simplicity!
I missed out on the others who could not make it yesterday. But as I said, you can count on me!!!
Now on a lighter note; the batteries in the remote control of my cherished lady might have run out of life without my knowledge and I found her along with the children in City Centre. Was she trying to find out what her husband was up to really or was she missing me for tooooo long....

. Given an option, I will choose the later one for sure

It was a real pleasure for me to introduce my family to you and I thank you for the gift for my children. Later in the evening, when I was cherishing the memories of the day, my wife told me 'You have great friends; now you need to keep it living. That is more important'.
Since, I am an obedient husband, I will stick to her words

best regards
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