what would you pay for a pimped hume pipe model 35?

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what would you pay for a pimped hume pipe model 35?

Post by dev » Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:20 pm

Say if mine has a James Maccari spring in .22, has been repainted, has had all all the metal sights removed and has a scope rail welded on. It also has a brand new stock. Only flaw is the still stock trigger. I may have a 4x15 scope for it.


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Post by rahul567 » Fri Aug 11, 2006 12:04 pm

any pics

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Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:44 pm

Surely you would be the one who would paying someone to take that off your hands? :mrgreen:
has been repainted
Depends on what went into and the final outcome. Good pics required.
has a James Maccari spring in .22
Means diddly squat if it isn't suitable. Something too powerful could jar the rifle to bits. Any chrono readings? What about piston, piston washer and breech seal?
has a scope rail welded on
Depends on the quality of the alignment and welding. Pics again.
may have a 4x15 scope for it.
Sounds like one of those plastic lens jobbies. Some more pics, details required. What about mounts?

Hope I haven't been too harsh but you did ask.

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hello harsh Mack The Knife avatar

Post by dev » Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:58 am

Yup I did ask. Actually I haven't got pics right now. Piston and washer etc are Hume Pipe stuff. The paint is spray, I might get a powder coated version done. Alighnment of the scope rail is correct as I have tried out my bushnell sportsman on it. The scope I am about to change it to is also a Bushnell 4X15...I admit it is old but it still holds its zero. You are right about the power though while it zaps heavy pellets throught flower pots and leaves little holes, I'm not sure if the air rifle would hold up to the constant battering.

But it has done well for the last two years. Flattens your crow repeatedly ha haa haa (manic laughter) . I was thinking whole package for about six thousand as I can't take care of so many toys any more.


Dev :lol: :lol:
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Re: hello harsh Mack The Knife avatar

Post by Mack The Knife » Mon Aug 14, 2006 1:27 pm

dev wrote:I was thinking whole package for about six thousand as I can't take care of so many toys any more.
That's a fair price. I may be interested in that scope if you decide to sell it seperately.

An underpowered air-pistol can down the crow target. Tightening the nut and bolt at the back, by a bit, can increase resistance if you want it that way.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:06 pm

BTW, how do you powder coat a wood stock????

If you can send the stock to me, I can stipple and oil finish it for you. No charge. However, I will only do it when I have the time - that's the only condition.

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Post by eljefe » Thu Aug 17, 2006 4:30 pm

Powder coat a wood stock? You'd be amazed at us delhi-ites-assemble a laptop for you in Nehru place!! :evil:
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powder your nose ;-)

Post by dev » Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:07 pm

Powder coat for the metal parts not the wood . I have a brand new stock but I have given up the idea. Instead I just took it apart and shoved it into my junk drawer...the trigger and the whole set up is a pain. Yes you did tell me so Mack The Knife :lol: . And I am just waiting for my Mac1 tuned QB78 with extended bulk tube plus PB tank etc. There is an ominus silence from the Speed Post guys so it seems like they are getting their nutcrackers ready for me...this time I think they will really make me regret my decision. So pray for me.


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Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:27 pm

All the best. Would like to know how it goes.

Mack The Knife

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