Some like-minded Mumbaikars decided to have tete-a-tete at the famous Golf Club located at Chembur, Mumbai. While the agenda included exchanging personal pleasantries, sharing of information on guns, blades and just about anything and set the course of Japaloupe meet, etc. etc. couple of distinguished members like fantumfan2003 and Moin could not make it due to last minute "come-ups" that required personal intervention and hence their "drop-outs".
So while The Doc shared his technical knowledge on the innards of air rifles and various process instrumentation and his experience in shooting and gun-smithing, "brihacharan" enthralled with his witty jokes, stories about blades in his collection and old shikaar tales. "pratik_mahale" was only too keen to share his experience with various scopes, pellets and chrono design and operation and "essdee1972" kept the tempo up by buttering and buttressing with his vast knowledge of various cultures and history and blades and of course, witty rejoinders. Not to be outdone, "ak49" and "airgun_novice" only added to the potpourri of infectious enthusiasm with potfuls of their own.

The event was sponsored personally by brihacharanji.
And no - we did not hit the "tees", but definitely watched a few "birdees" and acknowledged our "handicaps".