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MY Handguns...

Post by TC » Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:31 pm

Hi Friends,

A number of members had wanted to see my guns but I never really felt like sharing photos... for no specific reason actually.. Well, here are the two handguns I have been owning for the past eight years.. Both are .22... Yes I love the 22 and trust it... I know what it is capable of

The revolver is a Colt Officers Model Match... It was made mainly in .38 Special and a few in .22s.. It is said the .22s are collectibles. The same frame was used in Colt Python. Never mind the Hogue combat grip or the Uncle Mike Holster... They are just accessories I bought abroad.... I never conceal carry the Colt... Its meant to be shown off !!

The Pistol is a Hi Standard Model B... a very sturdy plinker that saw some use in covert operations with silencers just like its successor, the highly successful Model HD Military. I carry the Hi Standard if I feel there is a need. It does everything as long as you don't ask it to win medals at the nationals... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I had five more handguns in the past.. Never felt like taking photographs of my guns and blades (still don't).. Will try to share pics if I find any...

I also had a 12 bore Jeffrey shotgun that my dad left for us, a .22 Winchester bolt action that I bought just because I loved the lil champ and a bull barrel .22 BSA Martini falling block action rifle that weighted almost 8 kilos !... Sold them all.






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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by xl_target » Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:18 pm

Those handguns are true American classics.
Today, both of them would be hard to find, especially the Colt.
Even the supply of collector quality Hi-Standard pistols is drying up.
They are said to be very accurate pistols. Many were used in competition in the past.
Nowadays, I think the ones in good shape are becoming safe queens as the prices that they command have gone way up.

So, can you give us your impression on the two pistols?
Build quality, fit and finish, accuracy, smoothness of operation, etc?
Also could we have some more photos, closeups, assemblies, etc?
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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by Skyman » Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:28 pm

AH so the colt is a .22? Should have known given your liking for the caliber.Great pieces.
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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by Moin. » Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:58 pm

TcDaa, you post pics of your hand held Bang Bang Cannon's and not of the blades you own, yeh to Nainsaafi hai thakur

Is that the Dirty Hari Callahan Revolver


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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by TC » Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:45 pm

Moin. wrote:TcDaa, you post pics of your hand held Bang Bang Cannon's and not of the blades you own, yeh to Nainsaafi hai thakur

Is that the Dirty Hari Callahan Revolver


Moin.. koi nainsafi nahin hogi..I will post pics of my blades too and my collection of air weapons as well.... just gimme some time... renovation in final stage... The one Callahan used was a .44 magnum Smith and Wesson Model 29.. an American classic.
This one is a .22, a pussy car compared to the mighty .44 magnum..... but as a revolver the Colt Officers Model Match is more precious item as far as collector's value is concerned, just as pointed out by XL..


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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by Vikram » Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:07 pm

Lovely handguns,TC. Very nice,indeed.Thanks for sharing.

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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by BowMan » Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:08 pm

The Colt is sweet sweet sweet and its a .22 so you are lucky to get away with this tormenting beauty. Thank your stars it is not a 38 ;-) or I would have hounded you to the ends of this earth.

The Hi - Standard, I have fond memories of my father who is a Forest Officer carrying one in his field posting days. He sold it couple of years back. Back in the days he took 50 meters one shot kills at stray dogs who entered into protected areas and prayed on herbivores. When the gun was not doing rounds with him I used to insist I sleep with it under my pillow (of course this was unnecessary). All cleaning and oiling duties were always done by me.

Thanks for showing them up TC.


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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by Moin. » Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:30 pm

TC wrote:
Moin. wrote:TcDaa, you post pics of your hand held Bang Bang Cannon's and not of the blades you own, yeh to Nainsaafi hai thakur

Is that the Dirty Hari Callahan Revolver


Moin.. koi nainsafi nahin hogi..I will post pics of my blades too and my collection of air weapons as well.... just gimme some time... renovation in final stage... The one Callahan used was a .44 magnum Smith and Wesson Model 29.. an American classic.
This one is a .22, a pussy car compared to the mighty .44 magnum..... but as a revolver the Colt Officers Model Match is more precious item as far as collector's value is concerned, just as pointed out by XL..


Yes TC Da, that's why it's Dirty"Hari" Callahan and not Dirty "Harry" Callahan lolllzzzzzzzzzm
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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by TC » Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:31 pm

xl_target wrote:TC,
Those handguns are true American classics.
Today, both of them would be hard to find, especially the Colt.
Even the supply of collector quality Hi-Standard pistols is drying up.
They are said to be very accurate pistols. Many were used in competition in the past.
Nowadays, I think the ones in good shape are becoming safe queens as the prices that they command have gone way up.

So, can you give us your impression on the two pistols?
Build quality, fit and finish, accuracy, smoothness of operation, etc?
Also could we have some more photos, closeups, assemblies, etc?
XL...somehow I knew you would be the first one to appreciate my guns ... thank you my friend..
To be frank I cant really write about guns as perfectly as I understand some of them. You could say that's a drawback or maybe I am just lazy. You are the guru in this field.

I will write a precis on the pistol... The one I own is a REAL RARE piece because it comes with a 5.6 inch barrel which nobody seems to have seen in a Model B... the Model B came only in a 4 inch and 6, 3/8 inch barrel.
There is a prominent 'V' notched below the barrel on the right side just below the breech. An "arms expert" once told me this means the pistol was a military issue. But I took it with a pinch of salt.
Rest.... well, it has a single stack 10 shot mag that's a pain to load beyond seven rounds without a loading tool, the pistol fires any load you feed it, anything form KF to hyper velocity CCIs, ejection is flawless, accuracy is good enough at 25 mts with the nonadjustable open sights but nothing great beyond that. (In any case I don't see much beyond that distance these days :lol: )

The real jewel is the trigger... its breaks like glass at less than 2 pound pressure.. that's a guesswork because I don't have a trigger pressure gauge. But my guesses are usually not too far off the mark.
The grip plates are synthetic. The grips are small for large hands so I often use a particular US made wraparound rubber grips with finger grooves. But overall the pistol is compact enough for conceal carry despite the large and not so thin barrel and heavy steel frame. The grooves are clean with twists to the right. Disassembly is simple. There is no auto slide stop but the slide can be manually held back for disassembly/ inspection by pressing the small button on the top of the slide while pulling back the slide to the rearmost position. The disassembly catch is on the uppermost part of the frame just behind the right grip and below the slide. The catch has to be rotated about 170 degrees to make the slide come off the frame.

XL I am not really good at this... gimme some time.. will continue later...


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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by TC » Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:34 pm

Vikram wrote:Lovely handguns,TC. Very nice,indeed.Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Vikram... I knew you would appreciate them..



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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by TC » Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:38 pm

BowMan wrote:The Colt is sweet sweet sweet and its a .22 so you are lucky to get away with this tormenting beauty. Thank your stars it is not a 38 ;-) or I would have hounded you to the ends of this earth.

The Hi - Standard, I have fond memories of my father who is a Forest Officer carrying one in his field posting days. He sold it couple of years back. Back in the days he took 50 meters one shot kills at stray dogs who entered into protected areas and prayed on herbivores. When the gun was not doing rounds with him I used to insist I sleep with it under my pillow (of course this was unnecessary). All cleaning and oiling duties were always done by me.

Thanks for showing them up TC.

Bowman.... I was after this Colt for 12 YEARS.... just because it is a .22... wouldn't have waited so long for a .38 :lol:

The Hi Standard is a beauty... never had a miss


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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by The Doc » Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:15 pm

That indeed is a beautiful Colt. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by TC » Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:22 pm

The Doc wrote:TC,
That indeed is a beautiful Colt. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

Thank you Doc...


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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by timmy » Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:28 am

Those are wonderful handguns, TC. High Standard was -- well, a very high standard 22 pistol and one which did win many trophies. The new ones are quite expensive, but I have not handled one. I wonder if they come close to the old classics like yours in quality and accuracy.

The Colt Officer's Model is a beauty! Those are very near to my heart, as yours could be the daughter of mine. Mine was made in 1920 and has a front sight somewhat different from yours. Where yours has a ramp-type base, the base on my front sight is a simple rectangular block that holds the pivot pin, adjustment, and set screws.

The biggest pity about a Colt Officer's Model is that so few will ever know the sheer pleasure of shooting one. They are truly a lovely piece of art, and they combine the silky-smoothness and luxury of a precision-made watch.

Beautiful guns, thanks for sharing.
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Re: MY Handguns...

Post by Baljit » Sat Oct 20, 2012 5:48 am

Very nice toy's you got there TC,have fun with them. :cheers: :cheers:


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