I wonder how did we get most of our Olympic medals in shooting where at the base there is no direct help.
At last I finally got NRAI membership and became life member - Good bad ugly don’t know many of my fellows here opposed that but, I saw no way out without that to move.
Fine , now comes they have no answer to how can I participate in my first match. They don’t have answers to availability of Guns on hire etc. As a new comer straight shooting over lac ruppee to get the first Airgun is like spinning.
No Answer on if I don’t have license can I use fire arm at the range or not or at least I didn’t get answer yet.
And unless you are renown shooter you cannot import match gun (fire arm) and to become renown you need an imported equipment

Even for help on import support spoke to few dealers who helps import, despite of telling that I am a member of NRAI they had long stories to tell and couple of more formalities to fulfill than if I ordered myself.
Stupid me had a trip to Germany in June and missed the chance, actually didn’t get a readily available Gun and was running after .22 instead of .177, and don’t see any trip in near future

Any way thats my frustration but at last made up my mind to get one decent Air Rifle. Import process is 4-6 weeks delivery time. I am ready to take my budget to 100K INR
I would be buying this only to reach renown status, my love for shooting would be .22 and shot gun later. (Throwing away soem mutual funds for that, thinking it would be worth giving up)
Can you suggest which one from these three brands walther, Feinwerkbau or Anschutz, someone told me Feinwerkbau is better than Walther. Kindly suggest.
Also is pyramydair.com the best options to order from ?
Also if my order delays and my State competition starts what is the option can I still follow.
Hemendra Singh