.22 LR lethal range
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
How about the accuracy of this weapon? i mean the IOF .22 sporting rifle?
is it good to buy it cos i have already dropped the idea of buying a 30_06 that's too expensive, i mean even the ammunition for that weapon is expensive!
is it good to buy it cos i have already dropped the idea of buying a 30_06 that's too expensive, i mean even the ammunition for that weapon is expensive!
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
The question here is one that can (and probably has and will) go on forever. Are we talking about the maximum range that the .22 lr has killed? Killed what? The original poster said he was not interested in killing people, so are we talking about crows or Cape Buffalo here?
Most self defense "experts" will claim that the .22 lr lacks power, or " knock down power," or perhaps some quantity for which they've thought up a formula. Some will respond with some story about how someone or something was killed at some fantastic distance or under unbelievable conditions. Others point out that some nations' secret services use the .22 lr, or, as Vikram noted, that .22 lr rifles are used in slaughterhouses.
Surely, there is something behind every point that's been voiced here. I would point out that military services and experts generally talk about a cartridge that is a reliable killer, but wait -- we aren't talking about shooting people, are we? Or, are we? Are we all really talking about the same thing?
We can say that we wouldn't want to stand in front of a .22 lr at a certain distance. I wouldn't want to stand in front of one at any distance! Just the same, were I going to use a gun at that distance, my reticence in standing in front of the .22 lr doesn't necessarily mean that I would unconditionally choose it to use at the same distance.
This shows that, not only is there a difference in definitions of what "lethal range" means and differences on what we're supposedly shooting at, it also depends on which end of the gun were standing on: Are we the shooter, or the target?
One thing that I'm convinced of, and that's that everyone has a point of view!
Most self defense "experts" will claim that the .22 lr lacks power, or " knock down power," or perhaps some quantity for which they've thought up a formula. Some will respond with some story about how someone or something was killed at some fantastic distance or under unbelievable conditions. Others point out that some nations' secret services use the .22 lr, or, as Vikram noted, that .22 lr rifles are used in slaughterhouses.
Surely, there is something behind every point that's been voiced here. I would point out that military services and experts generally talk about a cartridge that is a reliable killer, but wait -- we aren't talking about shooting people, are we? Or, are we? Are we all really talking about the same thing?
We can say that we wouldn't want to stand in front of a .22 lr at a certain distance. I wouldn't want to stand in front of one at any distance! Just the same, were I going to use a gun at that distance, my reticence in standing in front of the .22 lr doesn't necessarily mean that I would unconditionally choose it to use at the same distance.
This shows that, not only is there a difference in definitions of what "lethal range" means and differences on what we're supposedly shooting at, it also depends on which end of the gun were standing on: Are we the shooter, or the target?
One thing that I'm convinced of, and that's that everyone has a point of view!
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saying in the British Royal Navy
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
Oh for the love of god do not hurt an Indian ALPHA males emotions, I dont want to show my negativity towards the KINGS, NAWABS, MUGALS, POCHERS and the BRITISH OFFICERS for Mercilessly killing every animal in every forest, and INDIAN GOVERNMENT is responsible for not taking care of their wild life and every other animal is outnumbers and that's why we have a ban on hunting since 1971 we are not HUNTING anything this has a great impact on the Arms industry of India, IOF has a monopoly and besides the government thinks that if a lot of people own firearms their might be another mutiny scrutiny or Riot or mass suicide or mass murder or high rate of crime.....bla bla bla....
EMOTIONS --they are hard to control after-all....
I should have made this question more specific....
well obviously i was not talking about the killing range,
I am not interested in killing or self defense,
I wanted to know what exactly is the maximum effective range .22 Indian ordinance sporting rifle....i mean the pin point aim "distance".
at 50 meter, 100 and and so called maximum effective range in papers---200 meters.
How accurate are the factory fitted iron sites?
Please do not think less of me i do everything with intense passion and interest but i have no love for any tool that i use, i just want to use them to entertain myself.
Oh for the love of god do not hurt an Indian ALPHA males emotions, I dont want to show my negativity towards the KINGS, NAWABS, MUGALS, POCHERS and the BRITISH OFFICERS for Mercilessly killing every animal in every forest, and INDIAN GOVERNMENT is responsible for not taking care of their wild life and every other animal is outnumbers and that's why we have a ban on hunting since 1971 we are not HUNTING anything this has a great impact on the Arms industry of India, IOF has a monopoly and besides the government thinks that if a lot of people own firearms their might be another mutiny scrutiny or Riot or mass suicide or mass murder or high rate of crime.....bla bla bla....
EMOTIONS --they are hard to control after-all....
I should have made this question more specific....
well obviously i was not talking about the killing range,
I am not interested in killing or self defense,
I wanted to know what exactly is the maximum effective range .22 Indian ordinance sporting rifle....i mean the pin point aim "distance".
at 50 meter, 100 and and so called maximum effective range in papers---200 meters.
How accurate are the factory fitted iron sites?
Please do not think less of me i do everything with intense passion and interest but i have no love for any tool that i use, i just want to use them to entertain myself.
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
Tandav: Then why did you ask "lethal range"? Now that you have better defined your question; how good is your eyesight, and how steady can you hold that rifle? How good is your trigger control?
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
My eyesight is good, my trigger hold is average, my rifle hold is weak, that's why i prefer to fire in a leaning position in which i dont have to use my left arm very much, in that position if the rifle is inaccurate at 75 meter its just a waste of time and money.......honestly sir i want something that fires accurately.........and i have no idea whether IOF .22 Sporting Rifle is worth buying.....
so please advise me...otherwise i am very happy with an imported Compound bow....as we all know archery is an art as well as a science.....but shooting guns is a pure science and if you have the right tool than only you can fire precisely.....
i also saw some of the pics of .22 rifles in this site and they were damaged (and the person who owns them said that this is how he got it from the factory.....thats not good)
so please advise me...otherwise i am very happy with an imported Compound bow....as we all know archery is an art as well as a science.....but shooting guns is a pure science and if you have the right tool than only you can fire precisely.....
i also saw some of the pics of .22 rifles in this site and they were damaged (and the person who owns them said that this is how he got it from the factory.....thats not good)
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
I completely agree.Has any one of you people ever even tried to hit a moving target at more than 200 yards? except ,that is, for the members of the military establishment....you can't even see your target for the most part.The bayonet charges went out with the second world war you know!sandy_3126 wrote:.22 LR was not meant for 1000m shots to begin with. 22's can be pretty destructive at 50-100 yard range, not just due to it's energy but due to ease of follow up shots. You can put down 10 rounds in very quick succession within a 2" radius at such distance.
I have always wondered the reason for the 1000m fascination of all shooters. The range I go to has max 600 yards and thats kinda tricky even with a .308! I can barely see the target through my scope, when I shoot target completely disappears off the scope, follow up shot needs lot of time, and i can only come close to the paper in prone or bench rest, shooting unsupported i have never even got close to the paper on my bolt action rifle.

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Re: .22 LR lethal range
It is a misnomer to talk about the maximum effective range of a rifle. What we are talking about is how far a bullet fired from the rifle can reach. Technically, this is dependent on the ammunition, the angle that the rifle is held at, the wind, etc. To decide what is effective, we have to set a threshold for the energy delivered to the target. Is your target a school bus or a empty Coke can? Due to the effects of gravity, a typical subsonic .22 LR rifle bullet will drop about 8 to 15 inches at 100 yards (if zeroed at 25 yards). The speed of sound in air is generally calculated to be 1126 ft/sec. Any bullet exiting the muzzle at that speed or lower is considered subsonic. You could zero it at 100 yards so it will hit point of aim at 100 yards but then it would shoot high at 25 yards. The reason for this is that a bullet fired from a gun doesn't act like a laser beam. Rather, it scribes a parabola through the air. If my optics and mounts have enough adjustment, I could sight it in to hit point of aim at 200 yards or further. Another problem with the .22 LR is that the light bullet is easily deflected by wind. Cartridges that give you supersonic velocity at the muzzle are available but the theory is that as they travel down range and lose speed, they tend to get destabilized as the transition from supersonic to subsonic speeds which can open up your groups.well obviously i was not talking about the killing range,
I am not interested in killing or self defense,
I wanted to know what exactly is the maximum effective range .22 Indian ordinance sporting rifle....i mean the pin point aim "distance".
at 50 meter, 100 and and so called maximum effective range in papers---200 meters.
How accurate are the factory fitted iron sites?
I think the question that you should ask is "will the IOF .22 LR rifle give me a 1" (or 2 " or 3" or more) group at 100 (or 25 or 50 or75) yards with KF .22 LR ammo". Yes ammo can make a huge difference.
Another thing to consider is that though a particular rifle may be capable of 1 MOA with specified ammunition, there is no guarantee that you or I could shoot it well enough to achieve that. Another thing is that the particular rifle in question might shoot better groups with, say CCI Mini Mags but not with KF ammo. When you are talking about shooting a .22 LR rifle at 100 yards, you have to be able to read the wind accurately, figure out the mirage, make sure you are holding the rifle perfectly upright, control your breathing, have an adequate rest, be able to let off the shot perfectly without pulling the rifle off target, follow through, etc. Screwing up any of the steps could cause the rifle to shoot erratically. In many ways shooting a centerfire rifle at 100 yards is much easier than shooting a .22 LR rifle at 100 yards. There are a huge range of factors that might come in to play when you or I am shooting a particular rifle. So the answer to the question "How accurate are the factory fitted iron sights? would be "How accurately can you shoot the rifle"? Most modern rifles are capable of more accuracy that most owners are.
To know more about the IOF, please read this thread: http://www.indiansforguns.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=8
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
The highest number of self defence killings aaround the world has been caused by .22LR bullets. So they are not useless and has in fact proved quite useful in the last 150 years.It has more stopping poer than .25 acp as per some experts.
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
Hi diwahar.
I purchased new .22 lr from Karnataka. It was too good .. accuracy is soo good . Bt I have a problem . I'm using federal standard velocity ammunition . After firing wen I reload the bold previous empty round got stuck into chamber . Bold not picking it out . So what I can do to solve it . Please kindly help me to solve it .
I purchased new .22 lr from Karnataka. It was too good .. accuracy is soo good . Bt I have a problem . I'm using federal standard velocity ammunition . After firing wen I reload the bold previous empty round got stuck into chamber . Bold not picking it out . So what I can do to solve it . Please kindly help me to solve it .
- russianshooter3
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
nice archeologyDiwaraj wrote:Hi diwahar.
I purchased new .22 lr from Karnataka. It was too good .. accuracy is soo good . Bt I have a problem . I'm using federal standard velocity ammunition . After firing wen I reload the bold previous empty round got stuck into chamber . Bold not picking it out . So what I can do to solve it . Please kindly help me to solve it .
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
Can anyone suggest some good idea to solve the issue
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
May be the problem of extractor claw or spring
How much the price what model N brand
How much the price what model N brand
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Re: .22 LR lethal range
Thanks for the reply
And the price is 65k nd latest model ..
And the price is 65k nd latest model ..