The proposals and ideas put forward are as such:
1. Constitution of the club-To circumvent the idea of elective polictics, could a company or corporate body run the club/ ranges? The land and assets would belong to or leased by the company for the club/ranges. One member of the group is willing to pitch in with land about 21 kms form Ahmedabad and seed capital, as may be required.
2. Affiliation-Would it be necessary or mandatory to affiliate the club/ranges to the Gujarat State Rifle Association(GSRA) and thence the NRAI or could the club allign itself to the NRAI directly? Secondly would such an affiliation be mandatory at all? Assuming that members would generally just like to shoot and the primary object is not to hold competions but to promote the sport and general practice, would such an affiliation be required at all?
3. Legal Permissions-What legal permissions or concessions would be required for the club to be operational? What would be the requirements of the local police, the Collector, MHA Gujarat and MHA New Delhi?
4. Design and requirements of the ranges-We would welcome any inputs with the design of the ranges, butts etc. Even from people who could supply any equipment. All are welcome, whether professionals or amatuer shooters.
5. Procurement of arms/ammo- Should anyone be able to guide us on the prospect of acquiring weapons for various fields, it would be much appreciated. Are arms available from IOF directly for such a purpose or would we have to procure them through the import route or through NRAI itself? Can ammo be imported directly from wholesalers/ manufacturers?
6. Cost subsidization- Should the club be set up, could we approach the Ministry of Sports to subsidize our cost? If so, do they have any preconditions?
7. Memberships-On what basis should memberships be granted? What should be the cost structure of these membership? As an aside, golf driving range memberships in Ahmedabad are upto 5 lacs!

Inputs from anyone on this topic would be apprciated.