"Buying a firearm from a dealer out of Bangalore"

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"Buying a firearm from a dealer out of Bangalore"

Post by paul1975 » Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:05 am

Dear Members,

I have just revieved my license issued in Bangalore. I visited an arms dealer On NR road and finalised an IOF Mark 1 Revolver. The dealer told me that the firearm is held by a dealer in Pune and took a copy of my license for applying for a Journey Licence from Pune. I have paid him the amount and he said the it will take 5 days before the Ok from the Pune authorities.

I askek him if i need to apply for an NOC, he told me that NOC is only for dealers or in case i was buying a firearm from the factory.

I am very worried that i might get into problems when i take the Firearm for the entry in Bangalore.

Dear Members, please do give me your advice.

Thank you very much...


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Re: "Buying a firearm form a dealer out of Bangalore&qu

Post by mehulkamdar » Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:43 am

If it is a licensed dealer and if you have copies of all the paperwork as well as a receipt for the money then you should be OK. A dealer risks to lose a lot more than you would if he messes up. In any case, one or another of our members who are familiar with the law and procedires should step in and clear whatever confusion you may have.

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Re: "Buying a firearm form a dealer out of Bangalore&qu

Post by Risala » Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:51 am

Going via a dealer to purchase a IOF .32,will only cost you more cause of the premium the dealer will charge.
That could have been avoided by going direct to the nearest IOFB outlet after having downloaded the form from their site.
And now a Mark II variant is available,a few IFG members who own them are very satisfied.


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Post by badshah0522 » Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:08 am

Hi Paul Welcome to this forum,
check this link for more info:

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Post by paul1975 » Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:12 am

Sanjay wrote:Paul,
Going via a dealer to purchase a IOF .32,will only cost you more cause of the premium the dealer will charge.
That could have been avoided by going direct to the nearest IOFB outlet after having downloaded the form from their site.
And now a Mark II variant is available,a few IFG members who own them are very satisfied.

Thank you Members,

I have so far only given him cheques and the balance he wants in cash. ( Bought it for 90,000/-) I will be going to meet him soon for delivering cash and then i will take a reciept on his shop and when he delvers the reciept i will take the bill form the dealer in Pune also.

I need to know what to answer to the authorities when i take the weapon for entry with a bill and TL form Pune.

Thank you


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Post by mundaire » Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:38 pm

INR 90,000/- for an IOFB .32 revolver! :shock:

Sanjay is right, you would have saved yourself a packet by purchasing direct from the factory....

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Post by Olly » Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:00 pm

Gosh !!
90K for a 63K thing ?????????????????????? :shock:

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Post by paul1975 » Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:05 pm

Anupam wrote:Gosh !!
90K for a 63K thing ?????????????????????? :shock:
Dear Members,

Teh firearm is a 2001 model and the dealer in bangalore was quoting 95 Thousand. The firearm is was owned by a single owner who has now ninished 5 years and he is from Pune.



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Re: "Buying a firearm form a dealer out of Bangalore&qu

Post by Risala » Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:18 pm

Why pay 50% more for a fire arm that is more than 5 yrs old,when a new one is available of the rack.
Suggest you PM Anupam who bought a new Mark II recently for details.
You would only benefit by using the direct route,as over the years the IOFB has made improvements over the earlier model.

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Re: "Buying a firearm form a dealer out of Bangalore&qu

Post by art_collector » Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:26 pm

Hi Paul,

Paying Rs 90000 /- for a revolver wich cost 62000/- :shock: Why that hurry buddy. The IOF revolver is so freely available.

To buy a revolver from Pune on a licence which is not all india u wud need a NOC against which the dealer wud obtain a T/L. T/L in form XX can only be granted against a NOC and not against a individual licence. The dealer in Pune might be getting a Form VII which actually speaking is a transit permit ie to carry ur licenced weapon from one place to another ...yaa but some places its used to sell firearms. Depends if ur licensing authorities accept it. Had u been in Delhi u wud have to get a NOC and then buy the weapon against a T/L to be granted by the Comm of Police, Pune.


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Post by badshah0522 » Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:46 pm

Hey Paul an offer for you :)

I will give you:

.32 IOF Rev (good condition-2002 model) + One way 3AC ticket till Lucknow + TL =85,000/-INR Only.(3in1 Package) :D
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Re: "Buying a firearm form a dealer out of Bangalore&qu

Post by HydNawab » Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:53 pm

Hi Paul

I recently bought a 12g Purdey from Mumbai and he got me the transport license from Mumbai to Hyd for Air/Road/Rail travel and I didnt have any problems getting it.I flew down and the procedure was very simple and most of it was taken care by the Kingfisher airlines crew at the airport.All I had to do was fill out a form,take my copy and hand over the weapon.

If you want, I can put up a pic of a Transport License.

One more thing, it didnt take 5 days, it took them abt an hour for the TL.

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Post by dev » Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:18 pm

;-) ;-) ;-)


badshah0522";p="16921 wrote: Hey Paul an offer for you :)

I will give you:

.32 IOF Rev (good condition-2002 model) + One way 3AC ticket till Lucknow + TL =85,000/-INR Only.(3in1 Package) :D
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Re: "Buying a firearm form a dealer out of Bangalore&qu

Post by denzilmatthew » Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:37 pm

Hi Paul,

Don't give so much of money if you want mark I then my uncle is selling over here in jhansi (U.P.) and the cost is 75,000/- only and you don't have to to bother about the TL well hand over the weapon in your state and if you want I can get you a brand new mark II from kanpur factory. TL is not the problem TL is only for carring your weapon from one place to another if your license is not all india it can be issued from your place as well as from the place from where you are purchasing the weapon. Don't pay 90,000/- for an INDIA stuff. You can PM me for other details. I also purchased an .315 Rifle from kanpur and my license was issued from M.P. I simply purchased the weapon and took by train to jabapur(M.P.) nobody asked any thing from me no TL was with me. I simply took the weapon and got it endorsed in my license. If you are purchasing the weapon from shop then he will give you the bill you have to produce that bill to the arms clerk. I only handed over the bill and some money for chai pani within 2 hrs he handed over the license without seeing the weapon.

So I think this will help you. My advice is not to pay some much amount.


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Re: "Buying a firearm form a dealer out of Bangalore&qu

Post by kanwar76 » Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:30 pm

Hi Paul,

Congrats for your License. Though I don't own a revolver fact is I don't even have license but I think other members suggestion are good. I don't think anybody should pay more than what the actual price of the gun. By paying more not only you are loosing money but also spoiling market for others. You are adding to artificial demand. Don't let arms market head property market way. If one piece sells at 90K then price for revolver will be set at that and every dealer will ask that.

Buy from the factory and use rest of the money for the pops.. :)

My two cents.

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