Asif's casting sortie

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Asif's casting sortie

Post by dev » Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:31 pm

Three years after its return from Australia Red Fox was baptised on Sunday...breaking news.
Well I had always kept the red fox fishing rod in great condition. And during the past few weeks I had just been assembling it and flexing it around and marvelling at its whippy strength.

And then my friend Dr.Asif suggested that we should go this weekend. The plans were hatched late saturday night over beer and dinner of biryani, mutton curry and friend chicken at a Hyderabadi eating joint in the new friends community centre market.

This food was so good it was bordering on heaven. Anyway next morning I staggered to the coffee pot (six a.m.), having shocked the heck out of my system by sleeping only five hours. Anyway went up and picked up Asif at Noida and then we drove to Hindon.

The amazing part was that is a place that is organised for fishing. You can get a permit for Rs.10 per person and freak out. So by 8 or so we were ready to cast away.

So we cast from near the luck our line didn't have enough weight for a good cast. Then we cast from a bridge where the river flowed luck there either while the locals regaled us with stories about pulling catfish out of the river in their bare arms..."yup the river was in spate a few months ago and we saw them catfish jumping. And so I says lets go get some and so we just wade in and pick em up with our arms and get a few kilos home????"

Anyway we shift to another location and I catch a sock...better than the proverbial boot. Then Asif catches a sock and evens the score...the last half hour was spent in high excitement. I cast with Asif's rod and it was ten meter cast, right where we could see the fish jumping. So suddenly, the bobber goes down...we get major palpitations...Asif screams play it we give it line...then we reeel it in...but its a monster of a catfish not giving an inch to us...we were sure that we would have to fight for hours or maybe all the way to the till Monday at least.

Then Asif takes the rod and he plays the monster for another fifteen minutes...people had now stopped going home, to watch the action. Some call home to tell the wife that they'll be back after these two pilgrims reel the killer fish in. One experienced hand advised us to climb the embankment and reel the sucker in. So we get a better idea, entice a local lad to swim in and bring it out in his arms. And after a little cajoling one lad steps into the water and cuts our line free from the gunny bag that it was hooked to !!!

So we returned valiantly, exhausted but not beaten, three and half hours had just passed without us realising it. I suddenly discovered why fishing is considered therapy. The sheer magic of the line singing thru the air, the joy of watching or letting the mind conjure images of huge catfish or carp is reward enough.

I guess me and the good Dr will be returning again but next time armed with bait that won't make the locals laugh. And hopefully stop our better halves from being reduced to giggling masses of jelly and sight of our return. :roll:


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Post by Vikram » Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:05 pm

That's a killer story. :lol: :lol: :lol: Very well written and thanks for sharing with us.You know Dev, you write very well. Glad to know that you both had a nice time.

Just a small tip, if I may and I am no way an expert, try to bait the place like throwing some 3-4 kilos of fish food like puffed rice or dried balls of ragi floor mixed with dried fish,banana etc before a day at the place of your choice.Preferably, at the same time the next day you plan to fish.

Once again congrats on the outing and on the catch! :wink: :lol:

Best- Vikram
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Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:16 am

Hilarious stuff. Next time try fishing. :mrgreen:

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Post by sat » Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:09 am

Superb. got any pictures of the 'prized catch' :lol:



Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:21 am


A very nicely written and funny story. :lol:

All I have to comment is that if fishing were considered therapy, then I have, perhaps, had more therapy than anyone born before considering my almost continuous bad luck over the past 30 or so years. :lol: It gets so bad that I haven;t even caught gunny sacks before. :lol:

Best wishes the next time you guys go out and we'll look forward to hearing about it as well.


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Post by eljefe » Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:15 pm

Thanks Gentlemen,
Quite a storymeister our Dev! :evil:
here are a couple of pics
if we went earlier and tried ground baiting, we would most probably have a riot on hand-distributing food to fish while the populace at large is dying of malnutrition! :roll: ... 0178-1.jpg ... 0177-1.jpg
These were Dev posing after a 12 m cast, bfore the gunny sack took the hook!

Next time we can charge gate collection for "pade likhe machal hare lagte hain" ( as one wag in the audience put it!) and if filmed, I'd get the (F)OSCAR-on how not to fish :lol: :lol:
A great time was had by all and Thanks to Mehul for heartily recommending this therapy and allowing a fishy tale on a guns board.
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hook, line and sinker

Post by dev » Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:25 pm

Thanks for the tips guys. I just wanted to let the world know about the fun we had. This time we sorta starved while fishing, next time I will plan an elaborate breakfast and carring a Primus stove with us. So even if we don't catch anything, we will atleast stop hearing voices in our head and seeing images of roasting ducks . :lol:

We'll probably have to stop eating the earthworms too :twisted:


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Post by Mark » Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:23 am


A pic taken last year of my 2 sons on the close of a fruitful afternoon. They are a bit bigger now, with all the eating they do!

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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:18 am

Now that's a catch and a lovely pic as well.

What fish are they holding?

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Post by Mark » Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:52 am

They are a mixture of largemouth bass and smallmouth bass

We are going on holiday in a few days, when I get back I will take some close up pictures of the typical sportfish that are in my area.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:33 am

Thanks, Mark.

I really look forward to the pics.

Incidentally, there is also a fledgling newly formed angling forum which some of us from IFG haunt -

Be a pleasure to have you there as well.

Happy hols!

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catch... howwzaat.

Post by dev » Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:04 pm

Sheesh rub it in Mark :lol:

Great fish and adorable boys. OOps they had better not read this or I'll be in trouble.


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Post by eljefe » Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:57 am

Mark-great! Have a great trip and hope to see you on the other site...
Dev-Any one can catch a fish-Takes special talent NOT to catch one :lol: excepting ofcourse Mehul-who probably didnt even tie a hook onto the end of the line and just wanted a lil bit of relaxing?? :wink: Good idea, I must try it myself next time!! 8)

went and got myself on book on spycraft-by Tomlinson, next time, better snaps of the weaponery :wink:
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Post by Mark » Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:58 pm


I have already registered, and I do have to say I have read and was very impressed with your post on treatment of snakebite!

WE are fortunate here in that most all the snakes are non venomous, and the ones that are (all 3 of them) are hemotoxic and not neurotoxic. They can still give a bad bite. Here is a link to a 13 year old who was bitten in the hand:

There is also a link to the story on the page.

Oh, the poisonous snakes in North America:

Water Moccasin (also called "Cottonmouth")

And we do have a 4th poisonous snake, the Coral Snake which is a neurotoxic venomous snake, and we just had a fatality but it was the first fatal bite in something like 30 or 40 years. A google news search will turn up some articles I'm sure.

Poisonous or not, snakes give me the creeps. Having said that, I have relocated a few of them. Gents, sorry about the size of these pictures, I did know they were so big! I'll resize them at some point but again my apologies!

Guess what's in the bag! ... inbag1.jpg

Notice how everyone is paying attention here! ... inbag2.jpg ... inbag3.jpg

Now if this had been a toxic snake, there would have been a hole in the side of the cabin where I found this one! We moved it about 3-4 km away so it won't come back.

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FAO Mark

Post by eljefe » Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:00 am

Hi Mark,
What was that in the bag?
thanks for the kind words on the snakebite booklet. Snakes have been a fascination since I caught a keelback as a kid-there's a lake 50m from my house in Bangalore!
First night in USA,near princeton, 29th May 2006-went out for a somke with my cousin who kicked away what he thought was trash, turned out to be a snake which went away into a bush 3-4 metres away, lots of excitement, he ran in got a torch...I found the snake in the foliage, reached in and grabbed the tail in the light of a dim torch, rapid instructions to run in and get a trash bag, which was brought.Snake was held at bay , scared cousin kept doing a fair imitation of man with huntington's Chorea-light was going everywhere but on the head of the snake.Many attempts to get at my arm were fended off with a childs toy( I normally DO NOT freehandle / tailwrangle a snake...)Poor snake bagged and released about 5 miles away.
Came back and went on the NJ wildlife and fisheries site to ID the snake-cottonmouth :roll: This was after a firm reassurance from the cousin-"there are no venomous snakes in his part of US" he has 2 kids, 7&2 and the lawn is their favourite hangout...glad I took a chance with an un ID'd snake...Ignorance was bliss :oops:
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