IFG Offline meet - Patna

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Re: IFG Offline meet - Patna

Post by art_collector » Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:10 pm

*** Edited - Mundaire (please see my post below) ***

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Post by mundaire » Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:27 pm


We must be particularly careful about giving out such information on the forums here.... some idiot might just go ahead and try it out... possibly injuring himself and others... While the vast majority of members here are responsible people, we do get 80% of our traffic from unregistered users and it takes all kinds after all... I think you know what I mean :)

What you have mentioned was being discussed by others in private here as well... but unless exact dimensions and other details are available for comparison - it would be irresponsible for us to leave this info up here, so am editing your post.

If you feel your post has been edited unfairly, please do feel free to contact me on PM.

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Re: IFG Offline meet - Patna

Post by art_collector » Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:01 pm

Thanx 4 deleting the post. I wasnt quite sure hence requested that the post may be deleted or edited as required. I shud have sent a PM ...realised my mistake
Oops never thought some one wud try firing the ammo. Thinking about it now ....yaa quite a blunder on my part.....yaps will be more careful when I make a post in future.


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Re: IFG Offline meet - Patna

Post by art_collector » Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:13 pm

Hi Shahid Bhai,
The food on the table interests me more than details of a 303 rimmed ammo.LOL
Frends u need to check up this site.... www.indianfoodforever.com.


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Re: IFG Offline meet - Patna

Post by piyushpdsingh » Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:06 am

Thanks Shahid for the wonderful time.It was a pleasure meeting you and Danish.
Piyush Pal Dhari Singh


Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:59 am

The 303 British service round was ONLY a rimmed round. It was never a rimless one. This is no new information. Indeed, it was a claim that there was a rimless "303 Sporting chambering" and a follow up post talking about it being a rimless one by Shahid that I disputed on the earlier thread. We have the backup saved to prove this if push comes to shove.

Short of any evidence of what was earlier claimed by Shahid, this only confirms what I have been saying all along.

And, this is merely a case of flogging a dead horse. If you're trying to make a point, this is certain turn into yet another farce with clownish threats when exposed on the forums. Stick to talking about your celebrations and if you have an argument, try not to waste other members' time and communicate with me direct. You know where to do that though I must say that I have little time to waste with tall talk.

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Post by Vikram » Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:51 am

Next time anyone who tries to be a smart aleck or try to settle scores across posts i.e taking an argument from one post into other posts,commenting on the moderators etc, please be aware of the fact that it is not funny nor is it in good taste.Petty egos,false claims,oneupmanship,trying to make snide remarks etc are all in contravention of the spirit of this forum and shall not be tolerated.I have deleted a couple of posts here.Please bear it in mind and do not indulge in this again.Now, please move on with appreciating fine guns.

Rule #7 clearly states that Every manufacturer of every brand has a Customer Service department and a Return Merchandise process.... do you know why? Because no brand is perfect. We have no hierarchy of guns here.All guns are to be appreciated on their own worth here.Having a Boss does not give any right to anyone to expect others to feel awed etc.Please desist from displaying such silly notions.Thanks

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Post by shahid » Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:09 am

As regards this .303 cartridge issue, I am yet to see or hear about a rimless .303 round.

The Indian service round is rimmed with a pointed bullet. I do not know the bullet weight.

The round in the pic is a British sporting round with a soft nosed bullet. What grain I would like to know. Perhaps it is 150 grains.

That's it. My interest is solely to find out more about this cartridge and rifles used to fire this cartridge with the knowledge base ( combined brains ) at IFG. I had posted some details earlier about .303 British, with a 150 grain bullet, also MV and ME. Is there any more info available on this or the Indian / British .303 Service round ?

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Post by cooldude » Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:32 am

Guys. Sorry to have missed out on the Patna meet and I am glad you all had a ball of a time but I am stuck up in Noida as my wife is in Singapore and my daughter has just come back from D'Dun after finishing her ISC Boards so I have been busy organising her career launcher course and helping her fill up forms for various institutes as she wants to do BBA. Were you able to contact Prabhat? Did Farouq and Kaiser make it to the meet? Will definitely try and make it to the Delhi meet on 8th of April. Hey! Abhijeet. Where's the venue and what's the time for the Delhi meet?

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Post by dev » Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:08 pm

Damn you Danish,:-) don't rub it in. The biryani has me salivating after having a lousy lunch at work.

Hats off to you guys keep on having fun.

danish21";p="16540 wrote: Sorry friends... the kabab is missing in this pic... i forgot to upload the kabab's pic. :( It was damm tasty.

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Post by mundaire » Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:50 pm

cooldude";p="16731 wrote:Abhijeet. Where's the venue and what's the time for the Delhi meet?

I am a little caught up with work these days, so this time you guys will have to co-ordinate the Delhi offline meet amongst yourselves... Will try to make it though, but can't promise... For us "mazdoors" earning a living must take precedence ;) :lol:

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Post by Olly » Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:12 pm

How many guys can attend the Delhi meet ?

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