Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

A list of shooting clubs & associations in India. This includes state associations as well as NRAI affiliated rifle clubs.
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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by shelly » Fri May 04, 2012 11:23 am

varunik wrote:No competition!
No membership!!

Thats why the concept came up!!

Many enthusiasts, are unable to get into shooting.
NRAI doesnt give memberships that easily, you need a proposer,etc..

...Nobody has to wander finding a proposer.
Now, Gautam Budhh Nagar will show what potential it has in national tournaments.
Hi Nikhil,

I appreciate your enthusiasm and the initiative you have taken. Considering the red tape involved, projects like this can help many with a genuine interest in shooting, whether for competitions, as a pastime, or for self-defense.

only32owner’s comments were deprecating and discouraging. Perhaps she is like that. She avoids risks at all costs and wants others to do the same. But unless you take risks, how can you discover what lies ahead? Unless you climb that hillock, how can you discover the diamond mine – or even the breathtaking flora and fauna – that lies on the other side?

Just because a path is full of risks, it doesn’t mean you should avoid that path altogether. You only have to manage the risks prudently and scale new heights.

Last edited by shelly on Wed May 09, 2012 8:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by dev » Fri May 04, 2012 11:39 am

Love the fact that someone has taken the bull by the horns to start another rifle club. I will be a Noida niwasi by next year and will definitely use the facility to practice. Well done chaps and keep up the good work.


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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by CKAY » Fri May 04, 2012 12:35 pm

Congratulations on forming a new club . This should benefit a lot of new comers . Getting affiliation from NRAI will not be so easy but hope you get this and all the best . Bash on Regard less .


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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by Virendra S Rathore » Sun May 27, 2012 12:12 pm

I'm in. Living in Noida.
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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by adarora » Sun May 27, 2012 1:25 pm

Dear Friend,

All i can say is "phatte chak te, Brruuaahhh...."
al the very best to you.
Camera and Guns both need a close eye.

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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by sruthidevan » Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:31 pm

Is there still shooting class going on in Gautam Budha Nagar ? I am very much interested to learn! Please reply ASAP. I reside in Sector 16A, opp film city

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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by perfectionist1 » Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:19 pm

Shelly, guys,

I was checking with a dealer about practicing and shooting classes in Noida, I am talking about firearms.
See there is a major difference between competition shooting and self defence shooting.
I am fully aware that people are having guns from 10 even 20 years with them and they are not very well conversant about Shooting under Stress/ threat, upkeep of the guns, shooting practices and storing the guns and not to forget gun safety.
I think these are the basic principles that must have been taught as a rule by government for all license holders.
But as we know it will never happen so people must learn these things on their own and the query raised by @Shelly is respected.

Coming back to my discussion with the dealer, he has informed me that Police Line in Surajpur ( between Noida & Greater Noida, on Dadri Road) has a shooting range that can be used by civilians after taking permission from RI( I am not sure about the designation/ full form)
I have not checked it yet, but will do next month.

I think that will solve the purpose, if it is open.

@Varunik, please do not , mix passion/ Air Rifle shooting range and Fire Arm for self defense training, your efforts are well appreciated and I have met you and team and wished well for the same.

The requirement of Shelly was entirely different.


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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by Virendra S Rathore » Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:30 pm

I live near GIP (Great India Place) so Surajpur is not too far from here .. around 15 km I guess.
I'd like to go practice at this range. Please count me in.

By the way, are there any other options in Noida?
Any other ranges/clubs with facilities?

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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by bodhijobs » Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:49 pm

Virendra S Rathore wrote:I live near GIP (Great India Place) so Surajpur is not too far from here .. around 15 km I guess.
I'd like to go practice at this range. Please count me in.

By the way, are there any other options in Noida?
Any other ranges/clubs with facilities?

I guess for you the best place would be karni singh shooting range near Tughlakabad fort.
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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by perfectionist1 » Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:22 pm

Karni Singh Shooting range may not be an option for everyone, since it is very far away from Noida and Arms License validity may play down, since it is best to practice with your own weapon.

Top gun academy, I have spoken to them, they were charging Rs. 10,000 for professional Trap & Skeet training for one day. Those who can pay for 7-8 classes, this maybe a good choice, I have not checked it out myself.

There doesnt seems to anywhere else in Noida, however, Ghaziabad has CRPF training range near Indrapuram and also has CID training range, can be tried.


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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by Virendra S Rathore » Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:32 am

As of now I'm just looking for a place to practice on my own. I have an air rifle.
So any range with decent facilities would do.
Virendra S Rathore

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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by bodhijobs » Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:01 am

Virendra S Rathore wrote:As of now I'm just looking for a place to practice on my own. I have an air rifle.
So any range with decent facilities would do.
Which air rifle you have? If you have a match rifle, then you can practice in Sirifort Range/Karni Singh Range. I am not too sure whether they allow any other type of air rifle in these ranges.

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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by mundaire » Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:14 pm

IIRC Shimon Sharif (the chap who runs Top Gun) shoots/ used to shoot the 10m air-rifle/ running target event, so if you are considering paying good money to train in events other than the ones mentioned you need to ask who is the coach Top Gun will hire/ appoint for these events and what is his/ her background (in shooting sports) i.e. whether or not said coach has a certain minimum level of competence in your chosen shooting discipline. Also, be clear up front as to who will provide arms & ammunition and if there is any extra cost involved. To state the obvious - while air-rifles/ air-pistols are considered the gateway to learning all forms of shooting, you cannot simply train on them and then magically expect to become competent in handling/ shooting full bore rifles/ handguns.

If you are training with self-defence in mind, bear in mind that NO ONE in India runs any such training camp/ program for civilians. Depending on your familiarity with guns/ shooting you are best advised to start off by attending any training program which would teach you gun safety/ safe handling of firearms and the basics of shooting. Then get a membership of a range and buy yourself videos by someone like Gabe Suarez, Massad Ayoob, etc. to learn more about defensive shooting techniques.

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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by Virendra S Rathore » Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:05 pm

bodhijobs wrote:Which air rifle you have? If you have a match rifle, then you can practice in Sirifort Range/Karni Singh Range. I am not too sure whether they allow any other type of air rifle in these ranges.
IHP National 35 mm .177 caliber from AIMCO.
Virendra S Rathore

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Re: Require Shooting Lessons in Noida/Delhi

Post by Virendra S Rathore » Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:06 pm

Is that going to be enough? :(
Virendra S Rathore

To Take my gun away for I might kill someone is just like cutting my throat for I might yell "Fire !!" in a crowded theatre ..

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