Less crime-prone districts are ‘most-armed’

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Less crime-prone districts are ‘most-armed’

Post by goodboy_mentor » Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:26 pm

Chandigarh, March 21
The issuing of firearms licences in Haryana in the last seven years is a story of contradictions and contrasts. While Hisar,the pocketborough of Haryana Janhit Congress MP Kuldip Bishnoi and Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda’s bete noire, is the “most armed” district, Palwal is the “least armed” district in the state.

Surprisingly, Haryana’s millennium city Guragon, which emerged as the state’s crime capital in 2011 with the highest number of heinous crime cases, had comparatively lesser number of firearms licences (1,047). Chief Minister Hooda’s home district, which had the dubious distinction of reporting the second highest number of crime incidents was also way behind the top three districts with 1,932 firearms licences.

In fact, data on the number of firearms licences issued by the authorities concerned in the last seven years shows that the highest number of 2,709 firearms licences was issued in Hisar followed by Jhajjar (2,551) and Jind (2,425).

Besides Palwal, where only 270 firearms licences were issued since January 1,2005, Mahendragarh district administration issued 295 arms licences followed by Mewat (329).

In the last seven years, the state government issued 28,521 arms licences - 28,487 non-prohibited bore (NPB) and 34 prohibited bore (PB) licences. The PB licences are cleared by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) for persons who are prime targets by the terrorists. Rohtak alone has 11 PB licences followed by Ambala which has nine such licences.

Meanwhile, the number of arms licences issued in other district are: Bhiwani (1,461), Faridabad(686), Fatehabad (1,322), Kurukshetra (2,094), Kaithal (1,368), Karnal (2,145), Panchkula(367), Panipat (1,855), Rewari (547), Sonepat (1,850), Sirsa (1,666) and Yamunanagar (541).

“Unemployment, status symbol to blame”

Jhajjar-based Maan Singh, a retired senior official of the Haryana police, blamed the unemployment and status symbol for the large number of arms licences in certain districts. A large number of unemployed persons seeking employment in mushrooming security agencies need arms licences to get the job. “Similarly, with easy money coming to scores of farmers, who have sold their land to industrialists and builders, the firearms licences and cars are considered to be status symbols in these backward areas,” he added.

Ref: http://www.tribuneindia.com/2012/20120322/haryana.htm#1
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Re: Less crime-prone districts are ‘most-armed’

Post by tirpassion » Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:31 pm

Hello friends,

I have noticed, after reading in the forum off course, that the prices of guns in North India are much more than in South India for example. I understand that it is the demand and supply principle. I would be curious to know where the crime rate is higher; North or South India?


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Re: Less crime-prone districts are ‘most-armed’

Post by mundaire » Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:56 pm

Goes to prove, MORE GUNS = LESS CRIME. Too bad the reporter wasn't smart enough to make this simple deduction from the presented facts.


P.S. @ tirpassion - you have been misinformed. To the best of my knowledge prices south of the Vindhayas are higher than those prevailing up north.
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Re: Less crime-prone districts are ‘most-armed’

Post by YogiBear » Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:27 am


Not to long ago, FBI study showed crime in gerneral in the US is dropping.

In spite of lay offs and unemployment.

Guns sales and gun related sales are at their highest levels.

Not to long ago, Ruger announced they have STOPPED taking orders for firearms because they

are backlogged with orders and can't fill them fast enough.

Many states are also issueing Permits to carry Concealed Friearms at record rates.

So called "experts" don't see the corrilation between the two. More legal guns on the street

equals less crime. Many cases of poor victim selection by criminals. More than one seemingly "harmless"

little old lady has ended a criminal's career with her 357 or 45.

Also, in many areas, local police openly encourage people get permits to carry concealed weapon.

And, many of these police agencies offer gun safety and concealed carry classes to the public.

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Re: Less crime-prone districts are ‘most-armed’

Post by tirpassion » Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:32 pm

I think that it is logical yogibear. If everybody has the liberty to carry a gun, nobody will mess with each other knowing fully well that the other might be armed. It will, in all probability, reduce CRIME.
But my question is about a SANE and SAFE gun user. I would like this aspect to be strictly assured before delivery of gun permit wherever be it. There are means to do it but is it done?

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Re: Less crime-prone districts are ‘most-armed’

Post by Priyan » Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:27 pm

Define "Less crime-prone". All it takes is a group of guys robbing and killing a single man to make it "Highly crime-prone" area. This is not uncommon in India as a lot of young man are unemployed and a lot of teenager following African-American culture which they refer to as "Hip-hop".
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Re: Less crime-prone districts are ‘most-armed’

Post by YogiBear » Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:38 am


I just read an article about issuance of Concealed Carry permits.

Many states are "shall issue", meaning that if you qualify, you get your permit.

In some of those states the local issuing law enforcement agency has been looking at

the back grounds of the applicant. As a result, some applicants are being Denied

because of their past history.

Many states have shooting range qualifications as part of their qualifications.

Many states keep very close records of CCW permitees. The end result is that

CCW permittees have a better record of Less criminal activities than the general public

as a whole. Many anti-gun people have admitted that they were wrong about legally

armed citizens on the street.

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Re: Less crime-prone districts are ‘most-armed’

Post by gaing123 » Wed May 25, 2016 4:40 pm

goodboy_mentor wrote:Image
Chandigarh, March 21
The issuing of firearms licences in Haryana in the last seven years is a story of contradictions and contrasts. While Hisar,the pocketborough of Haryana Janhit Congress MP Kuldip Bishnoi and Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda’s bete noire, is the “most armed” district, Palwal is the “least armed” district in the state.

Surprisingly, Haryana’s millennium city Guragon, which emerged as the state’s Sealing Criminal Record capital in 2011 with the highest number of heinous crime cases, had comparatively lesser number of firearms licences (1,047). Chief Minister Hooda’s home district, which had the dubious distinction of reporting the second highest number of crime incidents was also way behind the top three districts with 1,932 firearms licences.

In fact, data on the number of firearms licences issued by the authorities concerned in the last seven years shows that the highest number of 2,709 firearms licences was issued in Hisar followed by Jhajjar (2,551) and Jind (2,425).

Besides Palwal, where only 270 firearms licences were issued since January 1,2005, Mahendragarh district administration issued 295 arms licences followed by Mewat (329).

In the last seven years, the state government issued 28,521 arms licences - 28,487 non-prohibited bore (NPB) and 34 prohibited bore (PB) licences. The PB licences are cleared by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) for persons who are prime targets by the terrorists. Rohtak alone has 11 PB licences followed by Ambala which has nine such licences.

Meanwhile, the number of arms licences issued in other district are: Bhiwani (1,461), Faridabad(686), Fatehabad (1,322), Kurukshetra (2,094), Kaithal (1,368), Karnal (2,145), Panchkula(367), Panipat (1,855), Rewari (547), Sonepat (1,850), Sirsa (1,666) and Yamunanagar (541).

“Unemployment, status symbol to blame”

Jhajjar-based Maan Singh, a retired senior official of the Haryana police, blamed the unemployment and status symbol for the large number of arms licences in certain districts. A large number of unemployed persons seeking employment in mushrooming security agencies need arms licences to get the job. “Similarly, with easy money coming to scores of farmers, who have sold their land to industrialists and builders, the firearms licences and cars are considered to be status symbols in these backward areas,” he added.

Ref: http://www.tribuneindia.com/2012/20120322/haryana.htm#1
i want to say thanks to state government for issuing the firearm license and giving us the authority for it because we are concerned for it from last seven years.

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