Anschutz .22lr

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Anschutz .22lr

Post by gsarin » Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:52 pm

This is my first post on the forum... Although I have been in the past couple of months intermittently following up the variety of articles and the repository of information/ advice given by some of experienced and extremely well informed members of this forum.

I stay in Delhi and last month after searching around for almost 5 years, with over 30 visits to various gun shops.. I have purchased an Anschutz .22lr Model 1441-42 (got it on my third visit to PL Sharma Rd, Meerut) ... It is a beautiful feather light (much lighter than even an IHP .22 airgun) with a 5 shot magazine rifle.. I was fortunate in as much as it is in impeccable condition, without any scratch or wear or tear at all. There is only a minor scratch of about 1/2 cm on the stock...

Last week I shot about about 15 shots, using the IOF ammunition at about 50 yards, with the shots going consistently high at about 6 inches. Although the rear sight is set on the min 50, yet can't help it.

Need advice on:

1. Which is the best ammo (available in India) to be used on this rifle and where can I get it?
2. I am thinking of purchasing a Leupold VX I 2-7x28mm Rimfire scope on it... Have to order the same (outside India) and takes about 2 months to deliver.
3. Where can I get a good case (with provision for scope) and how much should it cost?
4. Where can I get an extra magazine.
5. Do I need to purchase cleaning equipment and approximately after how many shots should one clean the barrel?
6. How to increase the quota for ammunition on the license... mine provides for 50 in a year.

Well meaning advice would be appreciated.


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Re: Anschutz .22lr

Post by denzilmatthew » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:33 pm


Please pot some pics of your Rifle and how much you pay for it


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Re: Anschutz .22lr

Post by puru baruah » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:06 pm

thats a nice rifle u got ....hoping 2 see da pics soön..and regarding ammo ,u can try the CCI STINGER (hollow point) ammo, the best and mst powrful rim fire bullet for .22 ,othrs- winchester wildcat(40grns) or Eley Ten-x ...regarding rifle case,u cn gt local made 4m kashmeere gate gun shops,or if u want a good plastic hard case,try contacting Capapie sports equipments..they provide good hard cases.....regarding the Magazine issue,i dnt tink u will get an Anschutz one as easily as the Brno..still try contacting various gun shops,luckily u may find 1...Regarding cleaning..,its better for u to clean the rifle everytime aftr u are done firing,...And lastly regarding the increase of ammo , i think u should ask ur issuing authority if u can do so and the limit in your state..even i had an issue of ammo of 4 rounds a month, but aftr recent changes in the order ,i cn nw issue 30 rounds a month...regarding da issue i think every state has got its own rules n restrictions..cheers

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Re: Anschutz .22lr

Post by z375 » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:30 pm


Welcome aboard and a big thumbs up on a fine choice of a rimfire rifle!
Which is the best ammo (available in India) to be used on this rifle and where can I get it?
Most .22's are pretty fickle when it comes to digesting ammo, most will shoot well with premium quality stuff but the only way to find this out is to try out a few from various brands and see what it likes best, My 1450 shoots KF ammo good enough to plink at 50 yards, this is understandable given the quality control, but when you feed stuff like Lapua Midas, CCI Mini Mags, Federals, Remingtons and the like is where it really shines in the accuracy department.
2. I am thinking of purchasing a Leupold VX I 2-7x28mm Rimfire scope on it... Have to order the same (outside India) and takes about 2 months to deliver.
Good choice of scope!
3. Where can I get a good case (with provision for scope) and how much should it cost?
You can get a custom made case crafted from Rajeev Bhosale, he's on the forum. All my soft rifle cases have been made by him and he does some great work!
4. Where can I get an extra magazine.
Try Treibel in Germany.
5. Do I need to purchase cleaning equipment and approximately after how many shots should one clean the barrel?
More rimfires have been ruined due to frequent and incorrect cleaning than by shooting. To clean the barrel, use a plastic .22 cal rimfire brush (you can buy one online) and a coated full-length one-piece rod by a firm like Parker-Hale or Dewey with a rotating handle. As for cleaning a rimfire, all owners have their own cleaning rituals and this is largely governed by the amount of lead you plan to put through your barrel, here's what I do after every 1000-1500 rounds. Run a soft plastic bristle brush on the rod through the bore to remove leading and powder residue, then I run a wet patch through the bore to remove any residue that may have been left behind. Follow up with a dry patch and usually one is all it takes to come out clean out the muzzle. Use a bore guide and be very, very careful not to ding/dent the chamber area with the rod (if you're not using a bore guide) and pay careful attention to your rifle's crown whilst cleaning. Hoppes makes .22 patches which make life easier and less stressful when you're cleaning a .22
6. How to increase the quota for ammunition on the license... mine provides for 50 in a year.
Join a club, take part in 50-yd matches, get a couple of medals or certificates and that should warrant the need for an increase in your quota. Good luck!!
"With solid bullets on heavy animals such as elephant, rhino and buffalo this power is quite apparent but is not so obvious as when soft-nose bullets are being used, say, lion, particularly when is a case of stopping a charge : the .404 will stop him all right, but will seldom crumple him quite so completely as will the .416" -- John Taylor, Big Game and Big Game Rifles, (Ch. IX)

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Re: Anschutz .22lr

Post by vrohan59 » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:38 pm

Congrats on your purchase.Would like to see some pictures,by the way how much did you pay for it? :cheers:
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Re: Anschutz .22lr

Post by dhruv_pesticides » Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:31 pm

I am also looking out for a Anschutz .22Lr if you come across one pl let me know and also inform me how much u purchased yr one for

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Re: Anschutz .22lr

Post by marksman » Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:36 pm

Congrats on your buy. No need to clean the rifle frequently unless you are using KF ammo. Like z375 suggested, cleaning with a nylon brush and a plastic coated cleaning rod dipped in Hoppe's 9 or similar product followed by light coat of oil will keep the bore shining for decades. BUT, remember to wipe out all the oil from the barrel before shooting the rifle. Also it's a good habit to inspect the bore visually against strong light source for obstruction every time you decide to shoot it.
Happy shooting.

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Re: Anschutz .22lr

Post by gsarin » Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:54 pm

@ puru:
@ z375:
@ marksman:
Thanks for the advice and the wishes.... I will certainly try and upload the photo soon..

Ammo: I have tried CCI stingers as well as Winchester wildcats... the stingers give a good flat trajectory at about 75 yards. At the moment working at increasing the ammo quota...

Scope: I had a friend of mine bring a Leupold VXII 3-9x33 EFR Ultralight scope... I then imported from Amazon, a pair of Leupold detachable see through ring mounts, to allow me to use the open sights simultaneously.. it is now simply amazing. This scope is perfect size and weight for the rifle.

Case: I purchased a soft case (with internal padding) having provision for scope from Garg Armoury in Kashmere Gate for Rs. 2000/-.

I had also bought a Bushnell laser boresighter (great help given the limited ammo that I have).

One amazing product that I bought is a Vanguard Porta Aim Gun Rest (again courtesy Amazon, but hand carried). My rifle is very light and did not have sling studs (I aslo did not want to drill or install them). This gun rest is very light, convenient and adaptable.

After much searching on the internet, I designed and got fabricated a bullet trap made from 3/8" thick steel plates (with a angled channel for deflecting, channelizing and a round tube at end for collecting)... and have installed the same against a high wall having sand bags/ mounds and RCC on the sides, with a clear path of upto 100m at my farm.

It is only after I have an increase in ammo would I be able to practice (and do plinking) and consider any participation in any competition.



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Re: Anschutz .22lr

Post by Gurmukh singh » Tue Apr 24, 2018 6:26 pm

i have a .22lr anschutz open sight with 5 round magzine.....imported in 2013...... :) one must have to check it,,,,for peoples that love guns....its brand new

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Re: Anschutz .22lr

Post by bobby1155 » Tue Jan 21, 2020 4:27 am

is Anschutz still available? what are you asking for it?

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