Beretta fs 81

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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by sammesanj » Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:14 am

thanks for the feedback fellows.
Virajs nice to know you have a 81bb, can you please post some pic's of your beretta.
so ribaalber & Virajs both you fellows say 81 is a nice gun, what about the alloy frame,
can you guys please shed some more light on this model? :?: :?:
as i already own a webley, will apply for another permission for a handgun in a month,
so im hoping to get a model 81fs in .32 or may be a 84fs in a .380.(if available)
just want to make sure of the alloy frame, cause have had problems with alloy frame revolver,
an ERMA.(broke in two so was :cry: :cry: ).

ngrewal bai, you seem like an experienced fellow, and you say the model 81's nice,
can you please suggest.

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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by virajs » Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:51 am

Hi Sam,
Overall the 81 is a very good weapon but if its an 81fs please check the paperwork thoroughly as most of them have come in illegally from bhutan and i have heard that there is an inquiry on by the CBI.
Also try and buy a model 81 against the 84, as the ammo cost for the .380 has shotup considerably in the last one year (dealers in delhi are quoting Rs.600/- per bullet).

The advantage in the alloy frame beretta is that as the 81 mag capicity is 12+1 when the weapon is fully loaded the weight is not much against if this was in steel, i personally prefer steel frame weapons myself as one always has the option of reblueing if ever required, whereas in alloy other than painting the frame one has no option which would look tacky as the original alloy finish is anodised.

I myself am thinking of selling both my handguns which are a beretta 81bb and s&w model - 18-3, .22 revolver with an additional .22 magnum cylinder and buying a beretta 81 fs cheetah or a walther pp and ppk.

Will post pics soon.


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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by xl_target » Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:29 pm

virajs wrote:The above pic is of the beretta 81 or 81bb, its a good weapon, extremly accurate and reliable. the only drawback is that the frame is anodised and once the anodising starts wearing off there is no way of blueing the frame of the weapon.

I have owned the beretta 81 bb for the last 5 years and am very happy with the weapon, saw a 81 fs cheetah with a dealer in Merut recently, the weapon is brand new but he is asking for 28l.
Nothing wrong with an anodized frame. Keep it lubed an you won't have any problems. While I prefer a steel frame too, several of my handguns have anodized frames. No one ever questions the durability of a Glock with its polymer frame but people always question Al frames. Absolutely nothing wrong with an Anodized Aluminum frame on a handgun. In India, you won't wear it out in several lifetimes.
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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by Ramandeep » Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:02 pm

Thanks everyone for your responses, well the asking price of the dealer is 16L which i thought is 5-6L higher than the actual price, but reading some of the posts i believe the dealer might be right in a way about the price, well as far as the picture the dealer requested me to kindly not take picture but i can bring in anyone for inspecting the gun and fire a few rounds, well i was planning to buy a walther ppk but when i came across this weapon i was taken aback to rethink which pistol should i buy, the price was a major concern, you never know in India what should be the right price of a gun and dealers have gotta lot of surprise..
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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:00 pm

Ramandeep wrote: which i thought is 5-6L higher than the actual price
Just shows how far removed from reality we are.This is what the actual price is

You should expect to pay double this price if it were allowed to be imported.But this is India and so $32,000/- seems a reasonable price to pay :roll:

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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by Vineet » Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:17 pm

Ramandeep wrote: you never know in India what should be the right price of a gun and dealers have gotta lot of surprise..
Though OT but I was just watching news on Aaj Tak and they were showing that weapons ranging from handguns to Aks were being manufactured in Bihar and were selling for 5 k to 5 L :o
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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by hks2056 » Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:27 pm

Walther PP or PPK is any day any time much better pistol than Berreta 80, 81 or 84.One can see their original prices in USA or Europe on their website for comparison

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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by YogiBear » Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:17 am


The pictured gun is what looks like a Beretta 80 series EL.

NOT common in the US. Love to learn the story of how it got to India, who owned it etc.

As such in the pictured condition worth $800 US or more.

Go here for Beretta information:

Brad Taylor has guns Made Exclusively For him by Beretta.

If the pictured gun were for sale here in the US, I would definately see if I could get it,

DEPENDING on the cost.

I would get it for my Wife. She appreciates high end Berettas. And She will shoot it.

If the gun for sale is just an ordinary no engraveing with no gold on it, it would go for about $500+ US.

As far as the durability of the 80 series Berettas, no problems.

I use a Model 86 in cal 380 as one of the guns I use to teach Basic Handgun class. Holds up very well.

M-86 in 380 is very popular with the ladies. Sometimes over 100 rounds are shot in class.

So far, no problems with wear on the aluminum frame with steel slide.

I also use a Model 87 in 22 cal, Model 92 (9mm) or Model 96 (40 SW) in class.

If you can, definately post a photo (both sides) of the gun for sale.

FWIW, 32 cal Berettas are not common in the US. Value is only to those who REALLY want it or collectors.

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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by thebrowningeffect » Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:53 pm

winnie_the_pooh wrote:
Ramandeep wrote: which i thought is 5-6L higher than the actual price
Just shows how far removed from reality we are.This is what the actual price is

You should expect to pay double this price if it were allowed to be imported.But this is India and so $32,000/- seems a reasonable price to pay :roll:

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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by marksman » Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:42 am

I myself am thinking of selling both my handguns which are a beretta 81bb and s&w model - 18-3, .22 revolver with an additional .22 magnum cylinder and buying a beretta 81 fs cheetah or a walther pp and ppk.

Will post pics soon.


A pleasant surprise to know S&W made model 18 with .22 WMR as well. I am very interested to know if the revolver was originally sold as .22/.22WMR or had a spare cylinder altered to take WMR round.
A friend intends buying used but as new mod.18-4 in the U.S.and your input will help him seek a WMR cylinder as well for it.



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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by virajs » Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:27 am

Hi Marksman,

The revolver was originally sold in .22lr and has an additional .22 wmr cylinder which is probably an aftermarket cylinder and not original. S&W had made the model 48 in .22 wmr.

The .22 wmr cylinder works fine on the model 18, have not had any trouble so far.

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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by ribaalber » Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:52 am

virajs wrote:Hi Marksman,

The revolver was originally sold in .22lr and has an additional .22 wmr cylinder which is probably an aftermarket cylinder and not original. S&W had made the model 48 in .22 wmr.

The .22 wmr cylinder works fine on the model 18, have not had any trouble so far.
Hello Viraj jee,

What is the current Market price for a Model 18 in India?
I mean what are the dealers offering you since you are in the market for a Trade..
You can PM me if you don't want to post in public..
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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by The Doc » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:59 pm

virajs wrote: I myself am thinking of selling both my handguns which are a beretta 81bb and s&w model - 18-3, .22 revolver with an additional .22 magnum cylinder
marksman wrote:A pleasant surprise to know S&W made model 18 with .22 WMR as well. I am very interested to know if the revolver was originally sold as .22/.22WMR or had a spare cylinder altered to take WMR round.
virajs wrote:The revolver was originally sold in .22lr and has an additional .22 wmr cylinder which is probably an aftermarket cylinder and not original. S&W had made the model 48 in .22 wmr.The .22 wmr cylinder works fine on the model 18, have not had any trouble so far.

.22LR vs .22WMR
.223 bullet dia .224
.225 neck dia .240
.225 base dia .241
.275 rim dia .291
.040 rim thick .046
.590 case length 1.052
.985 total length 1.350

Various companies including Ruger and Colt have made largely successful single action convertible .22lr/.22wmr revolvers. Though the cylinders are different, all these revolvers have a barrel which is compatible with .22wmr projectile. There is even a talk about .22lr ammo being a little less accurate when fired from these revolvers since the barrel diameter is bigger.
Now S&W model 18 is essentially a .22lr revolver with a corresponding barrel diameter. You are using an after-market .22wmr cylinder to fire .22 wmr ammo through a barrel designed to fire .22lr ammo, unless the barrel has been reamed to a larger diameter.
I guess one could force a .22wmr bullet through a barrel designed to fire .22lr ammo but I would not consider it a good idea.

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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by virajs » Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:46 am

Hi Doc,

I guess you are right, at the time i was offered the weapon the same thoughts had come to my mind but various dealers in delhi as well as gun enthusiasts friends confirmed that one could use both varients in the same weapon provided one has a .22 wmr cylinder.

I have primarily used the weapon with .22 lr and fired approx 25 rounds of .22 wmr, only which have worked fine so far.
I was lucky and managed to pick up 250 rounds of .22 wmr from a family friend and am in the process of selling the weapon and purchasing a walther pp in 7.65mm, finalised the deal yesterday evening.

Would be great if i could have your views on a walther pp made in ulm.


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Re: Beretta fs 81

Post by The Doc » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:26 pm


Please check your pm.

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