Mr Purushotham a good friend of mine has started a new Air rifle shooting range at bangalore.

He started shooting as a NCC cadet and then Joined KSRA. I exactly dont remember all his achievements but after his studies he joined Police ( Karnataka State police) and many times became all india police shooting champion in Air Rifle event.
Last nationals he was in top 8 finalist.
He wanted a shooting range for himself and at the same time wanted to promote shooting sports.
He just invited me for the Inaugural function so I thought let me tell about this good thing to you all too.
He and some of his friends from other sports have started this range.
When I had visited the range last time I really liked the setup and even though the construction was still on i hope it will come up nicely.
It is at BTM 2nd Stage and just next to main road and has good parking space. It is on 1st floor with 8-10 lanes.
I have added a small image file which he had shared with me.
Please feel free to visit him and contact him if any one wants to join the club.
It is under registration and going to be affiliated to Karnataka State Rifle Association.
-- Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:35 pm --
Attached the image file which he had shared.
Please support him all way possible.
-- Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:48 pm --
Hello All,
as my friend was asking me what should be the basic formalities for a member to join what do you think should it be like ?
Do you think a police verification for an air rifle range is must ?