Reconfirmation from my side. Just like international airlines.

A few questions from my side -
1. As per the docs, springers/ CO2/ PCP are all OK, right ? I assume one has to get his own piece(s). Would there be a filling station (cylinder/ compressor) for PCPs ? Just seeking clarification for those IFGians who shall get their PCPs.
2. I presume one also gets his own pellets, right ? Ought they be of any specific type like the doc says domed/ flatheads ? So "pointed" absolutely No-No, right ?
3. Though all (if not, most) of us shall be reading the rules etc., can you or someone experienced like you, run through the rules again before the shootout - just to clarify any niggling lingering shadows?
4. The doc. refers to AR - are APs permitted too - for the 10m target ?