Brno ZP49 Hard Hitter DeLuxe.

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Brno ZP49 Hard Hitter DeLuxe.

Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:13 pm

If I find the pattern to be acceptable, this is the gun I am going to buy.

Whilst the name is quite corny, the gun itself is pretty nice, barring the white butt-pad the previous owner had installed.

It's old and used but reasonably well maintained.

Pics will follow tomorrow but in the meanwhile I would be grateful if Grumpy or anyone else who knows about this can throw some light on the model.

The choke, for both barrels, is indicated as a rather cryptic CHOKE - 17.4 (or 17,4 as is the practice in some parts of Europe) and there is also an asterix ( * ). I believe these markings denote a full choke. Am I right, Grumpy?

I would have prefered something without full chokes but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

I am unable to gauge the chamber length because of it's slopping shoulders but it appears to be atleast 3". Will try and get a better idea of what it measures during the day.

Barrel length is approximately 28 1/4".

Grumpy, you will be pleased to know that it scored well on all the points on your checklist.

I had gone across to look at an IOF but it stayed in my hands for less than five minutes before I decided it was most definitely not for me.

Sorry for the rambling post but I am a bit knackered to make a more orderly presentation at the moment.

Mack The Knife
Last edited by Mack The Knife on Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: CZ Hard Hitter DeLuxe

Post by penpusher » Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:03 pm

SXS or O/U ??


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Post by eljefe » Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:58 pm

Most likely a SxS? I'm hoping...Good Luck Mack The Knife, go for it mate.
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Re: CZ Hard Hitter DeLuxe

Post by Mack The Knife » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:13 am

penpusher";p="13098 wrote:SXS or O/U ??

12 gauge SxS.

Mentioned it as a sub-title that can be seen in the index but does not show up when you actually open the thread.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:15 am


Seems like a decent one, so far. Let's hope it shoots well.

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Re: CZ Hard Hitter DeLuxe

Post by Mack The Knife » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:19 am

Grumpy, et al.

This may or may not be a CZ. Had a closer look which shows a Z within two concentric circles, very much like the CZ stamping.

Could it be a Zastava?

Mack The Knife

P.S.: Is Zastava a Czech or Yugoslavian make? It says MADE IN CZECHOSLAVAKIA on the barrel.

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Post by danish21 » Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:27 am

It could be a BRNO.
Mack The Knife Bana";p="13105 wrote: P.S.: Is Zastava a Czech or Yugoslavian make? It says MADE IN CZECHOSLAVAKIA on the barrel.
Its obvious that it is a CZECHOSLOVAKIA make. :) . I'll send u the photo of the markings on my BRNO. That can solve ur problem.

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Post by danish21 » Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:42 am

See is this the same marking which u saw ?
This is the name written on my rifle "ZBROJOVKA BRNO, Narodni Podnik"
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Re: CZ Hard Hitter DeLuxe

Post by mehulkamdar » Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:39 am

Mack The Knife,

CZ used several different designations for different markets and if you post pictures here I might be able to get you some information. I have the Ned Schwing guide with me and could try to compare your gun with the ones listed there.

First of all, CZ is a Czechoslovakian company but the Zastava analogy can get cofusing becauise Zastava's name also uses the initials CZ when shortened. That said, these days, the Yugoslavs don;t use the CZ initials on their guns anymore.

Congratulations on getting yourself a shotgun. This is a very nice thing and a CZ is alwyas a good decision. The company made nice using guns and they have always had a good following.


These days CZ own Brno (until 3 or 4 months ago both were different companies) and also Huglu in Turkey. Don't be surprised if you travel abroad and see a CZ marked shotgun with "Made in Turkey" stamped on it.

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Re: CZ Hard Hitter DeLuxe

Post by Grumpy » Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:08 am

Zastava were a Yugoslav company.......which I`m pretty sure is Serbia now.
The relationship between CZ ( Ceska Zbrojovka ) and Brno ( Zbrojovka Brno ) is pretty complicated. Zbrojovka Brno was established in 1918 as the successor to the former Austro-Hungarian armoury. CZ were established in 1938 but were taken into state ownership in the 1950s. In 1965 it was effectively taken under the management of VHZ Zbrojovka Brno during which time the two companies were effectively one and the same ( which is what has caused the confusion between the two companies ) however CZ have always been based in Uhersky Brod. The company was restructured as CZ again in 1988 and was privatised in 1992 since when it has been consistently economically healthy. Zbrojovka Brno however went into liquidation in 2006 and have ceased trading. Brno Rifles s.r.o. can be taken to be the successors to Z-B but are a completely different and much smaller company.
CZ do not own Brno Rifles s.r.o. Brno rifles s.r.o. are 100% owned by Eximat a.s. who are also the major shareholders in CZ.......A technical distinction perhaps but necessary in the cause of accuracy. CZ do not own Huglu either but Huglu and CZ-USA have reached a mutual agreement that grants complete distribution rights and limited trademark use of Huglu shotguns to CZ-USA. From Jan.1, 2005, CZ-USA took over the sales, marketing and warranty of Huglu products in North America. Huglu make around 50,000 shotguns a year but none of the high grade guns are available via CZ-USA in North America.
I`ve no idea what a `Hard Hitter Deluxe` is Dodger and await the pictures with interest.
BTW, Chokes that are too tight can be opened out........the reverse is impossible.

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Post by eljefe » Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:36 am

Mack The Knife, dont open the chokes...;)
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

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Re: CZ Hard Hitter DeLuxe

Post by Mack The Knife » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:01 pm


I have been waiting for the light to improve but I have to toodle off to site shortly.

Hopefully, the light will be good when I return.

For what it's worth, herewith a few pics which were taken before I decided to wait.








As you can see, this gun has never been opened as all the screw-heads are intact. That is something one does not often see in Bangalore and probably also holds true for the rest of India.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:07 pm


Thanks for the pics.

The 'Z within concentric circles' I was refering to is slightly different in the sense that instead of spirals there are circles.

The 'N' indicating Nitro Proof is a little different as well.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:10 pm

Thanks, Mehul.

I quite like this gun, though there was a new in box Webley & Scott for which the dealer wanted 2 lakhs.

If it shoots well, I will have Ruby apply for a licence rather than give the double up when the Auto-5 is ready for sale.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:12 pm

eljefe";p="13128 wrote:Mack The Knife, dont open the chokes...;)
Then you best give me some shooting lessons or have some of your luck rub off on me, you jammy git! :mrgreen:

Mack The Knife

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