soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

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soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by sat » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:29 am

Do advice where soft padded gun cases can be purchased in India.

some like this



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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by mundaire » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:10 pm

Sat, why not buy directly from overseas? There are plenty of post-Christmas sales going on these days and you could pick up a really good one cheap enough to make the shipping costs etc. worthwhile.

Earlier this year I'd picked up this shotgun case, and found it to be pretty decent. They've got an even better version out here or try this one. All this is just from one site, am sure if you search around a bit you would be able to locate several more.


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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by rajeevbhosale » Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:34 pm

i can not only manufacture the above picture shown case or the cases shown in the links above by Mr Abhijeet , i can offer some leather cases as well, take a look at these pictures, these are all made in india by M/s KILL ITCH pune [m] 9860210624 or 020 24370522

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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by The Doc » Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:35 pm

Looks nice. How much is the price ?
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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by marksman » Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:01 pm

I would be interested in having one leather gun box for my take down Bolt Action rifle with compartments for rifle scope, ammo etc. Can you make it for me? If yes then please PM me your quote.
Cheers !!!
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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by shooter50 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:37 pm

Lovely cases, what about the leather fastening belts? dont see them in the pic? How much do they cost and what are the internal dimensions?
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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by z375 » Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:34 pm

Nice pics Rajeev, like I always say, when you love what you're doing, it will reflect in your work :cheers:

p.s to all here - Rajeev has built all my rifle soft cases and is working on a leather-bound one too, as for the quality of work? Well, I couldnt be happier :mrgreen:
"With solid bullets on heavy animals such as elephant, rhino and buffalo this power is quite apparent but is not so obvious as when soft-nose bullets are being used, say, lion, particularly when is a case of stopping a charge : the .404 will stop him all right, but will seldom crumple him quite so completely as will the .416" -- John Taylor, Big Game and Big Game Rifles, (Ch. IX)

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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by to_saptarshi » Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:23 pm

WOW !!! Very Nice looking case Mr. Rajeev, and I must say the quality looks pretty close to international standard cases. May I request you to post an approx price list of different cases that you made, Many of us including me is interested to buy one.

keep up the good work .


P.S A Dimension and Approx weight of the pictured case will be highly appreciated
Thanks and Regards,

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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by prudhviraju » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:12 am


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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by rajeevbhosale » Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:15 pm

Hi to everybody
A lot of thanks to all of u people for your comments now to answering to all your quires
these pics were just randomly uploaded, this particular case was made for a JAMES PURDEY 12bore [32" barell] gun, that will clarify a lot of things which costs 57,000 Rs which was made as per the customer specification. Generally the costing starts at Rs 30000 and can change further
as per customer specific order to explain what i mean take a look at these pics
this case is a regular standard case for a 12 bore shot gun 32" that we make with leather corners, swiss made number locks, a simple handle (with no artistic features) of course the works man remains the same we also manufacture rev / pist cases have a look

Thanks for all the support waiting to hear, 9860210624 (pune)

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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by gitana » Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:10 pm

rajeevbhosale wrote: this particular case was made for a JAMES PURDEY 12bore [32" barell] gun, that will clarify a lot of things which costs 57,000 Rs which was made as per the customer specification. Generally the costing starts at Rs 30000 and can change further as per customer specific order
Rajeev, sorry, but are you serious??? A hard leather case starting at Rs 30,000? The first case for Rs 57,000? Here, an unbranded leather case sells for about $150 (@ INR 7,000), a Browning / Beretta etc branded case for @ $200 (@ INR 10,000). A custom hard leather case starts from $500 (@ INR 23,000)... India is supposed to be a low-labour-cost country, even the leather costs less in India... I am sure your craftsmanship is excellent, but your prices are ... I dont know what word I can use! How do you justify your prices??? Superior leather - Elephant / Crocodile / Camel skin???

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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by z375 » Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:48 pm

gitana wrote:
rajeevbhosale wrote: this particular case was made for a JAMES PURDEY 12bore [32" barell] gun, that will clarify a lot of things which costs 57,000 Rs which was made as per the customer specification. Generally the costing starts at Rs 30000 and can change further as per customer specific order
Rajeev, sorry, but are you serious??? A hard leather case starting at Rs 30,000? The first case for Rs 57,000? Here, an unbranded leather case sells for about $150 (@ INR 7,000), a Browning / Beretta etc branded case for @ $200 (@ INR 10,000). A custom hard leather case starts from $500 (@ INR 23,000)... India is supposed to be a low-labour-cost country, even the leather costs less in India... I am sure your craftsmanship is excellent, but your prices are ... I dont know what word I can use! How do you justify your prices??? Superior leather - Elephant / Crocodile / Camel skin???
Welcome to the forum! Firstly, you are a lucky man to have ready access to branded gun cases at 200 quid while us poor sods here have to break the bank to make sure our guns (read: historical artifacts) look pretty while they remain safe. While India being be a low-labour cost country and raw material costs are lower compared to others probably stands to the reason why so many other superpowers choose to get stuff crafted here rather than do it themselves! Hence the 200 clam gun cases! :mrgreen:

Dont get me wrong (mods, before this gets hijacked) How you do justify the gun prices in India? Or rather those from firms like Holland & Holland, John Rigby & Co, James Purdey? Little wonder why no one ever cares to grill them as to why they charge such ridiculous prices. I guess you pay for the experience, the endless hours of toil, the level of craftsmanship, the time, the skill. et all. And I see no reason why someone with the skill and the know-how should'nt do justice to the quality of his worksmanship by charging accordingly.

Just my 0.02 cents
"With solid bullets on heavy animals such as elephant, rhino and buffalo this power is quite apparent but is not so obvious as when soft-nose bullets are being used, say, lion, particularly when is a case of stopping a charge : the .404 will stop him all right, but will seldom crumple him quite so completely as will the .416" -- John Taylor, Big Game and Big Game Rifles, (Ch. IX)

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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:44 pm

rajeevbhosale wrote:these are all made in india by M/s KILL ITCH pun
The price seems to have certainly KILL(ED) the ITCH of many to get one of these :wink:

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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by Bespoke » Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:25 pm

winnie_the_pooh wrote:
rajeevbhosale wrote:these are all made in india by M/s KILL ITCH pun
The price seems to have certainly KILL(ED) the ITCH of many to get one of these :wink:
That is very smart :D

The cases seem to be a good workmanship but its hard to judge the quality from the pictures .

I have seen some beautiful vintage guns in new cases and believe me its a big turn off! If its a refurbished gun in a new case its not that bad but a geuine vintage desreves a period case ,If somone want a leather case for thier vintage shotgun or rifle ,Auction houses like Holts,Gavin Gardiner etc are the places to look,Cases come up quiet regulary and for a decent price.
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Re: soft padded gun cases - where to buy?

Post by rajeevbhosale » Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:25 pm

hi guys
i honestly did not know, i would be creating so much criticism for the pricing of my cases, any body interested in buying leather cases should have a look at the cases below, these are original purdey cases with their price tags, rather than shooting up from their chairs after reading my price tag, i simply consider the matter as unawareness on your part , and i take this opportunity to put the facts in place, i would also like all those of you criticizing the pricing to comment


Double lightweight flat case £2,900.00 With outer canvas cover £3,350.00

Double motor case £2,600.00 With outer canvas cover £3,050.00.

These are export prices.

you do the maths , and this can be officially confirmed on [email protected]
see ya

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