Engravers in India.

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Engravers in India.

Post by Young Tiger » Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:29 pm

Hello Everyone!

Does anyone know of good Engravers in india?

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Post by eljefe » Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:22 pm

the usual apocryphal story-friend of a friend said , many years ago, that he knows and has used an OOOOLD man , who engraves guns in Hyderabad.I have seen a couple of 12's allegedly engraved by him...good job.Dont know if its possible now.Can any of our Hyd members help out?
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Post by sat » Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:45 pm

I saw a pair of scope mounts which had been engraved by a gunsmith in Hyderabad, I was not impressed.



Post by mehulkamdar » Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:47 pm

Well, I have seen several jewellers who employ superb filigree artists who could most certainly do some excellent engraving on firearms or anything else. The problem is that the Indian firearms industry is not just dead, it is in a state of rigor mortis - just imagine how much money India could make if the business were opened and fine guns were made in India for export to the world!

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Post by Young Tiger » Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:45 am

Hello Asif,Sat,Mehul

Thank you for your responses.

I am a not sure about Jewellery Engravers can engrave guns because steel is very tough to engrave compared to Gold , silver and other soft metals they are used to and they dont have the proper tools for it.

I have been offered a 16 ga James Purdey & sons shotgun with plain sideplates. I lost my Father when i was 6 years old , He loved Firearms.
I am looking for a good engraver who can engrave his photos on sideplates and underside on this particular shotgun.

Thank you.

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Post by cyrixoutside » Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:19 am


you can offically take to side plates with to UK and get a proper craft man to do the engraving fro you.



Post by mehulkamdar » Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:11 pm


If you want a picture on your gun, then you would need a bulino engraver, and getting that kind of engraving in the UK by someone like Raschid El Hadi or Ken Hunt would cost a fortune. Italy may be a cheaper option, as would the USA. I am not sure that jewellers would mess up that badly - they would need to use diamond tools for this kind of work. I live near a top custom gunsmith, David Norin, and could ask him for you if you want me to.



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Post by jonahpach » Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:25 am

One good option might be Laser engraving! You could get/make the required design on the computer and get it laser engraved. I think there are some laser engravers in India as the equipment is being sold here. Damage on the gun would be minimal even if you dont get the desired results.
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Post by Young Tiger » Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:23 pm

Hello Rajat ,Mehul and Jonah

Rajat this would really be a great option, i will try to find out more about the export process.

Mehul if you can find out more from David it would be really helpful for me.

Jonah , I would like had engraving for this kind of work tha Laser engraving ,one cannot achieve hand engraving quality from laser engraving.

Thank you for your suggestions everyone.

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Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:25 pm


I don't know why I didn't think about this earlier - since you are a member of the IGC as well, Ka'imiloa who posts there regularly is a top engraver along with his wife Kehau. I'll ask Ka'imiloa about bulino work though you are also welcome to contact him on the IGC. He is a very nice man and was a student of Rachel Wells, considered one of the USA's finest gunmakers ever. In any case, Ka'imiloa and I are inr egular touch and I'll send him a mail today and check with him and also tell him to expect a PM/e-mail from you.



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Post by Young Tiger » Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:43 pm

Thank you Mehul,

I am having problems logging onto IGC :roll:

This Gun has always been my dream and Thank you so much for helping.

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Post by HSharief » Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:19 am

I was thinking of getting an engraved trigger guard for my Beretta "made" by some jeweller during my trip to India but never got around to it. What do you guys think, does the trigger guard take a lot of abuse to be not made from say "engraveable" materials by local jewellers.


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Post by Young Tiger » Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:35 am

Hi Sharief.

As Far as i think yes trigger guard is very hard compared to Gold,Silver etc , I've had bad experince with local jewellers engraving on two of my beloved swords although swords were 440C steel but the hilt are made of alot softer steel than blade but they were unable to engrave them aswell.
So before you go to any jeweller for engraving take a small piece of steel with you and ask him for a small sample on that before handing him your trigger guard.

I can recommend you a very good scroll engraver here india,he engraved hammers of a Purdey Double rifle for my friend and results were Fantastic.

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Post by penpusher » Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:12 pm


You can also explore the option of having the engraving on the butt pf the stock.There is a person in sec 26 In Chandigarh who does laser engraving on a no. of materials but unfortunately not on metal. I am very sure that he would be able to engrave a photo on the butt

Take care,

PS-Would give the contact no's later.Have to go to the shop myself.

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Post by mundaire » Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:51 pm

If you are feeling adventurous enough to DIY (do it yourself) - Chapter 19 of a book called Step-by-Step Knife Making (by David Boye) might be of some help. The scanned copy I have is almost 50 Mb so it isn't practical to upload/ download it, but I have extracted the relevant Chapter and made it available for download at the following 2 links.

***Edited to remove the file download links***

Of course you try this at your own risk :wink:

Last edited by mundaire on Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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