Most effective ammunition in 32 ACP available in India

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Most effective ammunition in 32 ACP available in India

Post by Kshatriya » Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:51 pm

What is the most lethal 32 ACP ammo (Brand,Type,Approx price) available in India?
I am currently on FMJs IOF make & would like to change over to HPs.
U.S Army Rifle Cal .30 M1917 Remington Bolt Action
Cal 32 ACP IOF Pistol

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Post by penpusher » Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:45 pm

If you use JHP's in your IOF .32 mag , you run the risk of getting a rim lock.Imported .32 ACP ammo sells at a premium.Even old Kynoch ammo sells for Rs 100/- a cart.You are looking at 150/- per cart. minimum.

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Post by Kshatriya » Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:05 am

Pardon me when I ask what exactlty is a "rim lock" ?
Why does it happen with JHPs & not FMJs ?
An improved magazine...perhaps ?
Have u seen the 12 shot magazine advertised in "spares" section of ?
Any suggestions regarding Brand of JHPs available in India ?
What I want is 2 maximise the impact of my pistol.
BTW I saw somewhere that u have a 45 ACP 1911.Is it on a NPB licence ?
Last edited by Kshatriya on Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
U.S Army Rifle Cal .30 M1917 Remington Bolt Action
Cal 32 ACP IOF Pistol

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Post by cyrixoutside » Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:51 pm


Hollow points will cause jams in almost all the pistols available in india even most of the imported one.

Also all hollow point bullets brands are not made equal, may of them fail to expand and a hollow pint that fails to expand is inferior to a FMJ as its penetration is also less.

Basically in a ideal situation you would get your self a .45 acp or .40 S&W and test all types of hollow points (atleast a 100 rounds of each) at a range to see which brand of bullets your gun like the best and then use those one.

in the indian situation, you would do simply buy the cheapest rounds available shoot about 10 - 20 rounds in the whole year and have faith in god



p.s - .45 acp is P.B and even the 357 is in grey area.


Post by penpusher » Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:42 pm

I 'DO NOT' have a .45 ACP pistol.

Rim lock is when cartridges shift in a mag and the rim of one engages in the groove of the cartridge above and below it (.32 ACP is semi-rimmed ).This is the best I can do by way of explanation.Perhaps somebody else can explain it better.If this takes place,you will have to open up the magazine to take out the cart.Happened with me once,but since the mag. of my pistol has a vertical slot cut into it,was able to take out the cartridges without having to do so.This was while unloading the mag. Have never experienced it while firing the weapon.

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Post by eljefe » Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:17 pm

As advised, find a brand of ammo your weapon likes and break it in.If you have acess to expertise, you may want to polish the feed ramp and think of throating the weapon for that round category.Rim lock is a very real malfunction...
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Post by Kshatriya » Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:34 pm

Thanks for the advice,guys.
I'll get some JHPs & try them out.
If I get frequent rim locks then probably I'd shift back to FMJs.
Besides FMJs & JHPs what other type of ammo would suit the 32 ACP pistol ?
Any opinions on the 12 shot magazine replacement for the standard 8 shot factory issue ?
Is 9mm short a PB ?
U.S Army Rifle Cal .30 M1917 Remington Bolt Action
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Post by cyrixoutside » Fri Jul 21, 2006 9:46 am


9 mm short also called 380 acp is a N.P Bore. However while guns re easily available ammunition is hard to get.



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Post by eljefe » Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:53 am

Rajat, all the good stuff is hard to get :wink:
Found a chap in a coffee plantation so despo for imported ammo, some one conned him into buying 32 ACP winchester SP at atrocious prices and told him he could use it in his 32 Webley-which he was doing...ignorance is bliss?
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Post by eljefe » Thu Jul 27, 2006 12:01 pm

Reg your query about what kind of ammo-see if you can go with a round nose version-not knowing the state of the feed ramp and the chamber of the IOF pistol, you could keep variables limited.RN would help in feed reliability to an extent.JHP may offer a tad more expansion, again hard to predict, but the bullet profile can sometime affect feed...if you have access to a good 'smith -I mean GOOD-not an ex bed pan hawker or scooter mechanic :oops: who understands the mechanics of firearms, ask about the feed ramp polishing.NO more!
Most definitely do not let them lighten the trigger for you-instant karma conversion to full auto-intentional or unintentional :twisted:
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