Winchester Model 70 Rifle
Re: Winchester Model 70 Rifle
The asking price for rifles has increased exponentially in the last couple of years.It's a combination of greed,ignorance and a real shortage of rifles (for which ammo is available)in good condition in the country.
Sights for firearms are in the list of items restricted for import.
Sights for firearms are in the list of items restricted for import.
- Satpal_S
- On the way to nirvana
- Posts: 86
- Joined: Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:27 am
Prices might have increased, but not by what is claimed.
A relative recently(couple of months ago) bought a Remington 700 BDL with Quality Nikon Scope and some imported ammo in 30-06 Springfield. He paid Rs. 160,000.00. Rifle is really in mint condition a 1982 import from original importer. This relative really knows guns, mint is mint. Gun was test fired for function and accuracy before purchase.
He lives in Delhi and had to travel to pick gun from Gorakhpur (whereever that place is). Also bought a BRNO .22 in mint condition from same guy for RS 80,000.
RE: Import of sights being banned as claimed . My wife is on vacation to India currently, took 2 "Centerfire Rifle" Riflescopes and a Air Pistol with her. No problems whatsoever, declared everything and did not even pay any duty.
PS:On a passing note, the days of the iron sight are gone, though available,nobody uses them. In fact most new guns do not have any Iron sights.
A relative recently(couple of months ago) bought a Remington 700 BDL with Quality Nikon Scope and some imported ammo in 30-06 Springfield. He paid Rs. 160,000.00. Rifle is really in mint condition a 1982 import from original importer. This relative really knows guns, mint is mint. Gun was test fired for function and accuracy before purchase.
He lives in Delhi and had to travel to pick gun from Gorakhpur (whereever that place is). Also bought a BRNO .22 in mint condition from same guy for RS 80,000.
RE: Import of sights being banned as claimed . My wife is on vacation to India currently, took 2 "Centerfire Rifle" Riflescopes and a Air Pistol with her. No problems whatsoever, declared everything and did not even pay any duty.
PS:On a passing note, the days of the iron sight are gone, though available,nobody uses them. In fact most new guns do not have any Iron sights.
- HSharief
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We should have a Price Check sub-group on IFG. I nominate Satpal to be the moderator of that sub-group. Anybody who has a question about prices in India should post a message there. This could be a huge public service to our friends who want to know the "real" price/worth of a gun before buying it and being ridiculed on IFG for paying thru the nose.
- Vikram
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Re: Winchester Model 70 Rifle
Mr Satpal,
I read and re-read, had to as I am not as well endowed cerebrally as you claim you are, your posts just to be sure that I got your drift right. Every one of us have opinions, some educated, well informed and some just that- opinions. Yes we are free to exchange both. But, while doing so, the cardinal principle one must observe is to be civil to each other; which I am afraid you have not. You have not only indulged in hurling obloquies re Badshah’s rifle without ever asking him for clarifications, but called his post BS. He asked for help. Did you see what Mark offered? Help. What did you offer? Name calling, denigrating the rifle itself and sundry useless advices about why a 30/06 should not be bought. Not only your attitude is overly patronising but factually incorrect as penpusher said the sights being restricted items. We are not here to tell people what to do. We are here to exchange information and help each other in enjoying our beloved shooting sports.
If everything is hunky dory with Indian situation re guns, we would not be deploring the conditions repeatedly over this forum. We would be out shooting every day. What is your problem if someone pays that kind of money, however unreasonable it sounds as it does to me. It does not give a right to you to call names.
“The only reason firearm prices are so high in India is because nobody knows what to pay”.
You seem to forget the demand and supply principle.
Have them mailed to Dubai or whereever else he is and send/bring them to his brother or whosoever claims to have bought the Gold Covered Rifle.
Your callous disrespect for other members is too evident to disregard. I yellow card you as this is your first offence. Also, I expect you to apologise for your outburst against Badshah’s post which tantamount to a personal attack which is against the forum’s rules. I know that you are a knowledgeable man and this forum benefits from your experience,but in my beliefe you transgressed civilities.I believe in human sense of decency and I hope that you realise your mistake. I will be waiting for your apology to Badshah.
Best regards-
I read and re-read, had to as I am not as well endowed cerebrally as you claim you are, your posts just to be sure that I got your drift right. Every one of us have opinions, some educated, well informed and some just that- opinions. Yes we are free to exchange both. But, while doing so, the cardinal principle one must observe is to be civil to each other; which I am afraid you have not. You have not only indulged in hurling obloquies re Badshah’s rifle without ever asking him for clarifications, but called his post BS. He asked for help. Did you see what Mark offered? Help. What did you offer? Name calling, denigrating the rifle itself and sundry useless advices about why a 30/06 should not be bought. Not only your attitude is overly patronising but factually incorrect as penpusher said the sights being restricted items. We are not here to tell people what to do. We are here to exchange information and help each other in enjoying our beloved shooting sports.
If everything is hunky dory with Indian situation re guns, we would not be deploring the conditions repeatedly over this forum. We would be out shooting every day. What is your problem if someone pays that kind of money, however unreasonable it sounds as it does to me. It does not give a right to you to call names.
“The only reason firearm prices are so high in India is because nobody knows what to pay”.
You seem to forget the demand and supply principle.
Have them mailed to Dubai or whereever else he is and send/bring them to his brother or whosoever claims to have bought the Gold Covered Rifle.
Your callous disrespect for other members is too evident to disregard. I yellow card you as this is your first offence. Also, I expect you to apologise for your outburst against Badshah’s post which tantamount to a personal attack which is against the forum’s rules. I know that you are a knowledgeable man and this forum benefits from your experience,but in my beliefe you transgressed civilities.I believe in human sense of decency and I hope that you realise your mistake. I will be waiting for your apology to Badshah.
Best regards-
It ain’t over ’til it’s over! "Rocky,Rocky,Rocky....."
- Satpal_S
- On the way to nirvana
- Posts: 86
- Joined: Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:27 am
1.When people put artificial prices on forums, it spreads misinformation. Very much like the pump and dump on rumor stock market makers. These people do so on investment forums. A person with principles has to put an end to this.
2.After reading a persons posts for a while, I can tell who actually owns what and who is looking for an opportunity to gossip. Maybe if everybody is so hungry for pictures of guns. I can go to XXXX fine guns downtown and post pictures of his guns for sale for everybody to enjoy. Properly citing that they belong to him not me.
3.A forum such as this should do something constructive. Helping to get licences, locating cheap firearms from private parties etc.. What is happening is gossip and display of new aquisitions.
4.Yellow carded don't scare me an iota, have been in life and death situations, real ones, internet ups and downs don't mean a thing. If I cared for rules and regulations, I would have been a Babu myself, was a Class 1 gazetted officer in my early twenties 27 years ago. Did not like the Indian setup, left and literally even my pets have migrated overseas, let alone my friends and relatives.
Thank the lord for giving me the wisdom, when it was easy to get a visa and the average Indian thought things would improve in future.
5.Worst case scenario being banned:
Do, I need membership in a forum to get what I need for my forthcoming visit to India. No!
No, have arranged to get licences and Firearms, using my old babu contacts. Will even be taking guns with me for my visit from here. Guy at the Indian consulate told me the whole setup, taking guns on visit
Do, I need membership in a forum to get info on guns. No!
The local library has more books on guns than I care to read. If not, the local bookstore is well stocked. Of course the Internet is only a click away, I am knowledgeable enough to look over manufactures web sites. Tons of good info forums abound too.
So what do you say,
PS: Why India is in such bad shape today, it is a country of gun aquirers not shooter and hunters. Nobody has guts to stand upto anything. In America people have a backbone and have some rights. My NRA membership is something to be proud of, NRAI membership till 1980 was just a discount ammo(when available) shop membership (Ammo rationwala)!!!
2.After reading a persons posts for a while, I can tell who actually owns what and who is looking for an opportunity to gossip. Maybe if everybody is so hungry for pictures of guns. I can go to XXXX fine guns downtown and post pictures of his guns for sale for everybody to enjoy. Properly citing that they belong to him not me.
3.A forum such as this should do something constructive. Helping to get licences, locating cheap firearms from private parties etc.. What is happening is gossip and display of new aquisitions.
4.Yellow carded don't scare me an iota, have been in life and death situations, real ones, internet ups and downs don't mean a thing. If I cared for rules and regulations, I would have been a Babu myself, was a Class 1 gazetted officer in my early twenties 27 years ago. Did not like the Indian setup, left and literally even my pets have migrated overseas, let alone my friends and relatives.
Thank the lord for giving me the wisdom, when it was easy to get a visa and the average Indian thought things would improve in future.
5.Worst case scenario being banned:
Do, I need membership in a forum to get what I need for my forthcoming visit to India. No!
No, have arranged to get licences and Firearms, using my old babu contacts. Will even be taking guns with me for my visit from here. Guy at the Indian consulate told me the whole setup, taking guns on visit
Do, I need membership in a forum to get info on guns. No!
The local library has more books on guns than I care to read. If not, the local bookstore is well stocked. Of course the Internet is only a click away, I am knowledgeable enough to look over manufactures web sites. Tons of good info forums abound too.
So what do you say,
PS: Why India is in such bad shape today, it is a country of gun aquirers not shooter and hunters. Nobody has guts to stand upto anything. In America people have a backbone and have some rights. My NRA membership is something to be proud of, NRAI membership till 1980 was just a discount ammo(when available) shop membership (Ammo rationwala)!!!
- Mark
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Re: Winchester Model 70 Rifle
Unfortunately you cannot answer this reply because I just banned you, but please let me explain why I have done this, so that you may learn and hopefully apply it to other areas of life.
One of the reasons why I initially frequented this site is because of all of the mutual respect and politeness I see demonstrated amongst the members of this forum. You have no idea what a great honor and responsibility I consider it to be the only American asked to be a moderator here. I see many personal qualities here that have fallen from use in my country over the last few decades.
It is unfortunate, but I have been seeing those qualities demonstrated in many of the choices you have been making in response to others' postings, and when you are gently warned about this behavior, instead of reflecting on it you choose the typical "don't scare me an iota" response.
Instead of thinking that someone trying to pressure you, please realize they are trying to point out unhealthy behaviors and attitudes on your part and perhaps you might live fractionally happier should you listen to what others suggest.
In closing, you can think what you want of me and my actions, and tell yourself that I am bullying you for speaking your thoughts, but I suspect this is not the first time something like this has happened to you, and that is what you need to meditate about in your contemplative times.
Unfortunately you cannot answer this reply because I just banned you, but please let me explain why I have done this, so that you may learn and hopefully apply it to other areas of life.
One of the reasons why I initially frequented this site is because of all of the mutual respect and politeness I see demonstrated amongst the members of this forum. You have no idea what a great honor and responsibility I consider it to be the only American asked to be a moderator here. I see many personal qualities here that have fallen from use in my country over the last few decades.
It is unfortunate, but I have been seeing those qualities demonstrated in many of the choices you have been making in response to others' postings, and when you are gently warned about this behavior, instead of reflecting on it you choose the typical "don't scare me an iota" response.
Instead of thinking that someone trying to pressure you, please realize they are trying to point out unhealthy behaviors and attitudes on your part and perhaps you might live fractionally happier should you listen to what others suggest.
In closing, you can think what you want of me and my actions, and tell yourself that I am bullying you for speaking your thoughts, but I suspect this is not the first time something like this has happened to you, and that is what you need to meditate about in your contemplative times.
"What if he had no knife? In that case he would not be a good bushman so there is no need to consider the possibility." H.A. Lindsay, 1947
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Its uncalled for and its sad to say the least some one of your experience and background who obviously is so knowledgeable ….
Congrats you could arrange for guns to India..always knew there are two set of rules for public. That piques it was 10 degress and windchill of negative artic freeze and I stood 2 hours outside Indian consulate for a visa. hyperthermia nearly set in..I mean cannot even arrange a visa imagine if I walk up to information counter ( Window number 7..very important East coast guys..) and yell gun India permission..they will call the police on me or debar me….Life is not fair..I cant even get extra bottle of Whisky out of customs..
I know some one last year who bought a Winchester 3006 for Rs 2.5 Lakhs..he traded in his pump shotgun ... It was a two way trade and he had to take it to avoid the lic hassles. Badshah circumstances could be no different. Nice guns are hard to come by then there is the pressure of running out of gun purchase grace period etc. Who knows?
Its uncalled for and its sad to say the least some one of your experience and background who obviously is so knowledgeable ….
Congrats you could arrange for guns to India..always knew there are two set of rules for public. That piques it was 10 degress and windchill of negative artic freeze and I stood 2 hours outside Indian consulate for a visa. hyperthermia nearly set in..I mean cannot even arrange a visa imagine if I walk up to information counter ( Window number 7..very important East coast guys..) and yell gun India permission..they will call the police on me or debar me….Life is not fair..I cant even get extra bottle of Whisky out of customs..
I know some one last year who bought a Winchester 3006 for Rs 2.5 Lakhs..he traded in his pump shotgun ... It was a two way trade and he had to take it to avoid the lic hassles. Badshah circumstances could be no different. Nice guns are hard to come by then there is the pressure of running out of gun purchase grace period etc. Who knows?
Re: Winchester Model 70 Rifle
Jack O' Connor, one of the greatest gun writers ever, described the Model 70 as "the rifleman's rifle" and today, some of the top custom rifle builders in the USA like David Miller and Darcy Echols use the Model 70 action as a basis for building their masterpieces. Your brother has something really nice.
If you do not find sights for it in India let us know and we may be able to help. I could also give you the dontact details of some gun shops in Kuwait that you could check with.
Best wishes and good shooting!
Jack O' Connor, one of the greatest gun writers ever, described the Model 70 as "the rifleman's rifle" and today, some of the top custom rifle builders in the USA like David Miller and Darcy Echols use the Model 70 action as a basis for building their masterpieces. Your brother has something really nice.
If you do not find sights for it in India let us know and we may be able to help. I could also give you the dontact details of some gun shops in Kuwait that you could check with.
Best wishes and good shooting!
Re: Winchester Model 70 Rifle
Due to the elections in Punjab,a ban has been imposed on the carrying of firearms till March 2.If anybody is found carrying firearms during this period,it would result in the confiscation of the firearm and a visit to the local lock up,babu contacts or no.
PS-As far as the price of 30-06 rifles goes,there is no fixed price.It all depends on what the seller wants and what the buyer is willing to pay.
PS-As far as the price of 30-06 rifles goes,there is no fixed price.It all depends on what the seller wants and what the buyer is willing to pay.
- Shooting true
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Re: Winchester Model 70 Rifle
Hi Every one!!!!!!
Thanks a Lot Mack The Knife,Mark,ngagerwal,Vikram,satpal,mehul,All members & Moderators for ur replies & Suggestions.
I just tried to find out solution /suggestions regarding my requirement but seems it changed in to confusion.
I think i have clearly mention in English language that the sight required is for my friends rifle(exactly the same)I never wrote that its sights are missing or it is a junk. or comming from storage.
I am on IFG for past few months,but anyone can check that i have never wasted time on fairytales or rumors.
Few more details of my rifle:
1) Serial No.-907956
2) Pic Shown here is not orignal,taken from Web As i could not bring them because of lack of time but soon i ll get them,but it is exactly the same as in pic ( no Diffrence)Same condition shown in pic.
3) the rifle is brand new ,we broked its company tag with serial number(tied on the trigger gaurd)Fired the first shot ,Also fired.distructor Ammo(fedral make)with green plastic tip.imported by one of my friend(shop owner)
4) already mounted Bushnell 3x9x50 bushnell scope which i took from here.
5) Sight is required from another rifle(same model)my friend have it,its sight was broken while adjusting it,I had already made a new sight exactly the same as it was (buckhorn),but he needs orignal sights,want to keep them for future.may be it can come to my use also if in anycase ill loose my orignal sights.
6) Regarding the price,The receipt made by shop was for Rs 16000/-so no proof.
I think there are rarely guns available in market which are in brand new condition.most of them are reconditioned,Blued,Chamber altered,Barrel changed,Stock changed,Its the Same situation like 45yrs old women getting married,patched up with Lipstick,Makeup,Bleaching,Facial.Etc Etc. to hide wrinkles & Age.
OK ,I have also sold my revolver(.22 IOF for Rs 50,000/-,i bought it for 32,000/-last year from shop) on this trip,Now i require a good condition .22lr pistol /rev.,Can any one help me getting it in reasonable price(according to ppl reasonable price should be 60k).I am sure the answer will be NO.
And if i ll buy a Baretta for Rs 2Lakh & later post its pics & detail ,then i ll get same kinda replies,eg.-""VERY EXPENSIVE,,,,NOT MORE THAN 1 Lacs.,,,LAST YEAR MY FRIEND TOOK FROM PRIVATE PARTY FOR 80K""
This is my special request for my dear JAT friend,if he is really so experienced regarding spotting BS,GAPPs,& actuall price,,plz arrange a pistol for me at ur approved prices.Ill Wait for ur help!!!!!!!!!
Satpal bhai this is India,,Yahan aaj bhi Webly revolver is treated as platinium,buyers ready to buy for Rs 2-2.5 U.P.& for your info this is not my first rifle,its our 9th rifle.Already Kept IOF ,Saako,remington,brno,savage,etc
Soon i ll post the Close up Pic ofsights.(Rear & front)
P.S ;Mark plz let me know the exact model of my rifle from the serial number,& more details regarding it.Mehul plz help in getting the material.Mack The Knife bhai ur suggestions also required.Request all experts for there help.
Thanks a Lot Mack The Knife,Mark,ngagerwal,Vikram,satpal,mehul,All members & Moderators for ur replies & Suggestions.
I just tried to find out solution /suggestions regarding my requirement but seems it changed in to confusion.
I think i have clearly mention in English language that the sight required is for my friends rifle(exactly the same)I never wrote that its sights are missing or it is a junk. or comming from storage.
I am on IFG for past few months,but anyone can check that i have never wasted time on fairytales or rumors.
Few more details of my rifle:
1) Serial No.-907956
2) Pic Shown here is not orignal,taken from Web As i could not bring them because of lack of time but soon i ll get them,but it is exactly the same as in pic ( no Diffrence)Same condition shown in pic.
3) the rifle is brand new ,we broked its company tag with serial number(tied on the trigger gaurd)Fired the first shot ,Also fired.distructor Ammo(fedral make)with green plastic tip.imported by one of my friend(shop owner)
4) already mounted Bushnell 3x9x50 bushnell scope which i took from here.
5) Sight is required from another rifle(same model)my friend have it,its sight was broken while adjusting it,I had already made a new sight exactly the same as it was (buckhorn),but he needs orignal sights,want to keep them for future.may be it can come to my use also if in anycase ill loose my orignal sights.
6) Regarding the price,The receipt made by shop was for Rs 16000/-so no proof.
I think there are rarely guns available in market which are in brand new condition.most of them are reconditioned,Blued,Chamber altered,Barrel changed,Stock changed,Its the Same situation like 45yrs old women getting married,patched up with Lipstick,Makeup,Bleaching,Facial.Etc Etc. to hide wrinkles & Age.
OK ,I have also sold my revolver(.22 IOF for Rs 50,000/-,i bought it for 32,000/-last year from shop) on this trip,Now i require a good condition .22lr pistol /rev.,Can any one help me getting it in reasonable price(according to ppl reasonable price should be 60k).I am sure the answer will be NO.
And if i ll buy a Baretta for Rs 2Lakh & later post its pics & detail ,then i ll get same kinda replies,eg.-""VERY EXPENSIVE,,,,NOT MORE THAN 1 Lacs.,,,LAST YEAR MY FRIEND TOOK FROM PRIVATE PARTY FOR 80K""
This is my special request for my dear JAT friend,if he is really so experienced regarding spotting BS,GAPPs,& actuall price,,plz arrange a pistol for me at ur approved prices.Ill Wait for ur help!!!!!!!!!
Satpal bhai this is India,,Yahan aaj bhi Webly revolver is treated as platinium,buyers ready to buy for Rs 2-2.5 U.P.& for your info this is not my first rifle,its our 9th rifle.Already Kept IOF ,Saako,remington,brno,savage,etc
Soon i ll post the Close up Pic ofsights.(Rear & front)
P.S ;Mark plz let me know the exact model of my rifle from the serial number,& more details regarding it.Mehul plz help in getting the material.Mack The Knife bhai ur suggestions also required.Request all experts for there help.
- Mark
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Re: Winchester Model 70 Rifle
The rifle was made in 1968.
Yes I know I'm a genius. Psst, you can be too:
The particular flavor of model 70 should be on the barrel- it will probably say something like "Winchester Model 70 featherweight Caliber 30-06 Springfield" or such. Please let me know what it says.
Now in regards to the sights, I am not 100% certain what you need.
There are 4 items that make up the sights:
A front ramp

A front sight bead

A rear sight base

And a rear sight blade

To even further complicate matters, the heights of all these can vary due to the particular barrel taper, but we can figure that out later.
At any rate, please post up which parts, or all 4, that you need and we can move on.
The rifle was made in 1968.
Yes I know I'm a genius. Psst, you can be too:
The particular flavor of model 70 should be on the barrel- it will probably say something like "Winchester Model 70 featherweight Caliber 30-06 Springfield" or such. Please let me know what it says.
Now in regards to the sights, I am not 100% certain what you need.
There are 4 items that make up the sights:
A front ramp
A front sight bead
A rear sight base
And a rear sight blade
To even further complicate matters, the heights of all these can vary due to the particular barrel taper, but we can figure that out later.
At any rate, please post up which parts, or all 4, that you need and we can move on.
"What if he had no knife? In that case he would not be a good bushman so there is no need to consider the possibility." H.A. Lindsay, 1947
- Shooting true
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Thanks a lot Mark!
Amazing ,,really quick one.
very soon i ll post the details.
Amazing ,,really quick one.
very soon i ll post the details.
Mark";p="11739 wrote: Badshah,
The rifle was made in 1968.
Yes I know I'm a genius. Psst, you can be too:
The particular flavor of model 70 should be on the barrel- it will probably say something like "Winchester Model 70 featherweight Caliber 30-06 Springfield" or such. Please let me know what it says.
Now in regards to the sights, I am not 100% certain what you need.
There are 4 items that make up the sights:
A front ramp
A front sight bead
A rear sight base
And a rear sight blade
To even further complicate matters, the heights of all these can vary due to the particular barrel taper, but we can figure that out later.
At any rate, please post up which parts, or all 4, that you need and we can move on.
"Strength is not about how strong u can kick, it's about how strong the life is kicking u and u standup again to keep on going"
- Mark
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- Location: Middle USA
Re: Winchester Model 70 Rifle
Since you are doing that, there are some measurements you can take as well that can help choose the proper sights the first time-
1) spacing between the 2 rear sight screw holes
2) Spacing between the 2 front sight holes, or there may just be 1 screw hole
3) Diameter of barrel at both the front and rear sights, measure at the front screw hole
4) Length of barrel
5) Diameter of barrel at the muzzle
That is most likely a little more information than we need, but it would not hurt to get it and then we can start figuring from there.
Realize the height of both fromnt and rear sights is affected by the taper of the barrel.
Talk to you later!
Since you are doing that, there are some measurements you can take as well that can help choose the proper sights the first time-
1) spacing between the 2 rear sight screw holes
2) Spacing between the 2 front sight holes, or there may just be 1 screw hole
3) Diameter of barrel at both the front and rear sights, measure at the front screw hole
4) Length of barrel
5) Diameter of barrel at the muzzle
That is most likely a little more information than we need, but it would not hurt to get it and then we can start figuring from there.
Realize the height of both fromnt and rear sights is affected by the taper of the barrel.
Talk to you later!
"What if he had no knife? In that case he would not be a good bushman so there is no need to consider the possibility." H.A. Lindsay, 1947