Amateur Institute of Modern Shooting (AIMS) - Pune

A list of shooting clubs & associations in India. This includes state associations as well as NRAI affiliated rifle clubs.
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Re: Amateur Institute of Modern Shooting (AIMS) - Pune

Post by mundaire » Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:46 pm

ankitankit aka crazeeankit do you NOT UNDERSTAND the meaning of the word suspension? Registering a new ID to circumvent a suspension/ ban is grounds for an automatic PERMANENT BAN on this website. I'm letting you off this time, but pull another stunt like that and you are out of here FOR GOOD. Your account is on a 24 hour suspension, so cool your heels and come back tomorrow.

In the meantime do read up on the rules -
the expected code of conduct -

Please learn to respect the rules here i.e., if you wish to interact further on this community.


P.S. Also, please spare us the text speak/ sms lingo. No one here appreciates it!
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Re: Amateur Institute of Modern Shooting (AIMS) - Pune

Post by hvj1 » Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:59 pm

prashantsingh wrote:"Enter the Dragon" ......................crazeeankit.
"Return of the Dragon"..................ankitankit.

-- Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:15 pm --
Heyy people!!
I am xtrrreeeamly sorry but i might hav mistaken here!!

I am not sure if amko67 & Tushar Kothari are two diffrent ppl or a single entity..
I thought amko67 is Tushar Kothari because he was d one who wrote d advertisement about Amateur Institute Shooting.

But the whole scene is 100% true
This thing happened to me yesterday itself!!
You are not sure? :roll:
Then you go and do something stupid like registering yourself again, mister you are skating on thin ice, consider yourself very lucky that you have been let off!

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