Remington Spartan 310/Baikal for trap
- Learning the ropes
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- Location: Cleveland,Ohio/Pune, India
Remington Spartan 310/Baikal for trap
Guys I use a Remington Spartan 310/Baikal 12 gauge for trap. Its a field gun and bought it thinking it would be something to check if I like the sport. (around here you cant rent shot guns and whenI started shooting, id'nt know people who did).That was the first mistake since I later learnt that the guns for trap are made for the sport. Well the recoil on the gun does not bother me a much, but there was something i could not pinpoint.
So decided to trade it for a different one, tried out the Franchi, Mossberg (lower end ones at sporting good stores) and the fit just was'nt there and was just getting $200 for mine.
Weekend before last had an opportunity to test a very old (seems it is more than 50 years old) single shot 20 gauge (cant remember the name) and the gun fit like a glove, came easily to the sholder and right to sight without crinching my neck. So quickly measured it up and think have figured out my probelm, my gun is at least 2 inches longer and the buttplate is 2 1/2 inches higher than where I think it would be comfortable for me.
So am having an aluminum plate made to mount before the butt pate and have drilled holes at 1 inch increments to find the best position and will be ready for next weekend. If things work out fine, have 2 options chop off the stock to compensate for the length or have a new stock made with the correct position.
So decided to trade it for a different one, tried out the Franchi, Mossberg (lower end ones at sporting good stores) and the fit just was'nt there and was just getting $200 for mine.
Weekend before last had an opportunity to test a very old (seems it is more than 50 years old) single shot 20 gauge (cant remember the name) and the gun fit like a glove, came easily to the sholder and right to sight without crinching my neck. So quickly measured it up and think have figured out my probelm, my gun is at least 2 inches longer and the buttplate is 2 1/2 inches higher than where I think it would be comfortable for me.
So am having an aluminum plate made to mount before the butt pate and have drilled holes at 1 inch increments to find the best position and will be ready for next weekend. If things work out fine, have 2 options chop off the stock to compensate for the length or have a new stock made with the correct position.
- HSharief
- Shooting true
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- Joined: Tue May 23, 2006 6:11 pm
- Location: Misriganj
I think you might be spending too much money and time on a "basic" gun. If you think you will be shooting much, I'd say you should atleast go for an Remington 870 or Browning BPS. There are various stock options available, like youth models that may fit you out of the box. Going for an inexpensive Double will give you lots of heartache later if you shoot a lot.
I'd suggest you make a trip to some of the big stores in your area where you can try (shoot) the gun. The nearest from Cleveland I can recommend is Jaquas in Findlay, OH. Think carefully and long. PM me if you want to talk.
I'd suggest you make a trip to some of the big stores in your area where you can try (shoot) the gun. The nearest from Cleveland I can recommend is Jaquas in Findlay, OH. Think carefully and long. PM me if you want to talk.
Re: Remington Spartan 310/Baikal for trap
A single shot gun will not be sufficient for trap shooting if you wish to take it up further.
In most trap rules you are allowed 2 shots at a target. A hit on the first shot gives you 3 points while a hit from the 2nd barrel or shot ( if a pump or auto ) will give you 2 points.
See if you can get a proper fit stock lenght and suitable barell to swing in a Over Under, if not then pump or auto, or at the very least a side by side dbbl weapon. Should be easy in OHIO. Plenty of dealers there. I know of people who have bought excellent used weapons in Ohio for $ 150 to 200.
In most trap rules you are allowed 2 shots at a target. A hit on the first shot gives you 3 points while a hit from the 2nd barrel or shot ( if a pump or auto ) will give you 2 points.
See if you can get a proper fit stock lenght and suitable barell to swing in a Over Under, if not then pump or auto, or at the very least a side by side dbbl weapon. Should be easy in OHIO. Plenty of dealers there. I know of people who have bought excellent used weapons in Ohio for $ 150 to 200.
- Satpal_S
- On the way to nirvana
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You mention your single shot is 20 gauge.
With a 20 unless you hit the target ASAP the bird will be lost. A 20 in the hands of an expert can be used effectively at the standard 16 yards. However for a newcomer, it is not adequate.
Like the other members have mentioned. Go for at least a 12 gauge 870 Pump, buy a used cheaper kind with synthetic stock for $150 or so. The standard Mod choke tube that comes with this gun gives excellent pattern coverage for 16 yards trap.
PS:In informal trap you can do quite well with a pump. In case you get addicted, in a couple of years you may progress to Doubles/Handicap. Then you will need to upgrade to an O/U Trap gun.
You mention your single shot is 20 gauge.
With a 20 unless you hit the target ASAP the bird will be lost. A 20 in the hands of an expert can be used effectively at the standard 16 yards. However for a newcomer, it is not adequate.
Like the other members have mentioned. Go for at least a 12 gauge 870 Pump, buy a used cheaper kind with synthetic stock for $150 or so. The standard Mod choke tube that comes with this gun gives excellent pattern coverage for 16 yards trap.
PS:In informal trap you can do quite well with a pump. In case you get addicted, in a couple of years you may progress to Doubles/Handicap. Then you will need to upgrade to an O/U Trap gun.
Re: Remington Spartan 310/Baikal for trap
Are you looking at shooting US rules trap or the ISSF matches? Or, is this practice for hunting? ALl of which would require different aproaches..
Like virtually everyone else has said here, a 20 bore may not be good for trap. It would help markedly if you shot a 12. Also, these days most Gander Mountain Stores have an on site gunsmith to do basic gunsmithing work though if you have a friend who could help with a knowledge of woodworking metalsmithing he would be able to help you as well. Gander Mountain also has some good used guns at decent prices and, you could check on Gonbroker or Auctionarms and get a gun transferred through an FFL dealer for about $ 25 if you like.
If you make it to Chicago, let me know and you'll be most welcome to try a few different guns with me. That said, I just might be travelling a little on business over the next few weeks so let me know when you would be coming if it is in the near future and we could catch up and get a little shooting.
I would request you to avoid using the word "weapon" for guns here. The term does not refer to the sporting use of firearms and is a term used mostly by anti hunters in this part of the world as well as In India.
Are you looking at shooting US rules trap or the ISSF matches? Or, is this practice for hunting? ALl of which would require different aproaches..
Like virtually everyone else has said here, a 20 bore may not be good for trap. It would help markedly if you shot a 12. Also, these days most Gander Mountain Stores have an on site gunsmith to do basic gunsmithing work though if you have a friend who could help with a knowledge of woodworking metalsmithing he would be able to help you as well. Gander Mountain also has some good used guns at decent prices and, you could check on Gonbroker or Auctionarms and get a gun transferred through an FFL dealer for about $ 25 if you like.
If you make it to Chicago, let me know and you'll be most welcome to try a few different guns with me. That said, I just might be travelling a little on business over the next few weeks so let me know when you would be coming if it is in the near future and we could catch up and get a little shooting.
I would request you to avoid using the word "weapon" for guns here. The term does not refer to the sporting use of firearms and is a term used mostly by anti hunters in this part of the world as well as In India.
Re: Remington Spartan 310/Baikal for trap
For competition shooting, the difference between 12 Ga and 20 Ga is narrowing down.
Today, be it skeet or trap, the cartridges for both 12 and 20 Ga have the same load, 24 grams or 7/8 Oz, and the same amount of powder.
The choke being similar, the shot pattern too is very close, although it is superior in a 12 Ga.
The 20 is lighter to handle, while the 12 Ga being a heavier gun recoils less. This is particularly important in competition shooting where one may end up shooting 50 to 75 rounds in under 40 to 50 minutes, and in practise where 50 shots in 35 to 40 minutes are common.
I am sure we will have International level skeet / trap shooters in the forum. I would welcome their expert opinion on this please.
Today, be it skeet or trap, the cartridges for both 12 and 20 Ga have the same load, 24 grams or 7/8 Oz, and the same amount of powder.
The choke being similar, the shot pattern too is very close, although it is superior in a 12 Ga.
The 20 is lighter to handle, while the 12 Ga being a heavier gun recoils less. This is particularly important in competition shooting where one may end up shooting 50 to 75 rounds in under 40 to 50 minutes, and in practise where 50 shots in 35 to 40 minutes are common.
I am sure we will have International level skeet / trap shooters in the forum. I would welcome their expert opinion on this please.
- HSharief
- Shooting true
- Posts: 568
- Joined: Tue May 23, 2006 6:11 pm
- Location: Misriganj
Shahid, good point about the amount of shot in 12 and 20g. However, we're spoilt here in the US where 1 & 1/8 oz of shot is prevelant. I've switched to 7/8 oz this year and doing good so far. Have'nt got any 25 straights yet, lots of 24s. Shot 2 24s today too. Mind you, I'm talking about American trap, not Olympic
VJ, I'll still recommend starting with an 870. Lots of options with it, if you want to play around. Then I'm sure later you'll want to upgrade to a nice O/U, Beretta/Browning. Mehul'd probably say some English ones.

VJ, I'll still recommend starting with an 870. Lots of options with it, if you want to play around. Then I'm sure later you'll want to upgrade to a nice O/U, Beretta/Browning. Mehul'd probably say some English ones.

- Learning the ropes
- Posts: 21
- Joined: Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:05 am
- Location: Cleveland,Ohio/Pune, India
Thanks for the input guys, I use a 12 gauge Reminton 310 (baikal) for Trap, the 20 gauge as a friend gun that I got to try for fit. Actualy he made the end plate which I tried and it fits very nicely on the gun. Unfortunately I do not belong to any private ranges and the only private range closes at 3:00 everyday so have to wait for the weekend to try it out.
You are right I should start saving and buy a good gun since I am enjoying the sport and hope to keep on enjoying myself.
HSharief, I will try and make a trip to Jaquas sometime. I have a friend who has made the plate for me, will see how it goes. With the gun as is I get about 18/20 consistently and occassionally go around 23/24 but still need more practice.
Mehul, actually dont know the in's and out's of the sport and just plain go to shoot, the only training I get is pointers from watching people shoot and occassionally people come up and offer suggestions. I was hoping the practice at the trap would gear me up for the huting season, boy was I wrong, i missed everything i tried shooting peasants and rabbits so still have a long way to go. The rabbit season is commingto an end too so let see how that pans out. Will try and take you up on the Chicago trip this summer.
You are right I should start saving and buy a good gun since I am enjoying the sport and hope to keep on enjoying myself.
HSharief, I will try and make a trip to Jaquas sometime. I have a friend who has made the plate for me, will see how it goes. With the gun as is I get about 18/20 consistently and occassionally go around 23/24 but still need more practice.
Mehul, actually dont know the in's and out's of the sport and just plain go to shoot, the only training I get is pointers from watching people shoot and occassionally people come up and offer suggestions. I was hoping the practice at the trap would gear me up for the huting season, boy was I wrong, i missed everything i tried shooting peasants and rabbits so still have a long way to go. The rabbit season is commingto an end too so let see how that pans out. Will try and take you up on the Chicago trip this summer.