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The Indians For Guns Speed SHooting Air Rifle match

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:26 pm
by mehulkamdar

This is to revive an old discussion from the Yahoogroup boards and I hope that our friends in Kerala have been able to organise their match as they had planned - should be coming up in June sometime if I remember right. Good luck to them.

To reiterate the concept, the match would involve shooting at three targets with a non repeating, open sighted Indian air rifle (with a 5 point penalty for an imported air rifle and a further 5 point penalty for a scoped one) at 20, 15 and ten yards first in an approaching sequence and then in a moving away sequence. There would be a firm time limit - to be decided - and after the elimination rounds the limit would be reduced by first 25% over the first round time limit and then by a further 25%. Targets would be the standard ISSF 10 metre air rifle match targets and any hit in the black would qualify for the elimination rounds and scoring would take place in the later rounds depending on the ring hit.

This is based on the match concept of the Big Game Rifle Club of Australia and it's North America wing and my thanks to them for this air rifle match based on their fantastic express rifle matches.

Please post with your experiences and views. We should have the rules organised very soon so that members may organise matches in their respective cities/towns/states on a friendly basis. I would also request any dealers among us to sponsor the matches by selling pellets at discounts and putting up stalls at the venues if possible. This would help move the sport onwards very smartly.

Best wishes to everyone,


IFG Match in Hyderabad

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:41 pm
by ravindrareddym
Dear Kindly Provide all the Contact Numbers & Address of Members who are located in Hyderabad and are interested in IFG Match in Hyderabad.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:40 pm
by mehulkamdar
Dr Reddy,

Thank you very much for this initiative. I hope the other Hyderabad members would reply and that we would have our first IFG match very soon.



Seeking inof on Air shooting Sport!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 3:07 pm
by Anil
Hi All,

I'm Anil. After a long search i could found something on net regarding Air Shooting Sport. i'm very much interested in this but dont have any info. could you please give me some info like how to start and where to enroll? I'm in Hyderabad.

Looking forward to your reply.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:30 pm
by horribleharshad
Mr. Mehul,
I'm not sure I understand the rules. I've stated air rifle shotting ( formal- ISSF style) and know some people who would like to shoot. I'm also planning to buy myself an air rifle soon, and hope to be able to organise sometime in the future - as near as possible.