Hello folks; thought to maybe share some videos of my shooting adventures. Here is a match I shot this April. Not great as we were dealing with 40 degree (Farenheit!) weather which made reloading slow and clumsy with cold fingers...
It's funny - I did well at this match - top 20%, but have gotten a bit better since that it's almost embarrassing to watch....
Re: Action Pistol
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:23 am
by aadhaulya
Remarkable shooting and speed. IN India, except for recognised shooters we would be able to fire these many rounds over a minimum period if 5 years only. Lucky you.
Action Pistol
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:40 am
by PeterTheFish
Here is a stage from a match last month. Much better in some ways, but after blazing through first two mags (match rules are max 10 rounds / mag) I dropped two mags during reload. I got a bit flustered and so lost count and missed one too many plates, leaving one standing (5 second penalty added to stage time). What should have been a 12-13 second run was turned into a 20+ second run after penalty. Counting rounds remaining and plates standing under stress is hard!
Here is similar stage from May this year w my Stock Class gun.
And one more, but with much smaller targets!
Action Pistol
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:05 am
by PeterTheFish
Smaller local matches are usually head to head - you and another shooter shooting an identical layout with first to knock all plates and the stop plate down first to win.
This was a nice run but again some technical errors. Got all pins down with first 5 shots in just 2.88 seconds from draw. Proceeded to then shoot a 6th shot at a pin rolling off the table, and worse still, reload even though I had 4 rounds left and only 3 plates. You can see my opponent shooting on the right.
Re: Action Pistol
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:05 am
by PeterTheFish
Last one in my phone - from a July ProAm style match. Basically a fixed time per stage, whoever gets most plates overall wins.
This is my first summer shooting matches involving movement, so a lot of basic mistakes. Had to rack slide while coming to third position - that ate up time. Also lost count of rounds there and stayed still while reloading - big no no.