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why keep POI few cm above POA

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:15 am
by shooter.177cal
in pistol shooting (10m-air) why it widely adopted technique that pistol sight should be adjusted in such a way that Point of impact should be few cm above the point of aim.

some say that targets 7,8,9, 10 rings are black and therefore when we keep POA and POI same then differentiating sight position becomes difficult as pistol sight is also black.

if anyone has an another answer to this, it would be very helpful if you share it.

Re: why keep POI few cm above POA

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:05 am
by RA.50
Dear Members,

Even I have been pondering over "why keep POI few cm above POA" for quite sometime now and no definite conclusions so far

But, Since this topic has been raised, I wish to know and understand the proper reason and the concepts of POI and POA

My Method for 10M/25M Pistol: POA = a little below POI i.e at 6 o Clock and squeeze the trigger and the Pellet/round lands at POI = 10X. This is how I practice and its working quite well so far

If the procedure followed by me is correct, Then, How do cops/defense people target their objects?

For E.g : If a Defense personnel has to give a Head Shot to a Terrorist then Should his POA be the Chin?

Or does it depend on the distance from where he's shooting? or any other specific criteria's are involved ?

Please help us in understanding this topic

Thank you


Re: why keep POI few cm above POA

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:02 pm
by marksman
In pistol target shooting discipline, the concentration is supposed to be on the correct alignment of iron sights which stands out better against white background. It's up to an individual wether he prefers 6th,7th or 8th ring at 6 "O" clock. In fact the bull should look blurred when concentrating on sights by the very virtue of the way the nature has designed human eyes. Also, as you assumed the black sight will merge with the bull and throw the shooter off in his/her estimate of alignment.

Re: why keep POI few cm above POA

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:29 pm
by brihacharan
> This is a question for fellow IFGian hvj1...
> My problem with using a 6 o'clock hold when target shooting is that the black (bull's eye) appears wider than the front sight on the target card.
> Now trying to get a black front sight centered in a black bull's eye can be difficult when there's not much color contrast between the sight and the bull's eye.
> This is my personal experience...
> In which case would using a colored bead on the front sight help?

Re: why keep POI few cm above POA

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:37 am
by shooter.177cal
thank you for answers. and for question to get a productive discussion rolling.

Re: why keep POI few cm above POA

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:44 am
by brihacharan
Hi hvj1,
> Could you please enlighten us on this....
shooter.177cal wrote:
In pistol shooting (10m-air) why it widely adopted technique that pistol sight should be adjusted in such a way that Point of impact should be few mm above the point of aim.

Some say that targets 7,8,9, 10 rings are black and therefore when we keep POA and POI same then differentiating sight position becomes difficult as pistol sight is also black.