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New to shooting sport
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:41 pm
by Navisra6577
can anybody give the answers of following questions of mine plz..
1. i have an old break barrell .22 calibre pellet air rifle, can i use it in any of the compititions..if not which rifle u suggest so that i can take part and handle it easily?
2. do i have to wear the ISSF standard clothes during the compitions?
3. do i need to get registered with any rifle clubs to take part.
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:36 pm
by brihacharan
Navisra6577 wrote:
can anybody give the answers of following questions of mine plz..
1. i have an old break barrell .22 calibre pellet air rifle, can i use it in any of the competitions..if not which rifle u suggest so that i can take part and handle it easily?
2. do i have to wear the ISSF standard clothes during the compitions?
3. do i need to get registered with any rifle clubs to take part.
Your queries will best be answered by fellow IFGian airgun _novice who is a regular participant in shooting competitions.
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:25 pm
by fantumfan2003
Welcome to IFG
1. i have an old break barrell .22 calibre pellet air rifle, can i use it in any of the compititions..if not which rifle u suggest so that i can take part and handle it easily?
Only .177 (4.5mm) calibre is allowed in air rifle competitions, which are 10mtr Air Rifle and 10mtr Air Pistol
Several options for .177 cal are available from Rs.25000 to Rs.200000+
2. do i have to wear the ISSF standard clothes during the compitions?
Yes it is recommended for 10mtr Air Rifle Category. Shooting jacket, trousers, shoes and glove.
3. do i need to get registered with any rifle clubs to take part.
Yes. A club that is affiliated to a District Rifle Association
Where are you from ?
Navisra6577 wrote:hi..
can anybody give the answers of following questions of mine plz..
1. i have an old break barrell .22 calibre pellet air rifle, can i use it in any of the compititions..if not which rifle u suggest so that i can take part and handle it easily?
2. do i have to wear the ISSF standard clothes during the compitions?
3. do i need to get registered with any rifle clubs to take part.
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:55 pm
by Ganesh TT
Welcome to IFG Navi
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:03 pm
by Navisra6577
thanx for welcoming me to ifg
fantumfan2003 wrote:
Where are you from ?
i'm from district Bathinda, Punjab
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:06 pm
by Navisra6577
fantumfan2003 wrote:
2. do i have to wear the ISSF standard clothes during the compitions?
Yes it is recommended for 10mtr Air Rifle Category. Shooting jacket, trousers, shoes and glove.
are these clothes material can be available at outer market just for the looks customization (but basically it will be according to ISSF standards)?
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:08 pm
by airgun_novice
Navisra6577 wrote:hi..
can anybody give the answers of following questions of mine plz..
1. i have an old break barrell .22 calibre pellet air rifle, can i use it in any of the compititions..if not which rifle u suggest so that i can take part and handle it easily?
2. do i have to wear the ISSF standard clothes during the compitions?
3. do i need to get registered with any rifle clubs to take part.
Thank you brihji and FF - ditto to what FF said with a few additions -
1. Seeing that you are 19, you would soon be termed "adult" - so recommend you to get into peep sight AR. Like FF said price has a wide range and look towards higher end for a good competition rifle. You *WILL* need to get started though so use club rifle on rent to determne if you are cut for AR or AP - ONLY INVEST THEN.
2. Jacket and trousers as per current specs are a must for AR - check ISSF handbook for accurate specifications. You can download the same from their site. No such paraphernalia for AP. ONLY .177 cal in AP/ AR events. Many clubs won't even allow .22 cal AR inside. You can use it for "plinking" at home for joy - follow safety rules everywhere. Should you choose to get into AP then follow hvj1's TOPS thread which is a big help for AP shooters. Good luck and welcome.
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:22 pm
by Navisra6577
thanx for this airgun_novice..
and thanx all other people thanx a lot..
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:30 pm
by Vikram
Welcome to IFG, Navi. All the best with your sporting ambitions.
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:13 pm
by Navisra6577
can i use .177 calibre Hammerli AR20 for the competition matches...?
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:27 pm
by bennedose
Navisra6577 wrote:can i use .177 calibre Hammerli AR20 for the competition matches...?
I had never heard of this 1000 dollar rifle till you mentioned it. I Googled for it and found that it comes bundled with a telescope and no open sights. I think telescopic sights are not allowed for competition.
With respect Navisra - have you seen the type of shooting done by competitive shooters? They make a single hole at the center of the target and then they keep on pumping pellet after pellet through the same hole. I wonder, why have the target - just leave the hole.
I think I am a good shooter and if I shoot ten pellets at a target you can count ten holes . That type of shooting is no good for competition. It's called lousy shooting.
You need to start shooting first before you talk of competition.
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:30 am
by airgun_novice
Navisra6577 wrote:can i use .177 calibre Hammerli AR20 for the competition matches...?
Please check the ISSF handbook for specifications, including speed of ejected projectile. All "Go-Go" then you can go "ga-ga".

The ISSF handbook does not list fave manufacturers of AR or Jacket-trouser etc. but merely the specs that they must adhere to. The subsequent Qs you raised would have been answered had you finished reading the handbook. No shortcuts for the "mehanat".
Since you are from Punjab, I suppose you would need to check directly with the NRAI on state/ district/ club membership norms.
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:09 pm
by fantumfan2003
More info here......
Just be sure you buy the model with peep/aperture sights.
Navisra6577 wrote:can i use .177 calibre Hammerli AR20 for the competition matches...?
Re: New to shooting sport
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:13 pm
by fantumfan2003
The AR20 comes in two versions.
One is meant for 10mtr Air Rifle as below
and the other is the FT version meant for Field Target sport as below. ... Rifle/2444
The second one is obviously not allowed in 10mtr Air Rifle competitions.....
bennedose wrote:Navisra6577 wrote:can i use .177 calibre Hammerli AR20 for the competition matches...?
I had never heard of this 1000 dollar rifle till you mentioned it. I Googled for it and found that it comes bundled with a telescope and no open sights. I think telescopic sights are not allowed for competition.
With respect Navisra - have you seen the type of shooting done by competitive shooters? They make a single hole at the center of the target and then they keep on pumping pellet after pellet through the same hole. I wonder, why have the target - just leave the hole.
I think I am a good shooter and if I shoot ten pellets at a target you can count ten holes . That type of shooting is no good for competition. It's called lousy shooting.
You need to start shooting first before you talk of competition.