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grip size for 9.2 cm wide hand palm
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 12:34 pm
by amarinder
I am going to buy walter lp 400 . Which grip size will suit my hand whose palm width is bw 9-9.2 cm?
Re: grip size for 9.2 cm wide hand palm
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 1:42 pm
by tirpassion
The palm width should be measured from the the knuckle of the index finger to the knuckle of the little finger. The best thing is to lay your shooting hand (face down) flat on a piece of white paper and draw the contours with a pencil or a ball point pen. Then measure the distance from the knuckles as said above.
Now if that is 92mm as you said, please go for size L because Walther grips are a bit smaller that the Morini grips. If the palm rest has at all any gap, you can fill it up by pasting a piece of leather.
best regards
Re: grip size for 9.2 cm wide hand palm
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 3:42 pm
by brihacharan
tirpassion wrote:Hello,
The palm width should be measured from the the knuckle of the index finger to the knuckle of the little finger. The best thing is to lay your shooting hand (face down) flat on a piece of white paper and draw the contours with a pencil or a ball point pen. Then measure the distance from the knuckles as said above.
Now if that is 92mm as you said, please go for size L because Walther grips are a bit smaller that the Morini grips. If the palm rest has at all any gap, you can fill it up by pasting a piece of leather.
best regards
> Hi tirpassion,
> AP grips seem to be a major problem with most shooters....
> Here's a "DUMB" solution....
> What if one were to get a 'cylinder of putty clay' and grip it like an AP... the palm & finger marks would get embedded on it... after this get a good carpenter to chisel out the shape on wood... sand it to a good finish
> Would this solve the problem... your comments please
Re: grip size for 9.2 cm wide hand palm
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 4:02 pm
by tirpassion
Briha Sir,
I do not think that it will solve the problem. The grip has to be so that the second phalanges of the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger (the little finger is not very important) is in contact with the frontal part of the grip to exert moderate pressure to pull it back towards the ball of the thumb. Now, the vertical alignment of the second phalanges should be parallel to the barrel axis (if you are to draw a line through the 2nd phalanges towards the ball of thumb passing through the grip, the line should be parallel to the barrel).
The conception and construction of a grip is highly complicated. It needs years of experience to understand a grip and proper gripping. I am personally far from that experience

. I have destroyed 4 grips to learn that the best thing is to confide in the manufacturer's capabilities

. Should I need to add more?
best regards
Re: grip size for 9.2 cm wide hand palm
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 4:09 pm
by tirpassion
This is how you should measure the width. Please see the image. If it is 92mm please go for L grip. I would advise you not to hurry and get a proper sized grip.
best regards
Re: grip size for 9.2 cm wide hand palm
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 5:01 pm
by brihacharan
tirpassion wrote:Briha Sir,
I do not think that it will solve the problem. The grip has to be so that the second phalanges of the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger (the little finger is not very important) is in contact with the frontal part of the grip to exert moderate pressure to pull it back towards the ball of the thumb. Now, the vertical alignment of the second phalanges should be parallel to the barrel axis (if you are to draw a line through the 2nd phalanges towards the ball of thumb passing through the grip, the line should be parallel to the barrel).
The conception and construction of a grip is highly complicated. It needs years of experience to understand a grip and proper gripping. I am personally far from that experience

. I have destroyed 4 grips to learn that the best thing is to confide in the manufacturer's capabilities

. Should I need to add more?
best regards
Hi tirpassion,
> Looks like " One cannot come to grips" with one's AP grip
> Your explanation more that elucidates the 'dilemma' of every aspiring AP shooter!
> My submission arose out of what the well known home appliance company Hoover did long ago to perfect the grip of their "Iron" used for pressing clothes... They made several women with varying palm sizes hold a rod of putty clay as if they were gripping the handle of an Iron & go through the motions of ironing. Then out of the several samples collected by them... they fashioned a grip that was ideally suited to hold an Iron while pressing clothes
> My sympathies are in order with every AP shooter
Re: grip size for 9.2 cm wide hand palm
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 5:44 pm
by amarinder
All my life I have been so proud of my large hands but they are irritating me now . my hand is around 10 cm wide when i measure it with face down . this will only delay my new ap but competetions are getting closer.
for walter lp 400, beyond which width should i buy large grip? and also there are confusing terms for lp 400 grips , what do they mean?