How to start off in shooting sports?

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Re: How to start off in shooting sports?

Post by kiran2608 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:52 pm

Hi Abhijeet,

I started with a CO2 revolver and after gaining some confidence, I have joined in a shooting club. There I started using the basic firearms with recoil.

Recoil happens only with fire arms and blow back is the term used for even gas operated pistols.

Now my question is, is this blow back as accurate as recoil or more accurate?

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Re: How to start off in shooting sports?

Post by Puneet Sharma » Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:26 am

hlo friends

i applyed for gun licence for 12 bore as home defense and 32 bore revolver.and now my licence file at the SSP office may be it take 20 days to issus my licence.I cleared all police level verification now i want to use my revolver in shooting sports.

now my problem is can i shoot with my .32 revolver at all these Pistol events?
25M Rapid Fire Pistol
50M Pistol
25M Centre Fire Pistol
25M Standard Pistol

bcz friends now i don't able to change my revolver licence into pistol. and i don't want to change. bcz i have no big budget to buy imported pistol. i have save my money for ammunition.

Now plz tell me friends can i shoot with my 032 revolver at all pistol events???

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Re: How to start off in shooting sports?

Post by mundaire » Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:15 pm

The first 2 and 5th event listed by you are limited to handguns chambered for the .22 LR cartridge.

You can very well use your .32 IOF revolver to participate in the 25M centrefire event. HOWEVER, please keep in mind that by doing so you are trying to run a race on only one leg...

If your local shooting association/ club rents out match pistols, you would be best advised to rent one of those for participating in competitions.

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Re: How to start off in shooting sports?

Post by Puneet Sharma » Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:31 am

It's mean revolver is less accurate then pistol?

And I am from punjab and may be near me there is no club that give me a rental pistol..

After issue my license can I change buying permission of revolver into pistol?

And ifo make. 22 pistol? it is good for me to participate in events

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Re: How to start off in shooting sports?

Post by mundaire » Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:22 am

I mean IOF made revolver or pistol are NOT designed for target shooting competitions. These are designed as self-defense handguns and serve that purpose adequately, even if they are not cosmetically all there.

Target models (rifles/ pistols) are specialised guns, no one makes them in India.

To the best of my knowledge there are clubs/ ranges in Punjab, maybe you haven't searched enough? I'm not sure of what facilities they offer, that's something you'll need to find out on your own.

Most people who enter pistol shooting do so by first acquiring a quality air-pistol and practising with that, prior to moving up to centre-fire/ standard/ free pistol competitions.

There is an entire thread here on how to start out with pistol shooting, have you read the complete thread?


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Re: How to start off in shooting sports?

Post by Puneet Sharma » Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:02 am

Bro if iof revolver or pistol not for sports then may be I am going to waste my money on it.. Bcz it's not use full for me.

Bro now I think best for me that I am start with air pistol. ... 46441.html
Bro this pistol is for good to practice at home? if in your knowledge other type of pistol in this range then tell me. After practice at home I will go to the range and one range is near me ( 50 km) that range offer only practice on important air pistol but not give to membership bcz this is only range. No club..

I decided I will buy low cost pistol which link I send. Then after practice I will go to range. Then I buy a top class of air pistol.This good for me bro??

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Re: How to start off in shooting sports?

Post by RoyalSingh » Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:59 am

Hello Abhijeet,
thanks for the golden tread and the guidance.
Would be travelling back from Taiwan next month, could you suggest some good Taiwanese .177 caliber Co2 pistol.

PS: Also am looking out 2 references for my NRAI/ DSRA membership, anyone willing to autograph my application form?

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Need a refillable compressed air cylinder in Mumbai for filling my air pistol's cylinder for training.

Post by Bhishm » Wed Dec 14, 2016 4:31 pm

I need to buy a refillable compressed air cylinder in Mumbai so that i can practice with my Morini CM162E. i am a renowned shot shooter. I'm not able to practice because in the range the pressure of the refilling cylinder is very low and as the pistol is electronic one so it's trigger gets locked up as the pressure in the cylinder of the pistol gets to 100. So i need my own cylinder in order to continue my practice efficiently. Can somebody help me with this problem.

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